地理研究  2015 , 34 (9): 1697-1707 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201509008

Orginal Article


汪明峰, 郗厚雪

华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心,上海 200062

The evolutionary paths of new emerging industry in cities: A case study of the Internet of things industry in the Yangtze River Delta region

WANG Mingfeng, XI Houxue

Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

收稿日期: 2015-03-8

修回日期:  2015-06-25

网络出版日期:  2015-09-15

版权声明:  2015 《地理研究》编辑部 《地理研究》编辑部

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41371175)教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(13JJD840010)


作者简介:汪明峰(1977- ),男,浙江绍兴人,副研究员,主要从事城市地理与区域规划研究。E-mail: mfwang@re.ecnu.edu.cn




关键词: 新兴产业 ; 路径依赖 ; 路径创造 ; 物联网产业 ; 长三角地区


The geography of innovation and the regional development have attracted considerable scholarly attention, especially the spatial evolution processes of new technologies, enterprises, and industries. The development of a particular industry varies across locations, and more work is needed to study an emerging industry from a geographical perspective. The evolutionary economic geography provides effective theoretical tools for the analysis of the spatial evolution of industries and contributes to a better cognition of the mechanism for the evolution of economic landscapes. A significant agglomeration has been found in the Internet of things (IoT) industry in the following locations: Yangtze River Delta region, Pearl River Delta region, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (Bohai Rim) region, and some developed cities in the central and western regions of China. As the origin of the IoT industry, the Yangtze River Delta region has a full-fledged industry chain. Based on the path dependence theory, this paper explores the local differences of the emergence and evolution of the IoT industry in four cities of the Yangtze River Delta region: Wuxi, Shanghai, Nanjing, and Hangzhou. In Wuxi, occasional opportunity and local government are the significant determinants, while the development of IoT industry in Shanghai is driven by the industrial base and innovative institutional environment. For Nanjing and Hangzhou, the interactions between the fundamental conditions of industry and the state policies are the major impetuses. In conclusion, technological base, government policy, and occasional opportunity are the main drivers in the initial stage of emerging industry in China.

Keywords: new emerging industry ; path dependence ; path creation ; IoT industry ; the Yangtze River Delta region


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汪明峰, 郗厚雪. 城市新兴技术产业的演化路径比较分析——以长三角物联网产业为例[J]. , 2015, 34(9): 1697-1707 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201509008

WANG Mingfeng, XI Houxue. The evolutionary paths of new emerging industry in cities: A case study of the Internet of things industry in the Yangtze River Delta region[J]. 地理研究, 2015, 34(9): 1697-1707 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201509008

1 引言




2 城市新兴产业的形成与发展:路径依赖理论的视角


事实上,一般对路径依赖的认识存在三种观点[29]:技术锁定、动态收益递增,以及制度滞后(institutional hysteresis)。从区域的视角来看,各种地方资源要素都有可能导致区域路径依赖[29]。对经济地理学来讲,利用路径依赖模型来解释特定产业、技术或制度的演化有两种主要的途径[30]。一是针对特定区位的演化,集中于确定导致一个区域产业、技术和制度(路径创造)出现的基本和必要要素,自我强化机制的类型,以及协同演化过程,并解释未来路径依赖的发展。二是针对跨区位的演化,不太关注特定地区、特定产业的路径依赖演化,但较多关注于一个产业在不同地区和不同位置下是如何空间演化的。就如在David路径依赖基础演化模型中,其前提假设是新技术或新产业最初位置具有不确定性,可能几个位置都同等适合,但最终确定的位置往往由机会或偶然事件决定[27]

Martin等曾指出路径创造存在三种途径[29]:① 路径创造是随机的,即历史偶然性的结果;② 路径创造是限制性条件和机会事件的综合结果,即所谓的区位机会窗口;③ 路径创造是成功(区域)路径之间的依赖,如硅谷互联网产业的浮现是由于这个区域已有的风险资本产业[31]。其中,对于政府政策(包括国家层面的、区域的、有明确区域的或者没有的)在路径创造中的作用存在争议。一些研究认为政府政策对区域技术发展的支持效果并不明显[32]。Lambooy等曾梳理了两种不同演化机制下的区域政策作用[33]:一是认为机会的区位不确定性表明新的发展路径是不可能规划甚至预测的;二是认为如果政策目标强烈地根植于周遭环境,区域政策的潜在影响是非常大的。



