
  • 1984 Volume 3 Issue 4
    Published: 15 December 1984

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  • Wu Lili, Ma Wenzhang, Tang Yuan
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    This paper deals with distributive regularity of brine with high-boron content (B2O3 is higher than 400 mg/1). This paper is based on the data of more than 90 saline lakes obtained from Qinghai-Xizang field obtervations and laboratory studies.The component,water-chemical properties and formative con-ditiont of the brine are also discussed in this paper. It has been discovered that boron not only coexists with Li+,K+,Mg2+,but also is well interrelated to them; but then, the content of boron is inversely proportionate to that of magnestium in carbonate-type's brine. The reason why there is difference of water-chemical components between the brine of Chaidamu Basin and Northern-Xizang is explained here. We also inquired into the material source of the brine rich in B3+, Li+, K+, R+, Cs+, F+, As3+, and the contributing factors of high-boron brine.
  • Yue Lianyuan
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    Taking the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River as a typical example, this paper deals with the problem about the formation and evolution of braided,channel with stable island.Two fundational requirements are necessary for the formation of braided channel with stable island. 1. Sediments are deposited in the centre of a river, 2. Deposited sediments become some srable deposit bodies with a cetrain shape.In order to attain these requirements it is necessary that various conditions of the river itself, including geological, geomorphological and boundary conditions, coming water and coming sediments should be combined in a certain way, In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River these conditions are as follows.1. The geomorphological condition with alternate wide and narrow seetions. This brings about the difference of stream power along the river and then the difference of depositing places. Besides, the free shift of the channel in lateral direction is also confined.2. Different geologic structures along the river. It is discovered from the data of natural conditions and experimental researches that crustal subsidence favours the widening of the channel and the formation of central bars or islands, while crustal uplift cuts down the channel and forms straight and single channel.3. The moderate erodibility of the channel boundary makes the channel moderately widened and sediments deposited in the centre of the river.4. For the properties of the coming sediments there must be a suitable proportion between the rolling and suspended materials, i.e. the former occupies 13.7% and the latter 25.7%. This makes the deposited sediments become a stable island. From a lot of historical records and real measured material, we obtainthe evolutional law of the braided channel with stable island as follo'ws.1. At first a lot of piecemeal central bars are formed in the river, then they gradually combine with each other, develop and become islands, and then move down-stream; or side bars are formed and cut by the flow and become central bars, and then the above sequence goes on repeatedly.Thus is the general law of the formation and development of the braided channel with stable island.2. After the braided channel with stable island is formed, the status of every branching channel changes alternatively itself, some develop and others weaken or even die off, then new branching channel is formed again.3. The period in which the alternation between the main channel and the branching, channel is performed is relatively long, from decades to hundreds of years, so the braided channel possesses relatively stable property.The internal-mechanism of the formation and evolution of braided channel with stable island can be explained by the hypothesis that a river has a tendency to minimize its rate of energy dissipation. Depending on the concrete conditions of a river and its changes, it can adjust itself to achieve this purpose. The concrete conditions of the Yangtze river are just the case to force the channel to become a braided one with stable island by means of automatic adjustment.
  • Fang Rukang
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    Energy resources are the important material basis to realize the socialist four modernizations and to raise the living standards of the people.Studying the problems of the energy resources has been one of the three strategical measures to quadruplicate the annual gross industrial and agricultural output by the year 2000. It is very important to make a study of the current situations and rational utilization of energy resources in China.The article begins with a discussion of the concepts and types of energy resources, then emphasizes the reserves, the distributions, the characteristics and the problems of development, and closes with the prospect of the energy resources in China.The total reserves of the energy resources are large, yet their per capita average value is lower in China. Moreover, as the energy resources are not proportionately distributed, remote transport is very expensive and raises the cost.The article analyses the characteristics and problems, (a) the energy industry develops rapidly, (b) the coal is the chief item in the energy resources, (c) energy resources are in great proportion spent in industry, (d) the rural districts mainly spend biological energy resources, thus destroying agricultural ecology, and (e) low utilization and high waste of the energy.The article puts forward some suggestions. (a)to make technological transformations and economize on energy resources, (b) to establish a comprehensive energy system and use all energy resources and export second energy, (d)to develop both water and fire electricity,especially water electricity,and(e) to accelerate the developing of new energy resources.At last,the article points out that China has large energy resources,a fairly developed industry and technology. The urgent matter for today is to design a plan of energy resources development with a foresight and sagacity.
