地理研究  2015 , 34 (9): 1630-1642 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201509003

Orginal Article


周德12, 徐建春12, 王莉12

1. 浙江工商大学土地研究所,杭州 310018
2. 浙江工商大学土地资源管理系,杭州 310018

Land use spatial conflicts and complexity: A case study of the urban agglomeration around Hangzhou Bay, China

ZHOU De12, XU Jianchun12, WANG Li12

1. Land Institute, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018, China
2. Department of Land Resources Management, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018, China

通讯作者:  徐建春(1961- ),男,浙江金华人,教授,研究方向为土地利用规划、土地管理。E-mail: xujc2002@sina.com

收稿日期: 2015-04-15

修回日期:  2015-07-3

网络出版日期:  2015-09-15

版权声明:  2015 《地理研究》编辑部 《地理研究》编辑部

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41301619)浙江工商大学引进人才科研启动项目(1150XJ2313004)浙江省重点学科“浙江工商大学土地与房地产学科点建设项目”浙江省新兴优势(特色)专业工程项目(2014)


作者简介:周德(1980- ),男,安徽枞阳人,讲师,研究方向为土地利用与冲突管理、土地利用系统分析与调控。E-mail: zhoude520@163.com




关键词: 土地利用 ; 空间冲突 ; 复杂性 ; 时空分异 ; 尺度识别 ; 环杭州湾城市群


Land use conflicts are important and a concern for urban managers, especially in a rapid urbanization areas. Managers need to understand land use conflicts better so that they could make optimal decisions on land use allocations and conflict management. However, land use conflicts are complicated. With the rapid urbanization process, the land spatial configuration of contradictory uses may cause spatial conflicts. The urban agglomeration around Hangzhou Bay (UAHB), China, is a typical rapid urbanization area, and also experienced a significant expansion of urban land and dramatic changes to the urban land use spatial configuration through urban growth and their geographic determinants. In this paper, a case study of spatial-temporal variance and complexity of land use conflict was conducted in the UAHB, as to provide theoretical basis and practical support for managing land use conflict. Based on four dimensions (space - time - scale - gradient) and the analysis of land use system complexity as well as vulnerability and dynamics, the comprehensive index of land use spatial conflicts has been conducted by constructing the comprehensive calculation model and using geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing images (RS) of four years (1990, 2000, 1990 and 2013), and spatial statistics and landscape metrics. The results show that: (1) land use conflicts grade presented an order of general conflicts > moderate conflict > slight conflict > high conflict; (2) the spatial pattern of land use conflicts, characterized by clumps, block and banded space aggregation, showed obvious gradient evolution; (3) with the elapse of time, the spatial autocorrelation of land use conflicts have been waning gradually, and have obvious edge effect; (4) the random factors and structural factors are affecting land use conflicts. The paper concludes that (1) land use conflicts showed an evolvement rule, i.e., equilibrium→break the original balance→the spatial autocorrelation→trend in space→self-organizing (fractal); (2) the development of land use conflicts evolved from the multi-core to the single core model, which means the balanced development of the high degree of integration of urban and rural areas and urban agglomerations.

Keywords: land use ; spatial conflict ; complexity ; spatial-temporal variance ; scale identification ; urban agglomeration around Hangzhou Bay


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周德, 徐建春, 王莉. 环杭州湾城市群土地利用的空间冲突与复杂性[J]. , 2015, 34(9): 1630-1642 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201509003

ZHOU De, XU Jianchun, WANG Li. Land use spatial conflicts and complexity: A case study of the urban agglomeration around Hangzhou Bay, China[J]. 地理研究, 2015, 34(9): 1630-1642 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201509003

1 引言





2 研究区概况与数据来源

2.1 研究区概况

环杭州湾城市群(以下称“城市群”)位于浙江省的北部(118º20'~123º25'E, 29º13'~31º11'N),主要包括杭州、宁波、绍兴、嘉兴、湖州和舟山等6个地级市(图1)。总面积为45400 km2,占全省面积的44%。近20年来,城市群GDP总量先后实现了两次飞跃发展,从1995年的1870×108元增长到2004年的6490×108元,到2013年GDP总量已达到25412.14×108元,占当年全省国内生产总值的67.65%。城市群总人口也由1995年的2211×104人增长到2012年的2413×104人,且城镇人口由1995年的532×104人增长到2012年末的934×104人。

图1   环杭州湾城市群地理位置及主要基础地理信息

Fig. 1   The location of the urban agglomeration around Hangzhou Bay and the spatial patterns of the main roads, rivers and cities

城市群对浙江省的发展至关重要,已成为中国东部沿海城市化进程最快的区域[18]。依据《浙江省环杭州湾地区城市群空间发展战略规划(2004-2020)》及《浙江省环杭州湾产业带发展规划(2003-2010)》,规划期内城市群将打破以往的城市行政区划,更注重城市的抱团发展,建立六大都市区及三大集聚区,新增12个大城市。城镇化水平的提高伴随着城市建成区面积的扩大和耕地面积的减少[11,19]。2004-2013年,城市群城市建成区面积扩大了70%。土地利用特点主要有:① 城市用地规模过度膨胀,耕地、湿地减少;② 各类产业用地的空间竞争激烈,城市边缘区土地利用粗放、低效;③ 生态环境质量的日益恶化,人地矛盾异常突出[20,21],土地利用类型(功能)时空错位[22],土地利用空间冲突显著。

2.2 数据源与处理

主要以1990年、2000年、2008年及2013年4期Landsat TM/ETM遥感影像为数据源(http://www.gscloud.cn),运用ENVI 5.1遥感影像处理软件及ArcGIS 10.1等软件,对研究区不同时期的遥感影像进行图像镶嵌、裁剪、几何纠正、判读解译及精度检验,并参照国家基本资源与环境本底与动态遥感调查数据库的分类体系,将土地利用类型分为建设用地、耕地、林地、草地、水域及未利用地等六种。由于对历史时期土地利用分类结果精度评价相对困难,所以主要利用研究区局部高分辨率的SPORT影像、将实地抽样和收集到的相应时期的地类调查数据进行分类结果修正,最终所有的年份Kappa系数均在80%以上[23]。此外,还收集了研究区基础地理信息数据(来自国家基础地理信息中心1:25万数据库)、《中国城市(城乡)统计年鉴(1990-2013)》和《浙江省统计年鉴(1990-2013)》。将所有数据统一编码后,构建土地利用空间冲突分析基础数据库。

3 研究方法

3.1 土地利用空间冲突内涵的界定


3.2 土地利用空间冲突的测度指数

3.2.1 土地利用复杂性指数(LUAWPFD) 快速的城镇化扩张使土地利用变得更加复杂与破碎,导致土地利用效率低下与空间冲突加剧[17]。分形是描述自然界空间格局和城市地理现象发展空间复杂性的有效工具和重要语言[27-29]。以面积加权平均拼块分形指数(AWPFD)作为土地利用分类斑块的空间复杂性指标来表征土地利用复杂性——土地利用复杂性指数(LUAWPFD),以期反映空间邻域土地利用过程对当前土地利用类型的冲突响应(表1)。

表1   土地利用空间冲突综合指数计算方法

Tab. 1   Calculation methods of land use conflict indices




3.2.2 土地利用脆弱度指数(LUFI) 土地利用空间冲突与土地利用系统脆弱性、土地利用类型之间转换频率和程度有明显的关系。土地利用系统脆弱性主要来自于外部压力的影响,在不同的阶段,土地利用类型对外界干扰的抵抗能力也不同[30]。景观脆弱性指数可用来表示土地利用系统脆弱度——土地利用脆弱度指数(LUFI),是度量土地利用空间单元对来自外部压力和土地利用过程的响应程度的指标(表1)。


结果表明:① 建设用地动态变化最强,然后依次是水域→林地→耕地→未利用地→草地(图2),尽管建设用地最不稳定,但其变化主要为转入过程,则可判别该系统并不脆弱;② 林地、未利用地稳定性变化较大,且从转出概率分析来看,耕地、水域、未利用地变化较大,说明随着城市群城镇化发展,这些土地利用类型与建设用地在时空上存在明显的冲突,研究区大量的耕地被转为建设用地、部分湿地消失、未利用地被进一步利用开发等;③ 相对于研究前期(1990-2000年)与后期(2008-2013年),中期(2000-2008年)标准化转移概率变化最大,说明在时间尺度上,土地利用系统中各个子系统的脆弱度及抗人类活动的干扰能力具有明显的分异特征。

图2   三个时期土地利用类型稳定性排序

Fig. 2   The order of land use types stability in three periods


3.2.3 土地利用稳定性指数(LUSi) 一般来讲,土地利用单元空间形态越破碎,其稳定性越差,空间冲突作用越强[34]。从空间上看,土地利用类型斑块破碎化表现为点状空间的集聚与密度增加、线状空间的扩散与面状斑块空间被进一步分割,进而导致土地利用单元空间网络化[35],可用来表征土地利用系统对土地利用空间冲突的响应。土地利用稳定性可用景观破碎度指数来衡量,即土地利用稳定性指数(LUSi)=1-景观破碎度指数(斑块密度(PD))(表1)。

3.3 分析尺度

分析尺度会影响对“格局—过程”及其运行规律的认识、分析结果的科学性和实用性[37],尺度一般可用粒度和幅度来表示[36]。Zhang等对城市群相关景观指数尺度识别研究认为:在4 km和7 km两个尺度上景观指数存在较大的总体方差,能够充分地保留土地利用/覆被信息[18,37]。本文的研究也进一步验证了关于在4 km和7 km两个尺度上能够充分地保留土地利用/覆被信息的结论,基于这样的结论,以4 km×4 km和7 km×7 km两个采样粒度对土地利用空间冲突单元进行划分,将研究区分为1028和3009个样区,用来计算土地利用空间冲突指数和设计分析尺度。

3.4 空间自相关与半方差分析


式中:n为变量x的样点总数;xixj分别为变量x在空间位置ij上的取值; x̅n个位置的属性值的平均值;Wij是通用交叉积统计中的二元空间权重矩阵W的元素,主要用基于邻接标准或距离标准构建,可以反映空间目标的位置相似性。Moran'I指数反映空间邻接或空间邻近的区域单元的属性值的相似程度。Moran'I指数取值在-1~1之间:大于0意味着存在正的空间自相关,等于0表示不相关,小于0意味着存在负的空间自相关[36]



式中:i=1, 2, …, N(h);h为配对取样的空间距离;N(h)为抽样间距h时的样点对的总数;Z(xi)和Z(xi+h)分别是随机函数Z(土地利用空间冲突指数)在空间位置xixi+h上的值。

4 结果分析

4.1 土地利用空间冲突时空变异特征及尺度效应


4.1.1 数量特征及尺度效应 计算城市群4个年份土地利用空间冲突指数发现,在土地利用空间冲突总体格局和等级数量关系上呈现一定的规律,即一般冲突 >中度冲突 >轻度冲突 >重度冲突,其中以一般冲突和中度冲突为主,占全部冲突等级的60%以上。但在城镇化发展不同阶段和不同尺度上,土地利用空间冲突各等级发展趋势及其规律存在着显著的差异性(图3)。

图3   研究区土地利用空间冲突周期相对变化

Fig. 3   Relative changes of land use conflict in the study area in three periods