3 中国物联网的产业组织与空间集聚





图1   物联网重点企业的城市分布 资料来源:根据参考文献[20]整理绘制。

Fig. 1   Spatial distribution of the key IoT firms in the cities

4 长三角城市物联网产业兴起的路径比较

4.1 研究设计与方法




4.2 单案例描述与分析

4.2.1 无锡案例 探究无锡物联网产业兴起,必须了解无锡在改革开放后的发展历程。1978年底到1991年,无锡用13年的时间走出了一条“苏南模式”,主要表现为乡镇企业的“异军突起”,农村经济飞速发展小城镇快速兴起。但是,传统的苏南模式造成路径依赖和自我强化,与环境变化不相适应,最终反过来制约了无锡的发展[39]。1992-2005年,无锡对传统“苏南模式”进行反思与扬弃,通过利用外资和企业改革积极融入国际产业分工体系[40]。而2005年以后,无锡进入了创新经济发展阶段。之所以2005年决定走改革创新的之路,是因为传统经济发展对环境造成的破坏,以至于2007年无锡爆发“蓝藻危机”,这使无锡更坚定了要调整已有产业发展思路的决心。经过一番调整,无锡市决定致力于新兴产业的发展,尤其是在2006年就颁布了《无锡市“十一五”功能性产业培育五年行动计划》,重点发展微电子、光伏、IC、创意设计等产业。然而,无锡并不满足于此,政府部门希望能够寻找一个更能支撑下一轮经济发展的战略性新兴产业。无锡对物联网的了解源于无锡太湖科技园工作人员在中科院网站上看到的一则会议通知,该会议通知里提到了传感网,继而电话询问关于传感网的这个项目,由此引发了无锡与物联网之间的联系[41]。随后,相关政府部门抓住机会,迅速围绕传感网项目的负责人建立起无锡物联网产业研究院,自此无锡物联网也正式拉开了帷幕。



图2   无锡物联网产业的兴起路径

Fig. 2   Path to developing the IoT industry in Wuxi

4.2.2 上海案例 尽管物联网发展的先机被无锡抢占,但其物联网技术和产业的主要基础却源于上海,即中科院微系统与信息技术研究所。作为中国主要的传感网研究机构,该所位于上海嘉定区,使嘉定成为“上海物联网”中心和传感器基地。拥有技术创新基础使得上海能够继无锡之后迅速布局和建设物联网。事实上,上海是国内物联网技术和应用的主要发源地之一,在技术研发和产业化应用方面具有良好的基础。从“十五”起,上海市科委就着手开始布局,市政府在物联网相关技术(主要是RFID技术)研发方面已累计投入6000多万。“十一五”期间,上海承担了10多项与物联网相关的国家科技重大专项。到2005年,上海电子标签与物联网产学研联盟成立,整合了上海在RFID领域的技术资源,并加强了与国内外优势机构的合作。这些组织和基地等的成立推动着上海物联网技术的不断创新,为该地物联网产业的发展和布局提供了有利的技术支持。



图3   上海物联网产业的兴起路径

Fig. 3   Path to developing the IoT industry in Shanghai

4.2.3 南京案例 作为长三角地区中的省会城市,南京在物联网产业兴起的开端,也没有抓住发展的先机。在物联网还没成形之前,南京物联网发展的相关要素较为分散,技术和人才并没有得到整合,相关产业基础规模不大,同时政府也未对物联网产业的发展提供政策支持。与其他城市类似,在2009年之后,南京才逐渐将物联网产业作为重点发展的产业。而后江苏制订了《2009-2012年物联网产业发展规划纲要》,其中规划布局了江苏物联网产业发展的区域格局是一个产业核心区(无锡)和两个产业支撑区(南京和苏州)。



图4   南京物联网产业的兴起路径

Fig. 4   Path to developing the IoT industry in Nanjing

4.2.4 杭州案例 在物联网未提出之前,杭州比南京的物联网产业基础稍好,除具备较好的产业基础外,还拥有众多的科研院所、机构和企业。在2009年,作为物联网基础的感知层产业,杭州已集聚了近80家相关企业,物联网整体也形成了具有210亿元的产值规模,产业链体系已有所完善;而且杭州物联网企业已拥有160多项专利,其中发明专利占到56项。同时,杭州是国家电子信息产业基地、电子商务之都,也是国家软件产业基地和国家集成电路设计产业化基地,这些基地的建设很大程度上为物联网的出现和发展提供了良好的基础资源。与南京类似,在无锡提出发展“感知中国”后,杭州也加快了物联网产业的建设和布局。2010年11月起,相继出台了关于物联网产业的发展规划和三年行动计划等政策文件,并积极布局和建设物联网产业园区,形成“一网三区”的产业空间格局。由此,杭州物联网产业的发展逐渐铺展开来。从整个过程来看,杭州的发展模式与南京类似,也是在政府与政策引导下的路径追随(图4)。