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    As a part of the study of Keshan disease and kaschin-Beck's disease are associated with geographical environment, We have collected 236 soil samples from various natural zones in China and analysed their selenium content by fluorence spectropotometry.The frequency of se-content in the soils mainly shows a logarithmicnormal distributions, so geometric average is adopted in this research work. The results obtained are as follows.1. The average Se-content in the soils in China is 0.16 ppm, that is, lower than the mean Se leve in the soil of the world.2. The geographical distribution of the Se content in the soils shows a beltformal regional differentiation. The belt, that consists of dark-brown forest soil, black soil, drab soil, dark Loessial Soil, purple soil, Alpine-and Sub-alpine meadowsoil,is a low selenium zone of soil running from northeast to southwest in China. The average Se contents in the soils in this belt range from 0.06 to 0.12PPm. So there are other two belts in the Northwest and the Southeast on both sides of the low selenium zone, and their average Se contents in the soils range from 0.11 PPm to 0.32 PPm. This situation of the soil Se geographical distribution is similar to that for the grains and also for the human hairs.3. In the Northwest belt with arid and semiarid features, the Se contentsof soils in the eluvial landscape in the mountains are lower than that in the subordinate landscape in the basins and the flood-fan deltas. It indicates that the activity of selenium in alkaline environment is higher. In the red-Yellow soil zone in the Southeast, on the contrary, the Se contents of soils on mountains and hills are higher than in the fluvial plains. It indicates the Se-accumulation in the re-yellow soil.4. Within the low selenium zone, the Se contents in the Black soil and Dark-brown forest soil are higher than in the drab soil, dark loessial soil and purple soil. The Se contents in the soils on the mountains, hills and high plains are lower than the Se contents in the cultivated fluviogenic soil on the plains and fluvial terraces.5. The low selenium soil zone corresponds to the regionswh ere the keshan disease and Kaschin-Beck's disease in man and white Muscle disease in animal occur. The difference of the soil Se contents between the disease region and the nondisease region is significant statistically. It Shows that the low selenium content in the soils is the one of the basic factors leading to low Se content in the grains and therefore the occurrence of the disease in low selenium regions.Finally, the paper also discussed the factors, which influence the distribution of Se in soils, and the possibility of increasing the Se content in the grain by improving the soil to prevent the disease.
  • Zhou Zhide
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    At present the study of channel geometry of alluvial streams is almost restrieted with empirical method in the realm of plain trar.t which ma nly carries suspended load.In this paper, according to the field data, using the ratio of threshold velocity and bankful velocity as index (Fig.1), the alluvial streams can be divieded into two main categories with different sizes of bed material, one is the river reach of gravel bed which is under the condition of threshold of motion, the other is the reach with sand bed which is with a live bed. The latter can be further divided into two sub-kinds, one is the reach of cobble bed which mainly carries bed load and the other is the reach of sand bed which mainly carries suspended load. There are two schools in the design of canals, tractive-force theory and regime theory, which are not two opposite ones but are the summary of two different kinds of motion of bed material t It is consistent with those of natural streams. The same law governs the motion of bed material of natural streams and canals.The downstream relations of hydraulic geometry of the said three types of river reaches are analysed with unified method in this paper. At the present time there are two approaches in the study of hydraulic geometry of rivers,one is the empirical approach propoed by Leopold et al.,and the other is a theoretical one. The latter is a method by solving simultaneous equations of the relations of the hydraulic and sediment variables. In this paper the two approa ches are combined together, using the equable distribution of variance among width, depth, velocity and stream power per unit bed area as a supplementary equation, and the equations for the downstream hydraulic geometry of alluvial rivers of the three types are obtained.For the threshold condition, equations (16) to (10) are of downstream hydraulic geometry, which are similar to the results of Li et al.For the bed load condition, equations are (24) to (27) are of downstream hydraulic geometry by using Dou's bed load formula; equations (29) to (32) are slightly different if other bed load formula is used such as Engelund-Hansen formula used in this paper.For the suspended load condition, equations are (37) to (40) are of downstream hydraulic geometry, which are similar to the results of Dou[11] and Langbein[12].Comparing the results of this paper with the field data, and other authors'results which are shown in figure 2 and table 4, the agreement is satisfactory.