首先,在4 km尺度上,前期(1990-2000年)各级土地利用空间冲突基本保持均衡,而到了中期(2000-2008年)和后期(2008-2013年)各级土地利用空间冲突的数量变异逐步增大。三个时期轻度冲突的相对比重主要呈递减趋势,而一般冲突则呈上升趋势;中度冲突波动性较大,前期(1990-2000年)呈上升趋势,中期(2000-2008年)达到稳定,后期(2008-2013年)又开始逐步下降。表明土地利用空间冲突主要在一般冲突和中度冲突两个等级之间转换,可作为未来城市群土地利用空间冲突管理与调控的主要范围。其次,在7 km尺度上,前期主要以轻度和一般冲突为下降趋势,而中度和重度冲突呈上升趋势,到了中期各级冲突基本达到均衡和稳定,后期则呈相反的变化趋势,表现出主要以轻度和一般冲突为上升趋势,而中度和重度冲突呈下降趋势。

结果表明:土地利用空间冲突具有明显的尺度特征(效应),在4 km分析尺度上,表现出均衡→打破均衡→分异的演变规律;而7 km分析尺度上则表现为分异→均衡→分异的演变规律,形成了两种明显不同的演变趋势。说明4 km分析尺度上表现出来的各级土地利用空间冲突的时间维度上具有较强的依赖性和连续性,符合空间变量时空演变规律。

4.1.2 空间特征及尺度效应 空间格局及其全局空间自相关性Moran' I指数(4 km和7 km)分析结果表明:两尺度上土地利用空间冲突空间特征明显(图4):① 呈现团状、块状及带状空间聚集模式分布,且从整个空间范围来看,冲突程度从研究区的西南至东北方向逐渐增强,具有明显的梯度演变特征。② 沿海城市比内陆城市冲突更强。③ 沿道路和生态脆弱带(如钱塘江、千岛湖)冲突明显。④ Moran' I指数均大于0.7,存在显著的空间正自相关性;除2013年外,在4 km尺度上冲突的空间自相关性明显要强于7 km尺度上(图4)。⑤ 不管是 4 km还是7 km尺度上(图5),土地利用空间冲突Moran' I指数均随着粒度的增大,曲线值呈现下降趋势,且在7 km尺度上,当粒度增大到35 km时曲线值出现了明显的拐点,说明在35 km内表现出强烈的空间自相关性(P<0.05),而35 km范围外空间尺度依赖性减弱;相比4 km分析尺度,曲线明显平缓,在35 km左右处并没有出现明显的拐点,说明以4 km为分析尺度更能反映出研究区土地利用空间冲突空间自相关性和尺度特征。

图4   研究区1990年、2000年、2008年及2013年土地利用空间冲突空间格局(4 km和7 km)

Fig. 4   Spatial patterns of land use conflict in the study area in 1990, 2000, 2008 and 2013 (4 km and 7 km)

图5   土地利用空间冲突的Moran' I对粒度变化的响应

Fig. 5   Moran' I of land use conflict index responds to grain changes

根据相关研究的结果[38],区域的空间演变往往具有以下规律:均衡→打破原有均衡→出现空间自相关→出现空间趋势(如周期性)→形成空间自组织(如分形)。结合前文分析,可得到以下结论:① 4 km为最适宜分析尺度;② 土地利用管理措施(如城市规划、土地利用规划和产业规划等)在4 km尺度上对于土地利用空间冲突的调控具有明显的作用。因此,局部空间自相关和半方差分析主要以4 km为分析尺度。

图6表明研究区4个年份空间冲突的高值区和低值区聚集分布规律:① 高值区聚集主要分布于西北地区的嘉兴和湖州两个城市。主要是这两座城市在空间上处于“近沪经济走廊”,说明《浙江省环杭州湾地区城市群空间发展战略规划(2004-2020)》及《浙江省环杭州湾产业带发展规划(2003-2010)》所引导构建的环杭州湾产业带“两圈一廊”的空间布局对土地利用影响明显。② 绍兴的北部沿海地区也是冲突高值聚集区,尤其是城乡结合部及两个城市边缘地带也出现了空间冲突高值聚集区,这与大多数发达城市的土地利用空间特征分布相一致[39]。③ 对比4个年份冲突高值区聚集总体空间格局变异不大,仅宁波地区有明显的降低。④ 低值聚集区主要分布在各个城市的山区,由于这些地区的立地条件对于城市的扩张起到限制作用,不宜作为城市扩张区,结构性因素(比如地形和水资源分布等)对于低值聚集区的影响明显。⑤ 研究区4个年份空间冲突的低—高及高—低聚集区空间分布不明显,土地利用空间冲突存在较弱的空间负相关。整体看,随着城镇化建设的发展,区域城乡统筹发展程度较高且发展趋于均衡。

图6   研究区4个年份土地利用空间冲突局部空间自相关图

Fig. 6   Local spatial autocorrelation of land use conflict in the study area in 1990, 2000, 2008 and 2013

4.2 空间异质性分析

表2给出了研究区4个年份土地利用空间冲突变异函数的拟合模型参数。结果表明:在4 km分析尺度上,4个年份土地利用空间冲突均以球状模型为最佳拟合模型。一般来讲,随机部分(非结构性)与自相关部分(结构性)共同组成了空间异质性,表2中的块金值(C0)表示了随机部分的空间异质性,通常表示较小尺度上土地利用过程引起的空间变异,比如规划驱动下的开发区、产业园建设等局部人类土地利用活动的影响。C代表结构性因素,如气候、水资源、地形等可以导致土地利用空间冲突具有较强的空间相关性的因素。C0/(C0+C)即块金值与基台值的比值,可以表示系统变量的空间相关性程度,比值大小说明了随机性部分或结构性部分引起的空间变异性的程度[39]

表2   研究区4个年份土地利用空间冲突变异函数的拟合模型参数

Tab. 2   Model parameter of isotropic variogram for land use conflict index of four years in the study area


注: 28~40 km为高斯模型(最佳拟合模型)。


首先,从时间上看(表2),1990-2013年C0/(C0+C)维持在0.25~0.50之间且呈逐步增加的趋势。结果表明:① 随着时间的推移,土地利用空间冲突由偏强空间相关性开始转向中等的空间相关性,小尺度的非结构性因素进一步影响着研究区土地利用空间冲突的强度,削弱了结构性因素造成的强自相关作用。② 城市群土地利用空间冲突时间趋势上局部性变异在增强,总体性变异在减弱,反映了微观与宏观两种不同的演变趋势。③ 总的来看,结构性因素仍然是研究区土地利用空间冲突强度空间分异的主导因素(1990年、2000年、2008年和2013年C值分别为0.721、0.696、0.672和0.638)。

其次,由于1990-2013年C0/(C0+C)值总体变化不大,仅以2013年为例进一步分析了粒度变化对空间变异性的影响。结果发现:随着粒度增加,随机部分引起的空间变异性逐步增强,当粒度为40 km时,土地利用空间冲突由非结构性和结构性因素引起的变异基本均等,这与杜国明等对城市人口分布的空间自相关分析结果有所不同[40]。但是这一令人感到意外的结果,却恰好证明了“城市群”在城镇化发展过程中已逐渐成为跨行政区竞争与合作的基础地理单元,城市群土地利用整体空间特征(效应)逐步凸显,所体现出来的是城市群土地利用空间冲突“格局—过程”的总体结构。作为多核心结构的城市群,其土地利用已开始向单核心发展(向长三角中心城市上海方向偏移)。这一结果也间接证明了以城市群作为一个整体区域来分析土地利用空间冲突较之以单个城市为研究对象具有更好的可行性与针对性。

4.3 空间冲突变化时空分异的关键因素分析


一方面,由于城市群城镇化水平的提高,建成区面积的比例随之提高,依次为宁波 >杭州 >嘉兴 >湖州 >绍兴;另一方面,依据城市地理学家诺瑟姆提出“S”型城镇化描述曲线[42],城市群各城市均处于城镇化发展后期,城镇人口比重的增长趋缓慢,经济发展的重点由工业型经济向服务型经济转变。




5 结论与讨论

5.1 结论


(1)1990-2013年,城市群土地利用空间冲突等级数量与空间分布均特征明显。等级数量上表现为一般冲突 >中度冲突 >轻度冲突 >重度冲突,其中一般冲突和中度冲突占全部冲突等级的60%以上;空间分布上,土地利用空间冲突呈现团状、块状及带状空间聚集模式分布,并表现明显的梯度演变特征。


(3)土地利用空间冲突在数量和空间上具有明显的尺度效应。4 km分析尺度上表现出来的各级土地利用空间冲突的时间维度上具有较强的依赖性和连续性,表现出更符合实际的均衡→打破原有均衡→出现空间自相关→出现空间趋势(如周期性)→形成空间自组织(如分形)的演变规律。因此,4 km为可作为确定最适宜分析尺度(采样粒度)的主要依据。


5.2 讨论



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] 叶玉瑶.

城市群空间演化动力机制初探: 以珠江三角洲城市群为例

. 城市规划, 2006, 30(1): 61-66.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

With the Pearl River Delta as a case, this paper discusses the spatial evolution mechanism of urban conglomeration. The impetuses for spatial evolution are divided into three types including natu- ral growth, market forces and government control. Then it establishes a model for the spatial evolution of urban conglomeration.

[Ye Yuyao.

Spatial evolution mechanism of urban conglomeration: A case study of the Pearl River delta.

City Planning Review, 2006, 30(1): 61-66.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

With the Pearl River Delta as a case, this paper discusses the spatial evolution mechanism of urban conglomeration. The impetuses for spatial evolution are divided into three types including natu- ral growth, market forces and government control. Then it establishes a model for the spatial evolution of urban conglomeration.
[2] Zhao Liyuan, Peng Zhongren.

Land system: An agent-based cellular automata model of land use change developed for transportation analysis.

Journal of Transport Geography, 2012, (25): 35-49.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[3] 于伯华, 吕昌河.

土地利用冲突分析: 概念与方法

. 地理科学进展, 2006, 25(3): 106-115.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Yu Bohua, Lv Changhe.

The progress and prospect of land use conflicts.

Progress in Geography, 2006, 25(3): 106-115.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[4] Campbell D J, Gichohi H, Mwangi A, et al.

Land use conflict in Kajiado district, Kenya.

Land Use Policy, 2000, 17(4): 337-348.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0264-8377(00)00038-7      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study explores land use conflict in S.E. Kajiado District, Kenya. The conflict reflects ongoing competition over access to scarce land and water resources between herding, farming and wildlife, that has been conspicuous for over 30 years and is intensifying. While the complexity of the dynamic interactions and land use conflicts can be described, and significant driving forces identified, future outcomes are uncertain. The existing land use pattern represents the contemporary imprint of these interactions and it sets the basis for the future. Understanding the conditions that have created the present should, therefore, assist in devising future development strategies.
[5] 杨永芳, 安乾, 朱连奇.


. 地理科学进展, 2012, 31(11): 1552-1560.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.11.017      URL      摘要

With the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization,rural land-use conflict has become more frequent.It is of great significance to rural development to analyze the forms of land-use conflict and assess its intensity in different rural areas.This paper presents the studies in the distinctive rural areas of Yanling County from 1990 to 2010.Using correlation analysis and principal component analysis,among the 32 driving factors in the categories of population,social economy and agriculture intensification that cause the changes of arable land-use in Yanling County,6 major factors are identified.Based on the studies of structural changes of land-use as well as municipal policies and regulations and their effects on the social and ecological environment,an indicator system is established,and the intensity of the land-use conflict is evaluated by using Pressure-State-Response Index of Land-use(ILU).The results show that the pressure on land-use is increasing on yearly basis,the state is deteriorating,and the response is gradually strengthened.Overall,the intensity of land-use conflict in Yanling County has increased from 1990 to 2010.The three major causes for the intensified land-use conflict are as follows:(1) economic development and changes of economic structures.Increase of farmers income brings changes to way of life and means of work,which in turn affects the composition of workforce and the choice of occupation,and then changes land-use and causes dramatic changes to the industrial structures of Yanling County,leading to intensified conflicts between arable land and construction land,and between arable land and forest land.(2) Changes of agricultural activities.The industrialization of flower and livestock business provides more economic benefits to rural households,constantly drives changes and adjustments in the structure of agricultural activities,and causes land-use conflicts.However,obviously the small business of family-owned contract service conflicts the large-scale operation required by modern agriculture.(3) Influences of the development in science and technology and the government policies,etc. Government policies serve to attenuate the land-use conflicts to some extent.From the conflict management perspective,we propose that government can regulate land-use by utilizing the self-adjustment mechanism of the market and reinforcing the policies on planning.Land-use conflict can be prevented or minimized by improving the effectiveness of land-use through multipurpose planning and balancing,and by standardizing the better ways to use the land.

[Yang Yongfang, An Qian, Zhu Lianqi.

Diagnosis based on the PSR model of rural land-use conflicts intensity.

Progress in Geography, 2012, 31(11): 1552-1560.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.11.017      URL      摘要

With the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization,rural land-use conflict has become more frequent.It is of great significance to rural development to analyze the forms of land-use conflict and assess its intensity in different rural areas.This paper presents the studies in the distinctive rural areas of Yanling County from 1990 to 2010.Using correlation analysis and principal component analysis,among the 32 driving factors in the categories of population,social economy and agriculture intensification that cause the changes of arable land-use in Yanling County,6 major factors are identified.Based on the studies of structural changes of land-use as well as municipal policies and regulations and their effects on the social and ecological environment,an indicator system is established,and the intensity of the land-use conflict is evaluated by using Pressure-State-Response Index of Land-use(ILU).The results show that the pressure on land-use is increasing on yearly basis,the state is deteriorating,and the response is gradually strengthened.Overall,the intensity of land-use conflict in Yanling County has increased from 1990 to 2010.The three major causes for the intensified land-use conflict are as follows:(1) economic development and changes of economic structures.Increase of farmers income brings changes to way of life and means of work,which in turn affects the composition of workforce and the choice of occupation,and then changes land-use and causes dramatic changes to the industrial structures of Yanling County,leading to intensified conflicts between arable land and construction land,and between arable land and forest land.(2) Changes of agricultural activities.The industrialization of flower and livestock business provides more economic benefits to rural households,constantly drives changes and adjustments in the structure of agricultural activities,and causes land-use conflicts.However,obviously the small business of family-owned contract service conflicts the large-scale operation required by modern agriculture.(3) Influences of the development in science and technology and the government policies,etc. Government policies serve to attenuate the land-use conflicts to some extent.From the conflict management perspective,we propose that government can regulate land-use by utilizing the self-adjustment mechanism of the market and reinforcing the policies on planning.Land-use conflict can be prevented or minimized by improving the effectiveness of land-use through multipurpose planning and balancing,and by standardizing the better ways to use the land.
[6] 谭术魁.


. 中国土地科学, 2008, 22(6): 44-50.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-8158.2008.06.007      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The purpose of this paper is to discover the causes on frequent land expropriation conflicts in China in order to provide scientific proofs whereby governments can make policies involving in land conflict management.Methods employed include documentation and deduction.The results indicate that there are some complex causes resulting in numerous land conflicts,mainly including: the governments don't conform to legal procedures in the process of land expropriation;the land expropriation is implemented compulsively;the peasants can't be properly compensated and resettled after land expropriation;the rural and town governments,village committees as well as a few cadre behave randomly;the peasants begin to antagonize and even behave jointly;finally,the local governments have no effective instruments to settle land disputes and land conflicts.

[Tan Shukui.

Analysis on causes of frequent land expropriation conflicts in China.

China Land Science, 2008, 22(6): 44-50.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-8158.2008.06.007      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The purpose of this paper is to discover the causes on frequent land expropriation conflicts in China in order to provide scientific proofs whereby governments can make policies involving in land conflict management.Methods employed include documentation and deduction.The results indicate that there are some complex causes resulting in numerous land conflicts,mainly including: the governments don't conform to legal procedures in the process of land expropriation;the land expropriation is implemented compulsively;the peasants can't be properly compensated and resettled after land expropriation;the rural and town governments,village committees as well as a few cadre behave randomly;the peasants begin to antagonize and even behave jointly;finally,the local governments have no effective instruments to settle land disputes and land conflicts.
[7] 周骏.


. 南昌: 南昌大学硕士学位论文, 2013.

https://doi.org/10.7666/d.Y2402722      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

中国的城镇化在近年来进程明显加快,农村土地问题也由各种因素得影响而愈演愈烈。当前 中国正处在从计划经济向市场经济过渡、从农业社会向工业社会过渡,这个时期是中国发展的一个关键时期,所以处理好改革、发展与稳定之间的关系尤为重要。要 处理好农村问题的关键就是要妥善的处理好农村的土地问题,由土地问题带来的土地冲突在近几年有扩大之势。三农工作的重点难点就是如何去化解农村土地带来的 冲突矛盾,处理好农村土地问题关系到民生、涉及到民计。在取消农业税、提高粮食价格、增加农业补贴等一系列富农惠农的政策的实施,农业生产形势一片大好, 农民自... 展开 中国的城镇化在近年来进程明显加 快,农村土地问题也由各种因素得影响而愈演愈烈。当前中国正处在从计划经济向市场经济过渡、从农业社会向工业社会过渡,这个时期是中国发展的一个关键时 期,所以处理好改革、发展与稳定之间的关系尤为重要。要处理好农村问题的关键就是要妥善的处理好农村的土地问题,由土地问题带来的土地冲突在近几年有扩大 之势。三农工作的重点难点就是如何去化解农村土地带来的冲突矛盾,处理好农村土地问题关系到民生、涉及到民计。在取消农业税、提高粮食价格、增加农业补贴 等一系列富农惠农的政策的实施,农业生产形势一片大好,农民自身的农耕积极性得到了很大的提高。但是在这样的形势下,在近几年群体性的有关于农村土地冲突 的事件有上升的态势。有数据显示,目前农村主要的焦点问题已经从税费问题转移到土地冲突问题上来,成为了维护社会稳定、构建和谐社会、全面建设小康社会等 一系列重大战略目标的阻碍,成为了影响农村社会稳定和发展的首要矛盾。如果不对其采取有效的控制措施去解决我国农村土地冲突问题,那必将对社会的稳定造成 严重的影响。    本文首先对国内外关于土地冲突的现状做了归纳分析,基于土地冲突、社会燃烧理论、公平理论和博弈论等理论指导,通过对目前我国农村土地冲突的现状、种类和 特点的全面了解,从社会燃烧理论视角出发,对我国农村土地冲突产生的诱因和后果进行探讨,表明农村土地利益是其“燃烧物质”;自然灾害、农民的土地权利意 识和农村土地法律政策产权制度的缺陷是冲突的“助燃剂”;家庭联产承包责任制是冲突的“点火温度”,并分别从制度保障、调解机制和农民法律意识等方面提出 了相应的具体治理建议。 收起

[Zhou Jun.

Research on the cause and countermeasure of land conflicts based on social burning theory.

Nanchang: Master Dissertation of Nanchang University, 2013.]

https://doi.org/10.7666/d.Y2402722      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

中国的城镇化在近年来进程明显加快,农村土地问题也由各种因素得影响而愈演愈烈。当前 中国正处在从计划经济向市场经济过渡、从农业社会向工业社会过渡,这个时期是中国发展的一个关键时期,所以处理好改革、发展与稳定之间的关系尤为重要。要 处理好农村问题的关键就是要妥善的处理好农村的土地问题,由土地问题带来的土地冲突在近几年有扩大之势。三农工作的重点难点就是如何去化解农村土地带来的 冲突矛盾,处理好农村土地问题关系到民生、涉及到民计。在取消农业税、提高粮食价格、增加农业补贴等一系列富农惠农的政策的实施,农业生产形势一片大好, 农民自... 展开 中国的城镇化在近年来进程明显加 快,农村土地问题也由各种因素得影响而愈演愈烈。当前中国正处在从计划经济向市场经济过渡、从农业社会向工业社会过渡,这个时期是中国发展的一个关键时 期,所以处理好改革、发展与稳定之间的关系尤为重要。要处理好农村问题的关键就是要妥善的处理好农村的土地问题,由土地问题带来的土地冲突在近几年有扩大 之势。三农工作的重点难点就是如何去化解农村土地带来的冲突矛盾,处理好农村土地问题关系到民生、涉及到民计。在取消农业税、提高粮食价格、增加农业补贴 等一系列富农惠农的政策的实施,农业生产形势一片大好,农民自身的农耕积极性得到了很大的提高。但是在这样的形势下,在近几年群体性的有关于农村土地冲突 的事件有上升的态势。有数据显示,目前农村主要的焦点问题已经从税费问题转移到土地冲突问题上来,成为了维护社会稳定、构建和谐社会、全面建设小康社会等 一系列重大战略目标的阻碍,成为了影响农村社会稳定和发展的首要矛盾。如果不对其采取有效的控制措施去解决我国农村土地冲突问题,那必将对社会的稳定造成 严重的影响。    本文首先对国内外关于土地冲突的现状做了归纳分析,基于土地冲突、社会燃烧理论、公平理论和博弈论等理论指导,通过对目前我国农村土地冲突的现状、种类和 特点的全面了解,从社会燃烧理论视角出发,对我国农村土地冲突产生的诱因和后果进行探讨,表明农村土地利益是其“燃烧物质”;自然灾害、农民的土地权利意 识和农村土地法律政策产权制度的缺陷是冲突的“助燃剂”;家庭联产承包责任制是冲突的“点火温度”,并分别从制度保障、调解机制和农民法律意识等方面提出 了相应的具体治理建议。 收起
[8] 王秋兵, 郑刘平, 边振兴, .


. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(15): 185-192.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-6819.2012.15.030      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

It is the basis to prevent and resolve the current increasingly serious land use conflict effectively that identifying potential land use conflict scientifically.Taking Shenbei New District of Shenyang City as an example,a cultivated land multi-objective suitability evaluation system for cultivation and construction was designed,an identification matrix was established to identify potential land use conflict areas,and its application in basic farmland designation was studied.The results showed that the total cultivated land was divided into nine zones,the 2 type zones were potential land use conflict zones,account for 71.10%of the total amount of cultivated land;3 type zones were non-conflict zones with cultivation advantage,account for 16.33%;3 type areas were non-conflict zones with construction advantage,account for 9.29%;The other type zones were non-conflict zones,where cultivation and construction suitability were both lower.Combining conflict identification results with the agricultural land classification,basic farmland in Shenbei New District was designated.The research can provide a technical support for prevention and solution of land use conflicts and policy decision for cultivated land protection.