  • Duan Yuewei
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    On the basis of the summer (June-August) precipitation data of China in the recent 31 Years (1951-1981), we divide into Drought-Flood years and months, and select the last four years (1978-1981) as an example.In 1978, the Southern provinces of China were in severe drought. In 1979, except for some local regionas in drought or flood, generally they were in normal year. In 1980, Southern China was wet and Northern China dry and in 1981 Western China wet and Eastern China dry. By using steamline field, potential equivalent temperature and moisture, we discuss the relationship between the interannual variation in summer monsoon and Drought-Flood. We here mainly analyse low latitude 700mb surface of the southern and northern hemisphere for 1978-1980, so as to understand some relationships between different original cnrrents of summer monsoon and Drought-Flood. The results are as foollows. 1. In the severely drought year of 1978, the position of subtropical high was by east and by north and meridional cirulation prevatiled China was under the influence of intense SE current, The cold air was so weak that drought was persistent in the southern part of China. 2. In 1980, the streamline field was apparently different from that of 1978. The situation of subtropical high was by forward west and permanent stable. Three different currents influenced China, east of 110°E It was the SW current from the ahead ridge, SW current was also present coming from the Bay of Bengeal and the crose equator current, These three systems of thermal and moist currents were convergent at the southern part of China. Simaltaneously the northern cold air moved southward continuously, so that rainfall was persistent in Jianghuai river, and thus became anomalous climate of Southern flood and Northern drought in China.3.During 1979, the subtropical high normally moved from south to north.Both thermal and moist sw current (coming form northwest Pacific Ocean and the Bay of Bengal) stretched forward to China and rainfall was nearly normal.Therefore the interannual variation of summer monsoon and the sitation and strenght of subtropical high are closely associated with the low latitude circulation of the southern and northern hemisphere.
  • Zhang Bozhi, Dong Ruifang
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    By way of stepwise discriminant analysis, this paper analyses and inquires into the general method of agricultural regionalization, including fundamental ideas and structure of pattern.
  • Huang Bingwei
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    In 1957, Dr. Zhu Kezhen led a group of scientists conducting investigations on the Hainan Island and the Peninsula of Leizhou. The findings of this group were summarized in a report by Dr. Zhu in the same year. His observations may be briefly stated as follows.1. The development of tropical land will inevitably lead to conversion of the natural ecosystems (biogeozenes) to more productive systems to better serve the society.2. Much attention was paid to the plantation of tropical economic crops. With respect to rubber, the selection of suitable land, shelter belt, vegetal cover, soil conservation and high yielding cultivars adapted to the environment of Hainan were strongly recommended. About the same applied to other tropical crops as well, but, in addition, research on plants naturally growing in the region was stressed.3. Self-sufficiency in staple food production should be the minimum goal, while the extension of sugarcane and pineapple cultivation to meet the need of other regions of China was advocated. Distribution of crops in conformation with the physical environment was advised,and along with this, diversification was suggested. Efforts were called to establish sustained production systems. Measures to increase food production as stipulated included better land management, higher yield and increased multiple cropping. Development of irrigation and expansion of fertilzer supply were mentioned as the key to higher yield of food crops.Livestock production was viewed as a means both to provide meat and other animal products and to supply manures for crops. Green manures and local resource of liming materials were also regarded as important to raising crop productivity.4. Deforestation and other vegetation destruction was seriously worried about for its inducement to soil erosion and its harmful effect on water resour-es. Importance was tacitly accorded to forestation, as witnessed by much discussion in the report on tree species adaptable to various types of terrain. In connection with forestation, firewood production end again shelter belt establishment were reted as useful and indispensable. Nature reserve was also tacitly highly valued, since it was strongly recommended in his other reports.Since 1957, significant progress has been made in scientific research on tropical environment of the world. Simultaneously, considerable changes have taken place in Hainan. A no small fraction of rubber plantation has gone around to attain fairly high productivities mainly consequent upon the adoption of measures stated in 1. There has been a growth in agricultural production, but still part behind self sufficiency in staple food. Remarkable achievements have appeared in scene in planting quick growing trees in some coastal tracts. Irrigation has developed on a moderate scale, although leaving much to be desired.Changes may be noted in all other aspects, but not impressive.A tragedy is that annual forest depletion surpasses annual forest growth. The need to reverse the tendency is becoming more and more urgent. In view of the recent advances in scientific knowledge of the tropics and developments in the situation of Hainan, the majorty of Dr. Zhu's observations in 1957 still hold good today.Recently numerous investigations have been undertaken on the problems of the development of Hainan. In the Symposium on Hainan in Guangzhou in 1983, organized by the China Association for Science and Technology, a number of proposals were presented. I agree with most of them. But their implementation would require many years and heavy overhead expenditures. In my opinion, Leucaena leucocephala may serve as cheap alternatives for the solution of many problems.It will supply fuelwood, timber,wood pulp, fertilizers and animal feed, control soil erosion, slow down deforestation, improve soil properties, and help to make reforestation less difficult.Its potentialities are not fully understood.