[Wang Qiubing, Zheng Liuping, Bian Zhenxing, et al.

Potential land use conflict identification and its application in Shenbei new district.

Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(15): 185-192.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-6819.2012.15.030      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

It is the basis to prevent and resolve the current increasingly serious land use conflict effectively that identifying potential land use conflict scientifically.Taking Shenbei New District of Shenyang City as an example,a cultivated land multi-objective suitability evaluation system for cultivation and construction was designed,an identification matrix was established to identify potential land use conflict areas,and its application in basic farmland designation was studied.The results showed that the total cultivated land was divided into nine zones,the 2 type zones were potential land use conflict zones,account for 71.10%of the total amount of cultivated land;3 type zones were non-conflict zones with cultivation advantage,account for 16.33%;3 type areas were non-conflict zones with construction advantage,account for 9.29%;The other type zones were non-conflict zones,where cultivation and construction suitability were both lower.Combining conflict identification results with the agricultural land classification,basic farmland in Shenbei New District was designated.The research can provide a technical support for prevention and solution of land use conflicts and policy decision for cultivated land protection.
[9] 邹秀清, 钟骁勇, 肖泽干, .


. 中国土地科学, 2012, 26(10): 54-60.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

研究目的:构建征地冲突中中央政府、地方政府、农户三者之间的动态博弈模型,根据均衡概率找出引起征地冲突的关键因素,以期为政府制定和完善征地相关政策 提供理论依据.研究方法:综合分析法、博弈分析法.研究结果:地方政府采取违法征地的概率与中央政府的监督检查成本、农户的维权成本呈正向关系,与对地方 政府的经济处罚和农户维权后征地补偿标准的提高呈反向关系;中央政府采取监督检查的概率与地方政府违法征地的收益呈正向关系,与对地方政府的经济处罚和政 绩的损害呈反向关系;农户维权的概率与地方政府违法征地时的收益呈正向关系,并与农户维权成本、地方政府征地补偿标准的提高和对其政绩的损害呈反向关系. 研究结论:降低中央稽查和农户维权成本以及地方政府的违规收益,同时提高征地补偿标准,加大对违法征地的惩罚力度,使利益主体博弈行为趋于合理,可以避免 或减少征地冲突的发生.相关政策建议:完善征地程序和法律,建立地方政府征地行为的监督考核机制,提高征地补偿标准,建立土地仲裁纠纷调解机构.

[Zou Xiuqing, Zhong Xiaoyong, Xiao Zegan, et al.

Dynamic game analysis among local government, central government, and peasants in the conflicts of farmland acquisition.

China Land Science, 2012, 26(10): 54-60.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

研究目的:构建征地冲突中中央政府、地方政府、农户三者之间的动态博弈模型,根据均衡概率找出引起征地冲突的关键因素,以期为政府制定和完善征地相关政策 提供理论依据.研究方法:综合分析法、博弈分析法.研究结果:地方政府采取违法征地的概率与中央政府的监督检查成本、农户的维权成本呈正向关系,与对地方 政府的经济处罚和农户维权后征地补偿标准的提高呈反向关系;中央政府采取监督检查的概率与地方政府违法征地的收益呈正向关系,与对地方政府的经济处罚和政 绩的损害呈反向关系;农户维权的概率与地方政府违法征地时的收益呈正向关系,并与农户维权成本、地方政府征地补偿标准的提高和对其政绩的损害呈反向关系. 研究结论:降低中央稽查和农户维权成本以及地方政府的违规收益,同时提高征地补偿标准,加大对违法征地的惩罚力度,使利益主体博弈行为趋于合理,可以避免 或减少征地冲突的发生.相关政策建议:完善征地程序和法律,建立地方政府征地行为的监督考核机制,提高征地补偿标准,建立土地仲裁纠纷调解机构.
[10] 李红波, 李柏霖, 李素敏.


. 中国土地科学, 2013, 27(3): 17-23.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The purpose of this paper is to explore the governance mechanism of the land-expropriation conflicts.The employed methods are documentation,induction and summarization.The results indicate the lack of monitoring system on land expropriation power,the failure of the rights relief mechanism,the de-behaviors of local governments,inconsistency and conflicts between customary law of minorities and formal laws are the main limitations of the current institutional environment of land expropriation.Therefore,it is necessary to pay more attention to the issues,such as information sharing,conflict precaution and adjudication,dispute accommodating,conflict responsibilities,capability of conflict adjustment,transcendence and publicity of local governmental benefits,compensation and resettlement,and finally the interaction between customary law of minority and the formal laws of the country.It concludes that the governance issues of land-expropriation conflict are due to the ineffectiveness of governance and the functional fails of formal regulations.The key of amelioration is to empower the rights and interests of land of the farmers,improve the governance mechanism,and especially focus on developing a platform for coordinating conflicts.

[Li Hongbo, Li Bolin, Li Sumin.

Governance mechanism on land-expropriation conflicts in the minorities areas of western China.

China Land Science, 2013, 27(3): 17-23.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The purpose of this paper is to explore the governance mechanism of the land-expropriation conflicts.The employed methods are documentation,induction and summarization.The results indicate the lack of monitoring system on land expropriation power,the failure of the rights relief mechanism,the de-behaviors of local governments,inconsistency and conflicts between customary law of minorities and formal laws are the main limitations of the current institutional environment of land expropriation.Therefore,it is necessary to pay more attention to the issues,such as information sharing,conflict precaution and adjudication,dispute accommodating,conflict responsibilities,capability of conflict adjustment,transcendence and publicity of local governmental benefits,compensation and resettlement,and finally the interaction between customary law of minority and the formal laws of the country.It concludes that the governance issues of land-expropriation conflict are due to the ineffectiveness of governance and the functional fails of formal regulations.The key of amelioration is to empower the rights and interests of land of the farmers,improve the governance mechanism,and especially focus on developing a platform for coordinating conflicts.
[11] 郑伟元.


. 中国土地科学, 2008, 22(6): 4-10.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-8158.2008.06.001      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The purpose of the paper is to conclude relevant theories and practical experience from home and abroad from the view of integrated use of rural-urban land as well as put forward some relevant suggestions based on the scenario analysis on future integrated use of rural-urban land aiming at main problems and causes on current rural-urban land use in China.Methods employed include documentation and scenario analysis.The results show that China is in the period of rapid urbanization,and it is an objective trend that a great deal of land especially the cultivated land will be occupied for the urban,and town development as well as new rural construction.Therefore,relevant authorities must take account of current conditions in China in making urban and rural development plan,establish the correct conceptions in scientific development and politic performance,make unified plan and policy of rural-urban development,integrate rural-urban land use,introduce advanced ideas from Europe and US,such as smart growth and compact city,use land economically and intensively,really protect the cultivated land,construct land-saving towns and new rural settlements as well as speed up the reforms of land property right system,land expropriation and others in order to actively promote the socialist new rural construction and healthy urbanization development.

[Zheng Weiyuan.

Preliminary study on integrated use of rural-urban land in China.

China Land Science, 2008, 22(6): 4-10.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-8158.2008.06.001      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The purpose of the paper is to conclude relevant theories and practical experience from home and abroad from the view of integrated use of rural-urban land as well as put forward some relevant suggestions based on the scenario analysis on future integrated use of rural-urban land aiming at main problems and causes on current rural-urban land use in China.Methods employed include documentation and scenario analysis.The results show that China is in the period of rapid urbanization,and it is an objective trend that a great deal of land especially the cultivated land will be occupied for the urban,and town development as well as new rural construction.Therefore,relevant authorities must take account of current conditions in China in making urban and rural development plan,establish the correct conceptions in scientific development and politic performance,make unified plan and policy of rural-urban development,integrate rural-urban land use,introduce advanced ideas from Europe and US,such as smart growth and compact city,use land economically and intensively,really protect the cultivated land,construct land-saving towns and new rural settlements as well as speed up the reforms of land property right system,land expropriation and others in order to actively promote the socialist new rural construction and healthy urbanization development.
[12] 储胜金, 许刚.

浙北山区土地利用与生态保护的冲突与协调机制研究: 以天目山自然保护区为例

. 长江流域资源与环境, 2004, 13(1): 24-29.

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

How to protect ecological environment and to meet the demand of regional socioeconomic development on land use is an important issue in current China. There are various conflicts between land use and nature conservation in Tianmu Mountain in the north part of Zhejiang Province, where exits the common water source of Taihu Lake Catchme nt and Qiantang River Catchment. By focusing on the analysis of land use conflict, this research tries to find the probable methods and coordinate mechanisms between ecosystem conservation and other land use patterns, so as to conserve the nature reserve effectively and support local development as well as benefit to vicinal peasants. It is suggested that conservation targets should be revised and conservation policies adjusted; a reasonable compensation mechanism established; different land use policies applied in different functional zones in the nature reserve; ecotourism considered as a breakthrough to land use conflicts; the comanagement enhanced between the nature reserve and local community for sustai nable utilization of natural resources in the reserve.

[Chu Shengjin, Xu Gang.

Conflictive and coordinate mechanism in land use and ecosystem conservation in mountainous area of north Zhejiang-in case of Tianmu mountain nature reserve.

Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2004, 13(1): 24-29.]

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

How to protect ecological environment and to meet the demand of regional socioeconomic development on land use is an important issue in current China. There are various conflicts between land use and nature conservation in Tianmu Mountain in the north part of Zhejiang Province, where exits the common water source of Taihu Lake Catchme nt and Qiantang River Catchment. By focusing on the analysis of land use conflict, this research tries to find the probable methods and coordinate mechanisms between ecosystem conservation and other land use patterns, so as to conserve the nature reserve effectively and support local development as well as benefit to vicinal peasants. It is suggested that conservation targets should be revised and conservation policies adjusted; a reasonable compensation mechanism established; different land use policies applied in different functional zones in the nature reserve; ecotourism considered as a breakthrough to land use conflicts; the comanagement enhanced between the nature reserve and local community for sustai nable utilization of natural resources in the reserve.
[13] Torre A, Melot R, Magsi H, et al.

Identifying and measuring land-use and proximity conflicts: Methods and identification.

Springer Plus, 2014, 3(85): 1-26.

https://doi.org/10.1186/2193-1801-3-85      URL      PMID: 20      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This text aims to present the methodology of study of land-use conflicts performed in recent years by a multidisciplinary team, and to reveal the methods of survey and data collection, as well as the structure of the resulting database. We first define the scope of our study by providing a definition of these conflicts, of their characteristics and motives, of the ways they manifest themselves and of the actors involved (I). We then present the methodology we have used to identify conflicts; it is based on a spatial analysis and the combined use of different data collection methods including surveys conducted by experts, analyses of the regional daily press and of data from the administrative litigation courts (II). Finally we present the resulting Conflicts data base, with its tables and nomenclatures, in which the data collected in different fields are reconciled and analyzed (III), before providing a few examples of how this method can be used to analyze case studies in developed and developing countries (IV).
[14] 刘祖云, 陈明.

从“土地冲突”到“土地风险”: 中国农村土地问题研究的理论进路

. 中国土地科学, 2012, 26(8): 23-28.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The purpose of this paper is to profoundly rethink the current available academic studies on the land issues in rural China regarding phenomenon description, institutional analysis and politics explanation and to put forward some theoretical prospect. Methods employed include documentation and comparison. The results indicated that the available studies have reached certain common view, however, some new research trends are sprouted, and the divergences still exist especially in the area of macroscopic politics explanation. In order to make the explanation more practical, the concept of Land Risks is suggested to be introduced to develop the relevant theory.

[Liu Zuyun, Chen Ming.

From land conflict to land risks: Theoretical prospect on land issues in rural China.

China Land Science, 2012, 26(8): 23-28.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The purpose of this paper is to profoundly rethink the current available academic studies on the land issues in rural China regarding phenomenon description, institutional analysis and politics explanation and to put forward some theoretical prospect. Methods employed include documentation and comparison. The results indicated that the available studies have reached certain common view, however, some new research trends are sprouted, and the divergences still exist especially in the area of macroscopic politics explanation. In order to make the explanation more practical, the concept of Land Risks is suggested to be introduced to develop the relevant theory.
[15] 谭术魁.


. 中国土地科学, 2008, 22(4): 4-11.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-8158.2008.04.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Tan Shukui.

Research on concept, characters and trigger factors of land conflicts in China.

China Land Science, 2008, 22(4): 4-11.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-8158.2008.04.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[16] 李瑞, 吴殿廷, 殷红梅, .


. 地理研究, 2014, 33(5): 963-977.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201405014      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Taking prefecture-level cities, vice-provincial cities and provincial capitals in China as analytical units, this paper measures and analyzes urban tourism development efficiency and spatial characteristics of four coastal urban agglomerations in eastern China by adopting the traditional DEA, Bootstrap-DEA and Malmquist models. Major conclusions include: (1) Measured by Bootstrap-DEA model, comprehensive efficiency and factorized efficiency of urban tourism of four urban agglomerations are both lower than those evaluated by traditional DEA model, indicating the obvious overestimate of traditional DEA model. (2) The comprehensive resource utilization efficiencies of urban tourism of municipalities, provincial capitals and main prefecture-level cities in the four urban agglomerations have kept in good condition since 2000;at the same time, the average comprehensive resource utilization efficiencies of urban tourism of Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta urban agglomerations have transformed from ineffective to effective, and those of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Shandong Peninsula urban agglomerations have changed from ineffective to moderately effective. (3) Since 2000, the comprehensive efficiencies of urban tourism of Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta urban agglomerations have been affected by pure technical efficiency slightly more than those have been affected by scale efficiency, while it is opposite for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Shandong Peninsula urban agglomerations. (4) The Total Factor Productivity (TFP) of most cities in the four urban agglomerations has substantially increased since 2000;the TFP increasing rates of Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta urban agglomerations are both slightly higher than those of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Shandong Peninsula urban agglomerations;however, the overall trend of TFP increasing rates declines. Meanwhile, the average TFP increasing rates of urban tourism of Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Shandong Peninsula urban agglomerations decline in turn.

[Li Rui, Wu Dianting, Yin Hongmei, et al.

Comprehensive measurement and spatial characteristics of development efficiency for urban tourism in eastern China: A case study of four coastal urban agglomerations.

Geographical Research, 2014, 33(5): 963-977.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201405014      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Taking prefecture-level cities, vice-provincial cities and provincial capitals in China as analytical units, this paper measures and analyzes urban tourism development efficiency and spatial characteristics of four coastal urban agglomerations in eastern China by adopting the traditional DEA, Bootstrap-DEA and Malmquist models. Major conclusions include: (1) Measured by Bootstrap-DEA model, comprehensive efficiency and factorized efficiency of urban tourism of four urban agglomerations are both lower than those evaluated by traditional DEA model, indicating the obvious overestimate of traditional DEA model. (2) The comprehensive resource utilization efficiencies of urban tourism of municipalities, provincial capitals and main prefecture-level cities in the four urban agglomerations have kept in good condition since 2000;at the same time, the average comprehensive resource utilization efficiencies of urban tourism of Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta urban agglomerations have transformed from ineffective to effective, and those of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Shandong Peninsula urban agglomerations have changed from ineffective to moderately effective. (3) Since 2000, the comprehensive efficiencies of urban tourism of Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta urban agglomerations have been affected by pure technical efficiency slightly more than those have been affected by scale efficiency, while it is opposite for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Shandong Peninsula urban agglomerations. (4) The Total Factor Productivity (TFP) of most cities in the four urban agglomerations has substantially increased since 2000;the TFP increasing rates of Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta urban agglomerations are both slightly higher than those of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Shandong Peninsula urban agglomerations;however, the overall trend of TFP increasing rates declines. Meanwhile, the average TFP increasing rates of urban tourism of Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Shandong Peninsula urban agglomerations decline in turn.
[17] Song Z J, Yu L J.

A study on the generalised space of urban-rural integration in Beijing suburbs during the present day.

Urban Studies, 2014. doi: 10.1177/0042098014551675.

URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[18] Zhang Z, Su S, Xiao R, et al.

Identifying determinants of urban growth from a multi-scale perspective: A case study of the urban agglomeration around Hangzhou Bay, China.

Applied Geography, 2013, 45(12): 193-202.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2013.09.013      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Analyzing the spatial determinants of urban growth is helpful for urban planning and management. In a case study of urban agglomeration around Hangzhou Bay (China), four landscape metrics (total area, total edge, landscape shape index and aggregation index) were used to describe the landscape characteristics of the urban growth at two block scales (402km and 702km) during two temporal intervals (1994–2003 and 2003–2009). Spatial autocorrelation regression was employed to identify the geographic determinants of the urban landscape changes. The results indicated that the urban landscapes became more dominant, unstable, irregular and compact, especially in the centers of cities. These changes exhibited notable spatial variations and spatial autocorrelation at the two block scales. The distances to national and provincial roads influenced the urban pattern changes. The impacts of the urban centers on urban expansion gradually declined with the urbanization progress. The slope factor was the most influential determinant of urban growth. Our study emphasized the importance of
[19] 刘新卫, 张定祥, 陈百明.


. 地理学报, 2008, 63(3): 301-310.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.03.008      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

China is now at a rapid urbanization stage, and various measures are needed including land use regulation to ensure healthy urbanization process. Based on land use change survey data of the Ministry of Land and Resources, this paper analyzes status of town-level land use at the stage of rapid urbanization of China, from aspects of town-level land quantity, town land area per person, land occupied by town construction, land use structure of town, spatial pattern of town-level land, and their spatio-temporal changes. It then identifies major town-level land use problems of this stage as town-level land scale being out of control, extensive land utilization, affected macroscopic economic development, affected cultivated land protection and food security, menaced social harmonious development, misadjusted land use structure, and deteriorated eco-environment. It finally explores scientific land use strategy for healthy urbanization, from the angles of rational guiding town expansion and rigidly reinforcing agriculture land protection, optimizing regional and town-level land use structure and distribution, frugally and intensively utilizing town-level land with various measures, giving overall consideration and coordinating regional urban and rural residential built-up land, and promoting benign town-level land eco-environment through simultaneous adoption of prevention and control measures.

[Liu Xinwei, Zhang Dingxiang, Chen Baiming.

Characteristics of China's town-level land use in rapid urbanization stage.

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2008, 63(3): 301-310.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.03.008      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

China is now at a rapid urbanization stage, and various measures are needed including land use regulation to ensure healthy urbanization process. Based on land use change survey data of the Ministry of Land and Resources, this paper analyzes status of town-level land use at the stage of rapid urbanization of China, from aspects of town-level land quantity, town land area per person, land occupied by town construction, land use structure of town, spatial pattern of town-level land, and their spatio-temporal changes. It then identifies major town-level land use problems of this stage as town-level land scale being out of control, extensive land utilization, affected macroscopic economic development, affected cultivated land protection and food security, menaced social harmonious development, misadjusted land use structure, and deteriorated eco-environment. It finally explores scientific land use strategy for healthy urbanization, from the angles of rational guiding town expansion and rigidly reinforcing agriculture land protection, optimizing regional and town-level land use structure and distribution, frugally and intensively utilizing town-level land with various measures, giving overall consideration and coordinating regional urban and rural residential built-up land, and promoting benign town-level land eco-environment through simultaneous adoption of prevention and control measures.
[20] 任丽燕, 岳文泽, 吴次芳.


. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(5): 306-311.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-6819.2010.05.052      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Based on GIS spatial model and combination of land use data, urban planning data and farmland grading data, the potential urban sprawling and the risk to cultivated lands in Hangzhou Bay area were analyzed. Results revealed that the study area was characterized by high quality and density cultivated lands, whereas the construction lands would expand 9.4×104 hm2 in this area from 2005 to 2020. Therefore, cultivated lands would decrease 7.1×104 hm2, which was the main source of new construction lands occupying 75% according to present urban planning. Cultivated lands with high quality would decrease largely and rapidly. In the total decreased area, cultivated lands ranking from 1 to 5 according to farmland grading were 67.5%, and those ranking 1 and 2 would decease 37.16% and 35.52% respectively from 2005 to 2020. Suggestions include that a quality assessment of the occupied cultivated lands is carried out with farmland grading, and urban planning is adjusted to reduce the impact of construction on cultivated lands to safeguard the ability of food production.

[Ren Liyan, Yue Wenze, Wu Cifang.

Potential impact of urban planning on cultivated land protecting in Hangzhou Bay area in Zhejiang province.

Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(5): 306-311.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-6819.2010.05.052      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Based on GIS spatial model and combination of land use data, urban planning data and farmland grading data, the potential urban sprawling and the risk to cultivated lands in Hangzhou Bay area were analyzed. Results revealed that the study area was characterized by high quality and density cultivated lands, whereas the construction lands would expand 9.4×104 hm2 in this area from 2005 to 2020. Therefore, cultivated lands would decrease 7.1×104 hm2, which was the main source of new construction lands occupying 75% according to present urban planning. Cultivated lands with high quality would decrease largely and rapidly. In the total decreased area, cultivated lands ranking from 1 to 5 according to farmland grading were 67.5%, and those ranking 1 and 2 would decease 37.16% and 35.52% respectively from 2005 to 2020. Suggestions include that a quality assessment of the occupied cultivated lands is carried out with farmland grading, and urban planning is adjusted to reduce the impact of construction on cultivated lands to safeguard the ability of food production.
[21] 谭永忠, 吴次芳.


. 自然资源学报, 2003, 18(1): 112-117.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-3037.2003.01.017      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Land use system is a complicated and macro system with dissipative structure.It has orderly characteristics of function and structure.The order degree of land use system is applied to express information entropy values and the applications in the regulation of the land use struc-ture in a region are discussed in this paper.The information entropy values of land use structure in different periods of time and regions sare calculated,and the laws and causes are analysed.Firstly,the information entropy values of land use structure of Lishui city in Zhejiang Province and the province itself covering the peri-od of1990to1999are calculated.The results show that the information entropy values in1990are the lowest and then rise.They fall after they arrive at the highest values.This indicates that the land use systems go through a course from order to disorder and returning to order.Secondly,the information entropy values of land use structure of the whole country and the East region,the Central region,the West region,Zhejiang Province and the cities of the province,Hangzhou city and the five counties under the jurisdiction of the city are calculated.The information en-tropy values decrease progressively from the coastal area to inland.This indicates that the order of land use system increases progressively from the coastal area to inland.The applications of the information entropy values of the land use structure are discussed in the paper.The information entropy values are of guiding significance to the regulation of the land use structure in a region as they can reflect the dynamic change and transformation degree of land use types in a region in a certain period of time.However,the point is how to set remains to be researched with the optimum information entropy value of the land use structure in differ-ent region s.