  • Liu Yue, Liang Qizhang, Jin Xueying
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    The Data Base for Administrative Units of the People's Republic of China has stored standard codes and coordinates of more than 2300 counties. It is divided into four data files, that is, arc records, coordinates data, polygon records and chaining from arcs to polygons, and it includes more than 30 routines, which are used for the establishment and management of the data base, as well as for statistical analysis and for making thematic maps. This data base is based on minior microcomputer and suitabe for statistical analysis and mapping within the whole country, province or region. In the last two years it has been used in various statistical mapping such as population mapping, etc, and the efficiency is much better than by using traditional method.This paper describes the aims, functions and utilizations for designing the data bank, its content, data capture method, data organization, and its application
  • Hsieh Huanjiang
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    In this paper, natural calamities recorded in literatures and modern meteorological observation data are adopted to study the climatic changes of Guangdong province during the 16-20th century and its tendeney in the future climate.During the recent 500 years, the history of the climate of Guangdong province can be divided into 4 cold periods (-1537 year, 1636-1729 year, 1831-1894 year and 1950-now) and 3 warm periods (1538-1633 year, 1730-1830 year and 1895-1949 year). They are shown in the table, The coldest periods were 1636-1729 and 1831-1894, There ware two cold periods, the cold period of the 17th century was the longest, with a duration of 93 years. And the other cold period occurred in the 19th century, which continued for 63 years. It was colder than that of the 17th century.In the 3 warm periods, the warm period of the 20th century is the warmest, in addition, the cold period of the 20th century (modern climate) is warmer than that of the l6-19th century.The climate of Guangdong was dry in the 16-17th century and was humid in the 18-19th century. The climate now is more humid than the 16-19th century and similar to the climate in the 18th century. It is possible that the climate of Guangdong will become warmer by the coming century.In the winter seasons at present, the lowest temperature was raised by 3.2℃, and the January mean temperature was raised by 1,8℃ approximately higher than that of the 16-19th century.
  • Zhu Shouquan, Shan Guangzun, Hu Jichang, Yang Jingsoug, Wang Zunqin
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    The South-to-north water transfer is a magnificent project in China, which brings excess water from the Yangtze River in the south to the arid areas of North and Northwest China. The proposed East Transfer Route would pass through and supply water to the Huang-Huai-Hai plain,The liuang-Huai-Hai plain is a weakly or easily salinized region. Owing to the influence of the pacific monsoon, this region has always been suffered from disasters of drought, flooding, salinization and alkalization throughout the history. Under this specific natural condition and human activity, sail salt-water movement is significantly characterized by seasonal changes. Soil is in the process of modern salinization,only varying in degrees of salt accumulation with location and times. Therefore, in the design and implement of the South-to-north Water Transfer, attention should be paid to the control of soil salinization. Alter the water is transferrer, the irrigation area in the Huang-Huai-Hai plain will be enlarged. There will be a beneficial effect on improving water condition of this region, leaching soil salt and promoting agricultural production. At the same time, the present salt-water balance of the region will be changed. The districts with poor natural drainage and without artifical drainge system might be confronted with secondary soil salinization.If the four lakes in the south of the Huang-He are used as regulation reservoirs in the South-to north Water Transfer project, then the elevation of the original storage level of the lakes will have a definite effect on the drainage of the main channels in the west of the four lakes and on soil salinization.From a long-term point of view, it is necesary to dig deep trough or to deepen the bottom of the lakes to meet the requirment of storage capacity and storage level of the lakes. In addition, the channel of drainage flooding and controlling seepage should be excavated along the west side of the four lakes, to reduce and control groundwater level of the region along the lakes, at the same time, pumping drainage station should be established at the outlet of the main drainage channel, to settle drainage outlet and increase capacity of drainage flooding.The conveyance of water for a long period of time in the main canals, especially in the stretches where the level of transported water is higher than the land surface, would lead to the formation of high-water-table zones on both sides of the canals, owing to a large amount of seepage of canals. The groundwater runoff in the left side of the main canals would impede in varying degrees and block the drainage of underground runoff and might lead to a general increase of the level of groundwater and aggravate soil salinization along the canal. Both an adequate engineering drainage system of controlling or intercepting seepage and an agricultural technique should be considered. At the same time, a scientific management system for the supply of transferred water should be worked out. So long as more attention is paid and appropriate and reasonable measures of water management, agricultural and engineering system are adopted, soil salinization could be prevented or controlled.