[Tan Yongzhong, Wu Cifang.

The laws of the information entropy values of land use composition.

Journal of Natural Resources, 2003, 18(1): 112-117.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-3037.2003.01.017      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Land use system is a complicated and macro system with dissipative structure.It has orderly characteristics of function and structure.The order degree of land use system is applied to express information entropy values and the applications in the regulation of the land use struc-ture in a region are discussed in this paper.The information entropy values of land use structure in different periods of time and regions sare calculated,and the laws and causes are analysed.Firstly,the information entropy values of land use structure of Lishui city in Zhejiang Province and the province itself covering the peri-od of1990to1999are calculated.The results show that the information entropy values in1990are the lowest and then rise.They fall after they arrive at the highest values.This indicates that the land use systems go through a course from order to disorder and returning to order.Secondly,the information entropy values of land use structure of the whole country and the East region,the Central region,the West region,Zhejiang Province and the cities of the province,Hangzhou city and the five counties under the jurisdiction of the city are calculated.The information en-tropy values decrease progressively from the coastal area to inland.This indicates that the order of land use system increases progressively from the coastal area to inland.The applications of the information entropy values of the land use structure are discussed in the paper.The information entropy values are of guiding significance to the regulation of the land use structure in a region as they can reflect the dynamic change and transformation degree of land use types in a region in a certain period of time.However,the point is how to set remains to be researched with the optimum information entropy value of the land use structure in differ-ent region s.
[22] 周国华, 彭佳捷.

空间冲突的演变特征及影响效应: 以长株潭城市群为例

. 地理科学进展, 2012, 31(6): 717-723.

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

随着人口的高速增长和工业化进程的不断加快,中国已进入快速城市化时期,快速城市化进程引发的空间冲突已逐步影响到区域可持续发展,甚至威胁区域安全。界定空间冲突的内涵,分析空间冲突的形成原因、演变特征和影响效应,构建空间冲突的理论分析框架,是一项具有重要理论和实际意义的探索性工作。空间冲突是源于空间资源稀缺性和空间功能外溢性的一种伴随空间资源竞争而产生的客观地理现象,按其形成原因可分为空间经济冲突、空间生态冲突、空间社会冲突和空间复合冲突4 类;空间冲突的演变过程呈倒“U”形变化,其可控性级别可划分为稳定可控、基本可控、基本失控和严重失控4 个层次;空间冲突的影响效应表现为空间资源失配、空间开发失序、生态系统失衡和社会发展失稳等。

[Zhou Guofeng, Peng Jiajie.

The evolution characteristics and influence effect of spatial conflict: A case study of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration.

Progress in Geography, 2012, 31(6): 717-723.]

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

随着人口的高速增长和工业化进程的不断加快,中国已进入快速城市化时期,快速城市化进程引发的空间冲突已逐步影响到区域可持续发展,甚至威胁区域安全。界定空间冲突的内涵,分析空间冲突的形成原因、演变特征和影响效应,构建空间冲突的理论分析框架,是一项具有重要理论和实际意义的探索性工作。空间冲突是源于空间资源稀缺性和空间功能外溢性的一种伴随空间资源竞争而产生的客观地理现象,按其形成原因可分为空间经济冲突、空间生态冲突、空间社会冲突和空间复合冲突4 类;空间冲突的演变过程呈倒“U”形变化,其可控性级别可划分为稳定可控、基本可控、基本失控和严重失控4 个层次;空间冲突的影响效应表现为空间资源失配、空间开发失序、生态系统失衡和社会发展失稳等。
[23] 孙丹峰, 杨冀红, 刘顺喜.


. 农业工程学报, 2002, 18(2): 160-164.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1002-6819.2002.02.040      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

With the merge of the meter based high spatial remote sensing satellite, the sources for updating of the large scale land use base maps were provided. The practical technique to update the large scale land use base maps with the meter based high spatial remote sensing images was studies. The method of the land use/land cover classification and change information extraction system based on knowledge is used. First, the NDVI and semi variogram texture characteristics are used to segment the building area, vegetation area, bare land and water area, grass forest land, road area, the results act as hierachy controller; Second, the spectrum, vegetation indexes and texture characteristics knowledge are applied to classify these regions specifically. At the same time, the region growth technique and spatial entity knowledge are used to modify the classification results; Third, the comparison of land use base map and the remote sensing classification can identify the change regions and correct the classification errors. The experiment results of the test region in Fangshan county of Beijing demonstrate the accuracy of the classification and change information extraction are relatively high. The Kappa coefficient is 0.912,the overall accuracy is 0.938 and change information error is 13.69%. The visual digital target can be supplied through the classification and change information extraction based on knowledge. This research can help reduce the work task and accelerate the visual screen updating process. So it will be widely applied in updating the land use base maps during the survey of land resources.

[Sun Danfeng, Yang Jihong, Liu Shunxi.

Application of High-spatial IKNOS remote sensing images in land use classification and change monitoring.

Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2002, 18(2): 160-164.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1002-6819.2002.02.040      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

With the merge of the meter based high spatial remote sensing satellite, the sources for updating of the large scale land use base maps were provided. The practical technique to update the large scale land use base maps with the meter based high spatial remote sensing images was studies. The method of the land use/land cover classification and change information extraction system based on knowledge is used. First, the NDVI and semi variogram texture characteristics are used to segment the building area, vegetation area, bare land and water area, grass forest land, road area, the results act as hierachy controller; Second, the spectrum, vegetation indexes and texture characteristics knowledge are applied to classify these regions specifically. At the same time, the region growth technique and spatial entity knowledge are used to modify the classification results; Third, the comparison of land use base map and the remote sensing classification can identify the change regions and correct the classification errors. The experiment results of the test region in Fangshan county of Beijing demonstrate the accuracy of the classification and change information extraction are relatively high. The Kappa coefficient is 0.912,the overall accuracy is 0.938 and change information error is 13.69%. The visual digital target can be supplied through the classification and change information extraction based on knowledge. This research can help reduce the work task and accelerate the visual screen updating process. So it will be widely applied in updating the land use base maps during the survey of land resources.
[24] 许彦曦, 陈凤, 濮励杰.


. 经济地理, 2007, 27(2): 296-301.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-8462.2007.02.026      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Urban spatial expansion is one of the core research fields in urban geography science and urban planning science. Urban land use growth is one important aspect of urban spatial expansion. The text summarizes urban expansion mechanism,urban spread dynamic mechanism,patterns,models and the produced influence, etc. as well as urban land use growth patters,dynamic mechanism,research technique and model identify of land use growth,spatial-temporal feature of urban land extension, and have advanced the prospect of urban spatial and land use expansion, which will receive prodigious development, and ecological environments, ecological safety, urban land use efficiency,and integrates 3S and CA technology moreover, promote them the fast development.

[Xu Yanxi, Chen Feng, Pu Lijie.

A retrospect and prospect on research of urban spatial and land use expansion.

Economic Geography, 2007, 27(2): 296-301.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-8462.2007.02.026      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Urban spatial expansion is one of the core research fields in urban geography science and urban planning science. Urban land use growth is one important aspect of urban spatial expansion. The text summarizes urban expansion mechanism,urban spread dynamic mechanism,patterns,models and the produced influence, etc. as well as urban land use growth patters,dynamic mechanism,research technique and model identify of land use growth,spatial-temporal feature of urban land extension, and have advanced the prospect of urban spatial and land use expansion, which will receive prodigious development, and ecological environments, ecological safety, urban land use efficiency,and integrates 3S and CA technology moreover, promote them the fast development.
[25] 刘贵利, 严奉天, 许顺才, .

城市发展中内外空间冲突与协调的战略选择: 以石家庄市为例

. 地理研究, 2006, 25(4): 701-709.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Liu Guili, Yan Fengtian, Xu Shuncai, et al.

The strategic disposition between the conflict and coordination from internal and external space in urban development: Taking Shijiazhuang city as a case.

Geographical Research, 2006, 25(4): 701-709.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[26] 裴彬, 潘韬.


. 地理科学进展, 2010, 29(9): 1060-1066.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.09.006      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

土地利用/覆被变化与环境要素的动态作用过程自LUCC相关研究计划开展以来一直是重点内容,并且愈来愈受到重视.将土地利用主体的决策过程和环境要素变 化过程综合起来研究土地利用系统动态变化,是实现土地自然生态系统与社会经济系统耦合研究的途径与方法.本文在对土地利用系统复杂性分析的基础上,提出目 前土地利用系统变化模拟需要解决的基本科学问题,主要包括土地自然环境要素对土地利用主体决策的影响、不同空间尺度土地利用主体及主体间相互作用及在此基 础上的区域土地利用动态变化模型研究.土地利用模型是分析土地利用系统结构与功能的有力工具,通过分析土地利用系统模拟研究进展发现国内外真正实现了自然 生态系统和社会经济系统综合研究的模型尚不多见.基于主体的土地利用模拟方法综合了土地利用变化中空间变化和主体决策过程,适合于分析土地利用系统变化的 空间过程、空间相互作用和多尺度现象.本文在对国际上基于多主体模型进行土地利用系统模拟的相关进展、模拟平台等分析评述的基础上,提出未来我国开展基于 多主体模型进行土地利用变化研究的建议.

[Pei Bin, Pan Tao.

Land use system dynamic modeling: Literature review and future research direction in China.

Progress in Geography, 2010, 29(9): 1060-1066.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.09.006      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

土地利用/覆被变化与环境要素的动态作用过程自LUCC相关研究计划开展以来一直是重点内容,并且愈来愈受到重视.将土地利用主体的决策过程和环境要素变 化过程综合起来研究土地利用系统动态变化,是实现土地自然生态系统与社会经济系统耦合研究的途径与方法.本文在对土地利用系统复杂性分析的基础上,提出目 前土地利用系统变化模拟需要解决的基本科学问题,主要包括土地自然环境要素对土地利用主体决策的影响、不同空间尺度土地利用主体及主体间相互作用及在此基 础上的区域土地利用动态变化模型研究.土地利用模型是分析土地利用系统结构与功能的有力工具,通过分析土地利用系统模拟研究进展发现国内外真正实现了自然 生态系统和社会经济系统综合研究的模型尚不多见.基于主体的土地利用模拟方法综合了土地利用变化中空间变化和主体决策过程,适合于分析土地利用系统变化的 空间过程、空间相互作用和多尺度现象.本文在对国际上基于多主体模型进行土地利用系统模拟的相关进展、模拟平台等分析评述的基础上,提出未来我国开展基于 多主体模型进行土地利用变化研究的建议.
[27] 陈彦光. 分形城市系统: 标度·对称·空间复杂性. 北京: 科学出版社, 2008.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Chen Yanguang.Fractal Urban Systems: Scaling Symmetry Spatial Complexity. Beijing: Science Press, 2008.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[28] 余万军, 吴次芳, 关涛, .


. 农业工程学报, 2005, 21(10): 64-69.

URL      摘要


[Yu Wanjun, Wu Cifang, Guan Tao, et a1.

Spatial pattern change of land use in Tunliu county, Shanxi province based on GIS and fractal theory.

Transactions of the Chinese society of agricultural engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2005, 21(10): 64-69.]

URL      摘要

[29] 杨国安, 甘国辉.


. 系统工程理论与实践, 2004, 24(10): 131-137.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-6788.2004.10.023      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The theory of fractal is a new tool for land use spatial pattern study, and the techniques of remote sensing and GIS offer a technology support. Firstly, supported of RS(remote sensing) and GIS(geographic information systems), the land use classification information is extracted from the Landsat TM imagery of Beijing of 1995's and 2000's, and a spatial database of land use is built. Secondly, in order to improve the understanding about the land use change in Beijing, we use the fractal model to calculate fractal indices of different landscape patterns, and some landscape indices including the indices of the landscape diversity, the landscape fragmentation and the landscape separation, and through the comparison of all the results, some of land use change characteristics are summed up, and some piece of advice on land use sustainable utilization is given in the end.

[Yang Guo'an, Gan Guohui.

Landscape pattern change research of land use in Beijing based on fractal theory.

Systems Engineering: Theory & Practice, 2004, 24(10): 131-137.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-6788.2004.10.023      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The theory of fractal is a new tool for land use spatial pattern study, and the techniques of remote sensing and GIS offer a technology support. Firstly, supported of RS(remote sensing) and GIS(geographic information systems), the land use classification information is extracted from the Landsat TM imagery of Beijing of 1995's and 2000's, and a spatial database of land use is built. Secondly, in order to improve the understanding about the land use change in Beijing, we use the fractal model to calculate fractal indices of different landscape patterns, and some landscape indices including the indices of the landscape diversity, the landscape fragmentation and the landscape separation, and through the comparison of all the results, some of land use change characteristics are summed up, and some piece of advice on land use sustainable utilization is given in the end.
[30] 万利, 陈佑启, 谭靖, .


. 地理科学进展, 2009, 28(2): 238-244.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.02.011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this paper, the temporal and spatial dynamic trend of ecological security in the suburbs of Beijing from 1996 to 2005 is analyzed in terms of landscape ecological security index (ESI), on the ground of landscape ecology theory and the stability of landscapes. Semivariogram analysis and Kriging interpolation are conducted to get the distribution map of ecological security. The results show that: (1) The landscapes in the study area from 1996 to 2005 changed in different trends, with persistent increase in construction land and substantial decrease in cropland landscape. (2) The landscape indexes of patch number, landscape fragmentation and fractional dimension have all shown an increasing trend in the study area. (3) Human activity has much influence on the ecological security index, giving rise to quite uneven spatial distribution of ecological security in the whole area. (4) The ecological security index (ESI) can be used to quantitatively evaluate the ecological environment and its evolution direction. The ESI takes on an ascending tendency from Chaoyang District through Shunyi to Miyun counties, and the area of low ESI has been expanding gradually with the acceleration of urbanization of Beijing.

[Wan Li, Chen Youqi, Tan Jing, et al.

RS/GIS-based assessment and analysis of ecological security dynamics in the suburbs of Beijing.

Progress in Geography, 2009, 28(2): 238-244.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.02.011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this paper, the temporal and spatial dynamic trend of ecological security in the suburbs of Beijing from 1996 to 2005 is analyzed in terms of landscape ecological security index (ESI), on the ground of landscape ecology theory and the stability of landscapes. Semivariogram analysis and Kriging interpolation are conducted to get the distribution map of ecological security. The results show that: (1) The landscapes in the study area from 1996 to 2005 changed in different trends, with persistent increase in construction land and substantial decrease in cropland landscape. (2) The landscape indexes of patch number, landscape fragmentation and fractional dimension have all shown an increasing trend in the study area. (3) Human activity has much influence on the ecological security index, giving rise to quite uneven spatial distribution of ecological security in the whole area. (4) The ecological security index (ESI) can be used to quantitatively evaluate the ecological environment and its evolution direction. The ESI takes on an ascending tendency from Chaoyang District through Shunyi to Miyun counties, and the area of low ESI has been expanding gradually with the acceleration of urbanization of Beijing.
[31] 孙丕苓, 许月卿, 王数.


. 农业工程学报, 2014, 30(14): 277-288.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-6819.2014.14.035      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Being the core of the study on global environment change and sustainable development, land use/cover change (LUCC) gains more and more attention. The pattern of land use and its spatial-temporal change plays an important role in the study on land use/cover change. As global environment deteriorates, the study on land use change and its driving forces becomes an important research subject in the field of land science. The relationship between terrain variables and land use has become an important part of land use/cover change. Based on the remote sensing data of TM images in 1985, 1995, 2000, and 2010, we took the poverty area around Beijing and Tianjin as an example to analyze the terrain gradient characteristics of land use change by geo-informatics map analysis. In order to provide some recommendations on land use planning and land use management, we also explored the impact of topography on the selection of land use pattern and the causes of the terrain gradient effect of land use change. The results showed that 1) From 1985 to 2010 the land use types mainly distributed on the area of terrain relief under 200 m as well as slope of slope (SOS)) less than 15°. During the past 25 years, arable land, forestland and grassland were the dominant land use types. The areas of arable land, grassland and unused land decreased constantly, while the areas of forestland and construction land increased gradually. 2) The hierarchy was shown obviously in the distribution of land use types along the terrain gradient in poverty area around Beijing and Tianjin. Arable land, water area, construction land mainly were distributed on the area of low terrain gradient. The grassland mainly was distributed on the area of medium and high terrain gradient, while forestland and unused land mainly covered the high terrain gradient. 3) The construction land was obviously confined by the terrain niche, which was mainly located in the low terrain gradient area. While arable land acted as the main resources for transforming to construction land in the same area, it expanded to higher terrain gradient area in order to make up the area occupied by the construction of infrastructure facilities. The forestland was well restored in the area of higher terrain gradient, which expanded to mid-high terrain gradient area with the project of returning arable land to forestland. In addition, the predominant distribution area of unused land and grassland became gradually diminished. 4) The terrain gradient effect of land use change was the result of comprehensive effect of natural, socio-economic and policy factors. The natural factors played a key role in the formation of the terrain gradient effect of land use change. Socio-economic factors and policy factors were important push-drivers, such as human migration, construction of infrastructure facilities, and the project of returning arable land to forestland. This research was important in easing the conflict between human and the surrounding environment, and it was meaningful to the sustainable development of land resources in order to keep the ecological balance of the studied region. The study provided some alternatives for the dynamic optimal allocation of land use and the construction of eco-environment of the poverty area around Beijing and Tianjin.

[Sun Piling, Xu Yueqing, Wang Shu.

Terrain gradient effect analysis of land use change in poverty area around Beijing and Tianjin.

Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2014, 30(14): 277-288.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-6819.2014.14.035      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Being the core of the study on global environment change and sustainable development, land use/cover change (LUCC) gains more and more attention. The pattern of land use and its spatial-temporal change plays an important role in the study on land use/cover change. As global environment deteriorates, the study on land use change and its driving forces becomes an important research subject in the field of land science. The relationship between terrain variables and land use has become an important part of land use/cover change. Based on the remote sensing data of TM images in 1985, 1995, 2000, and 2010, we took the poverty area around Beijing and Tianjin as an example to analyze the terrain gradient characteristics of land use change by geo-informatics map analysis. In order to provide some recommendations on land use planning and land use management, we also explored the impact of topography on the selection of land use pattern and the causes of the terrain gradient effect of land use change. The results showed that 1) From 1985 to 2010 the land use types mainly distributed on the area of terrain relief under 200 m as well as slope of slope (SOS)) less than 15°. During the past 25 years, arable land, forestland and grassland were the dominant land use types. The areas of arable land, grassland and unused land decreased constantly, while the areas of forestland and construction land increased gradually. 2) The hierarchy was shown obviously in the distribution of land use types along the terrain gradient in poverty area around Beijing and Tianjin. Arable land, water area, construction land mainly were distributed on the area of low terrain gradient. The grassland mainly was distributed on the area of medium and high terrain gradient, while forestland and unused land mainly covered the high terrain gradient. 3) The construction land was obviously confined by the terrain niche, which was mainly located in the low terrain gradient area. While arable land acted as the main resources for transforming to construction land in the same area, it expanded to higher terrain gradient area in order to make up the area occupied by the construction of infrastructure facilities. The forestland was well restored in the area of higher terrain gradient, which expanded to mid-high terrain gradient area with the project of returning arable land to forestland. In addition, the predominant distribution area of unused land and grassland became gradually diminished. 4) The terrain gradient effect of land use change was the result of comprehensive effect of natural, socio-economic and policy factors. The natural factors played a key role in the formation of the terrain gradient effect of land use change. Socio-economic factors and policy factors were important push-drivers, such as human migration, construction of infrastructure facilities, and the project of returning arable land to forestland. This research was important in easing the conflict between human and the surrounding environment, and it was meaningful to the sustainable development of land resources in order to keep the ecological balance of the studied region. The study provided some alternatives for the dynamic optimal allocation of land use and the construction of eco-environment of the poverty area around Beijing and Tianjin.
[32] Kamusoko C, Aniya M, Adi B, et al.

Rural sustainability under threat in Zimbabwe: Simulation of future land use/cover changes in the Bindura district based on the Markov-cellular automata model.

Applied Geography, 2009, 29(3): 435-447.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[33] Zhou D, Lin Z L, Liu L M.

Regional land salinization assessment and simulation through cellular automaton: Markov modeling and spatial pattern analysis.

Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 439(15): 260-274.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[34] 彭佳捷, 周国华, 唐承丽, .

基于生态安全的快速城市化地区空间冲突测度: 以长株潭城市群为例

. 自然资源学报, 2012, 27(9): 1507-1519.

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

空间冲突是城市化过程中各种矛盾形成与激化的直接原因,是影响区域可持续发展的关键因素,合理测度快速城市化地区的空间冲突水平,对于优化区域发展模式、 避免区域生态风险具有重要意义。在利用遥感与GIS技术分析长株潭近年来空间格局变化的基础上,量化影响区域生态安全的空间外部压力值、 生态风险暴露值、 生态风险效应值3个因子,构建基于生态安全的空间冲突测度模型,对长株潭地区的空间冲突水平进行评估。研究表明:近年来长株潭地区的空间冲突作用强度总体呈现上升趋势,1993—2008年其冲突指数均值由0.264增长到0.323,且严重失控级别空间冲突的区域面积比例增幅最大,达1.07倍;不同空间类型的空间冲突强度不同,林地、 耕地的空间冲突水平相对较低,建设用地的空间冲突水平较高;城乡过渡地带是空间格局变化最为频繁、 空间冲突最为激烈的区域,其次是城市内部,农村地区的空间冲突强度远远低于城市。

[Peng Jiajie, Zhou Guohua, Tang Chenli, et al.

The analysis of spatial conflict measurement in fast urbanization region based on ecological security: A case study of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration.

Journal of Natural Resources, 2012, 27(9): 1507-1519.]

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

空间冲突是城市化过程中各种矛盾形成与激化的直接原因,是影响区域可持续发展的关键因素,合理测度快速城市化地区的空间冲突水平,对于优化区域发展模式、 避免区域生态风险具有重要意义。在利用遥感与GIS技术分析长株潭近年来空间格局变化的基础上,量化影响区域生态安全的空间外部压力值、 生态风险暴露值、 生态风险效应值3个因子,构建基于生态安全的空间冲突测度模型,对长株潭地区的空间冲突水平进行评估。研究表明:近年来长株潭地区的空间冲突作用强度总体呈现上升趋势,1993—2008年其冲突指数均值由0.264增长到0.323,且严重失控级别空间冲突的区域面积比例增幅最大,达1.07倍;不同空间类型的空间冲突强度不同,林地、 耕地的空间冲突水平相对较低,建设用地的空间冲突水平较高;城乡过渡地带是空间格局变化最为频繁、 空间冲突最为激烈的区域,其次是城市内部,农村地区的空间冲突强度远远低于城市。
[35] 彭佳捷.


. 长沙: 湖南师范大学硕士学位论文, 2011.

https://doi.org/10.7666/d.y1913063      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

伴随我国工业化进程和城市化进程的不断加快,中国已进入快速城市化发展时期,快速城市 化进程中引发了一系列空间冲突现象,但这种对城市化空间格局与过程影响至深的“空间冲突”却没有受到应有的关注。本文将社会学冲突论引入地理学,提出了空间冲突的概念内涵,并以此为基础构建了空间冲突测度的基本框架与指数模型,分析评价区域发展的空间冲突水平,对了解区域城市化过程中的主要问题及其空间特 征,并进行空间冲突的有机调控,具有重要的理论和实际意义。本文以社会冲突论、人地关系论、博弈论、景观生态学理论、空间生态风险评价理论为指导,利用遥... 展开 伴随我国工业化进程和城市化进程 的不断加快,中国已进入快速城市化发展时期,快速城市化进程中引发了一系列空间冲突现象,但这种对城市化空间格局与过程影响至深的“空间冲突”却没有受到应有的关注。本文将社会学冲突论引入地理学,提出了空间冲突的概念内涵,并以此为基础构建了空间冲突测度的基本框架与指数模型,分析评价区域发展的空间冲 突水平,对了解区域城市化过程中的主要问题及其空间特征,并进行空间冲突的有机调控,具有重要的理论和实际意义。本文以社会冲突论、人地关系论、博弈论、景观生态学理论、空间生态风险评价理论为指导,利用遥感影像数据、社会经济数据和实地调研资料,借助遥感图像处理 软件(ENVI)、GIS分析软件(ArcGIS)和数理统计软件(SPSS),借鉴生态景观指数和空间生态风险评价方法,对空间冲突的概念内涵和测度方法进行基本理论探讨,从空间冲突对区域生态安全的影响入手,对长株潭城市群的空间冲突水平进行定量测度。研究结果表明:空间冲突是源于空间资源稀缺性和空 间功能外溢性的一种伴随空间资源竞争而产生的客观地理现象,按其形成因为可分为空间经济冲突、空间生态冲突、空间社会冲突和空间复合冲突四类;空间冲突作 用强度的演变过程呈倒“U”形变化,其可控性级别分为稳定可控、基本可控、基本失控和严重失控四个层次;空间冲突一旦升级至失控级别,将导致空间开发失调、空间资源失配、环境污染严重、生态系统失衡、社会发展失稳等问题;空间冲突水平的测度,可通过影响区域生态安全的空间资源外部压力值、空间生态风险暴 露值、空间生态风险效应值三类因素得以表征。从长株潭城市群空间冲突的测度结果可以得知,随着长株潭空间格局变化日益频繁,近年来长株潭地区的空间冲突作 用强度总体呈现上升趋势,且严重失控级别空间冲突的区域面积比例增幅最大;从空间类型差异来看,不同空间类型所具有的综合生态效益不同,因而各空间类型间 的空间冲突强度存在一定差异,林地、耕地的空间冲突水平较低,建设用地空间冲突较高;从城乡梯度差异来看,城乡过渡地带是空间格局变化最为频繁、空间冲突 最为激烈的区域,其次是城市内部,农村地区的空间冲突强度远远低于城市。此外,本文通过引入生态足迹测算模型、借助Google E砷遥感影像平台以及典型样点实地调研三种方法,验证了基于生态安全角度的长株潭城市群空间冲突测算结果的合理性。 收起

[Peng Huajie.

The analysis of spatial conflict measurement in Changzhutan urban agglomeration based on ecological security.

Changsha: Master Dissertation of Hunan Normal University, 2011.]

https://doi.org/10.7666/d.y1913063      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

伴随我国工业化进程和城市化进程的不断加快,中国已进入快速城市化发展时期,快速城市 化进程中引发了一系列空间冲突现象,但这种对城市化空间格局与过程影响至深的“空间冲突”却没有受到应有的关注。本文将社会学冲突论引入地理学,提出了空间冲突的概念内涵,并以此为基础构建了空间冲突测度的基本框架与指数模型,分析评价区域发展的空间冲突水平,对了解区域城市化过程中的主要问题及其空间特 征,并进行空间冲突的有机调控,具有重要的理论和实际意义。本文以社会冲突论、人地关系论、博弈论、景观生态学理论、空间生态风险评价理论为指导,利用遥... 展开 伴随我国工业化进程和城市化进程 的不断加快,中国已进入快速城市化发展时期,快速城市化进程中引发了一系列空间冲突现象,但这种对城市化空间格局与过程影响至深的“空间冲突”却没有受到应有的关注。本文将社会学冲突论引入地理学,提出了空间冲突的概念内涵,并以此为基础构建了空间冲突测度的基本框架与指数模型,分析评价区域发展的空间冲 突水平,对了解区域城市化过程中的主要问题及其空间特征,并进行空间冲突的有机调控,具有重要的理论和实际意义。本文以社会冲突论、人地关系论、博弈论、景观生态学理论、空间生态风险评价理论为指导,利用遥感影像数据、社会经济数据和实地调研资料,借助遥感图像处理 软件(ENVI)、GIS分析软件(ArcGIS)和数理统计软件(SPSS),借鉴生态景观指数和空间生态风险评价方法,对空间冲突的概念内涵和测度方法进行基本理论探讨,从空间冲突对区域生态安全的影响入手,对长株潭城市群的空间冲突水平进行定量测度。研究结果表明:空间冲突是源于空间资源稀缺性和空 间功能外溢性的一种伴随空间资源竞争而产生的客观地理现象,按其形成因为可分为空间经济冲突、空间生态冲突、空间社会冲突和空间复合冲突四类;空间冲突作 用强度的演变过程呈倒“U”形变化,其可控性级别分为稳定可控、基本可控、基本失控和严重失控四个层次;空间冲突一旦升级至失控级别,将导致空间开发失调、空间资源失配、环境污染严重、生态系统失衡、社会发展失稳等问题;空间冲突水平的测度,可通过影响区域生态安全的空间资源外部压力值、空间生态风险暴 露值、空间生态风险效应值三类因素得以表征。从长株潭城市群空间冲突的测度结果可以得知,随着长株潭空间格局变化日益频繁,近年来长株潭地区的空间冲突作 用强度总体呈现上升趋势,且严重失控级别空间冲突的区域面积比例增幅最大;从空间类型差异来看,不同空间类型所具有的综合生态效益不同,因而各空间类型间 的空间冲突强度存在一定差异,林地、耕地的空间冲突水平较低,建设用地空间冲突较高;从城乡梯度差异来看,城乡过渡地带是空间格局变化最为频繁、空间冲突 最为激烈的区域,其次是城市内部,农村地区的空间冲突强度远远低于城市。此外,本文通过引入生态足迹测算模型、借助Google E砷遥感影像平台以及典型样点实地调研三种方法,验证了基于生态安全角度的长株潭城市群空间冲突测算结果的合理性。 收起
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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-8462.2007.06.005      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

It was give through balanced development outlook,non-balanced development outlook,non-balanced coordinative development outlook and science development outlook for the development strategy of China regional economy.It has great influence,which these changes and adjustments,to space layout of Chinese economy in different historical period and stage of development,and pushing on coordinative development in the regional economy of eastern region,western region and central section.Especially science development outlook was put forward,it is a historical necessity for the evolving of the development strategy of China regional economy.

[Li Jianlin.

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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-8462.2007.06.005      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

It was give through balanced development outlook,non-balanced development outlook,non-balanced coordinative development outlook and science development outlook for the development strategy of China regional economy.It has great influence,which these changes and adjustments,to space layout of Chinese economy in different historical period and stage of development,and pushing on coordinative development in the regional economy of eastern region,western region and central section.Especially science development outlook was put forward,it is a historical necessity for the evolving of the development strategy of China regional economy.
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[41] 周德, 徐建春, 王莉.


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https://doi.org/10.13708/j.cnki.cn11-2640.2015.02.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

研究目的:总结和梳理中国近15年来土地利用冲突研究文献,分析土地利用冲突的研究现状,展望未来的研究方向和重点。研究方法:基于中国知网、中文科技期 刊数据库及万方数据知识服务平台学术文献数据库,采用文献调研法。研究结果:当前中国土地利用冲突研究具有很多共同的关注点,主要集中在土地利用冲突概念 演变、类型与区域分布、原因及机制、评价与管理等4个方面。研究结论:在全面评析土地利用冲突研究成果的基础上,认为未来应当重点关注5个方面的研究: (1)理论基础和整体分析框架研究;(2)评价指标体系和定量模型研究;(3)多尺度(微观—中观—宏观)综合研究;(4)区域土地利用冲突情景模拟研 究;(5)理论与实践相结合研究。

[Zhou De, Xu Jianchun, Wang Li.

Process of land use conflict research in China during the past fifteen years.

China Land Sciences, 2015, 29(2): 21-29.]

https://doi.org/10.13708/j.cnki.cn11-2640.2015.02.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

研究目的:总结和梳理中国近15年来土地利用冲突研究文献,分析土地利用冲突的研究现状,展望未来的研究方向和重点。研究方法:基于中国知网、中文科技期 刊数据库及万方数据知识服务平台学术文献数据库,采用文献调研法。研究结果:当前中国土地利用冲突研究具有很多共同的关注点,主要集中在土地利用冲突概念 演变、类型与区域分布、原因及机制、评价与管理等4个方面。研究结论:在全面评析土地利用冲突研究成果的基础上,认为未来应当重点关注5个方面的研究: (1)理论基础和整体分析框架研究;(2)评价指标体系和定量模型研究;(3)多尺度(微观—中观—宏观)综合研究;(4)区域土地利用冲突情景模拟研 究;(5)理论与实践相结合研究。
[42] 陈明星, 叶超, 周义.

城市化速度曲线及其政策启示: 对诺瑟姆曲线的讨论与发展

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[Chen Mingxing, Ye Chao, Zhou Yi.

Urbanization rate and its policy implications: Discussion and development of Northampton's curve.

Geographical Research, 2011, 30(8): 1499-1507.]

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