4.3 跨案例比较与总结


表1   长三角重点城市物联网产业兴起路径的比较

Tab. 1   Comparison on the paths to developing the IoT industry among the selected cities of YRD region



4.3.1 知识溢出与技术创新的地方化 新兴产业的发展依赖于技术创新的空间过程,而知识溢出存在明显的地方化特征,如专利引用的地方化效应在大都市区层面最为显著[43]。因此,在产业兴起阶段,技术源所在的区位非常重要,会影响技术扩散的路径和产业布局格局[44]。案例分析显示,物联网产业源于传感网,而在传感网的技术创新研究方面,上海在国内一直领先。早在2001年,中科院就依托上海微系统所成立微系统研究与发展中心,进行无线传感网的研究工作。2004年启动RFID的关键技术研究,并取得了较大的技术进步,这些使得上海具备了物联网产业发展的技术基础。在《上海推进物联网产业发展行动方案(2010-2012年)》中,上海将浦东和嘉定两区作为物联网基地,也是基于两地明显的技术基础和优势。就嘉定而言,它是中科院上海微系统所的所在地;对浦东来说,在张江高科技园区同样具备技术研发基础。


4.3.2 历史偶然性与历史基础 历史偶然性往往造就“先动优势”,但是对于一些新兴技术产业而言,偶然中或许存在必然。正如Sydow等指出的,不少新技术和新产品的产生是有目的的行为结果,只是其触发条件是一些偶然性的事件[28]。尤其在中国,地方发展新路径的创造与地方政府的作为紧密相关[46,47]。无锡物联网在未发展之前,一直寻找能够带动下一轮社会经济发展的新兴产业,而最终选择了物联网,却源于政府工作人员在网络上看到的一则消息通知,这一偶然因素促使无锡抢占了物联网的发展先机。无可否认,无锡也具备信息制造业的基础,是中国乡镇企业的发起地之一,也是中国半导体和微电子的产业的重要起源地。目前在微电子领域,无锡在集成电路制造、设计、测试和产业链方面,在国内一直名列前茅。可见,新兴产业兴起的相关产业基础也是重要的发展条件。一个新产业的重组增长依赖于当地相关已有产业的集聚,相关产业为新的企业提供各种人才、知识及资金[23]。对于新产业来说,拥有更多早期市场进入者的城市或区域,将面临更多的增长机遇,在后续发展中可能拥有重要的先动优势[9]

4.3.3 政府政策的推动 尽管国外较多文献并未表明规划或政策在新兴产业兴起过程中的重要性,但在中国,政府政策在产业发展初期的重要性是显而易见的[48]。长三角地区在发展物联网产业方面确实具备一定的产业基础和技术创新的优势,但仅靠这些,还不足以能够造就产业的快速集聚和发展。而且物联网产业涉及面广,单靠企业自身很难完成,必须要有政府的大力扶持与推动。就中央层面讲,国家早在2006年就将传感器网络及智能信息处理列入信息产业及现代服务业领域的优先发展主题,在2008年发布的《信息产业科技发展“十一五”计划和2020年中长期规划(纲要)》中对物联网发展做了整体布局,更提出要打造完整产业链,形成产业群体,这些都极大地推动了一个新兴产业在全国各地的布局和发展。尤其是温家宝在无锡调研并将“感知中国”设在无锡之后,更是推动了物联网产业的快速发展。之后江苏省、上海市和浙江省都积极响应物联网产业的发展号召,推出了各自的物联网产业发展规划,并积极建设物联网产业基地。这种自上而下的政策扶持对于战略性新兴产业的迅速布局是不可缺少的。

5 结论与讨论



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Path dependence is an important concept applied in explaining the evolutionary process and dynamics of the social and economic systems,and is also useful for understanding the evolution of economic landscape.Despite this concept has received increasing attention from the fields of economics and management in recent years,we has little knowledge about its implication for economic geography and regional economics.This paper reviews the origin of the path dependence theory and its application in a variety of fields including technological change,institutional evolution and social culture;reviews the literatures of applying the path dependence in explaining some important issues of economic geography;in particular,in understanding the mechanisms of regional economic evolution.This paper argues that there are two mechanisms of path dependence driving the evolution of regional economy: one is that the regional growth is driven by spin-offs and spatial clustering;the other is that over-specialization and the ignoring of external relations together cause regional lock-in.In the final part,the paper points out the short defects of the existing studies of economic geography on path dependence and the future research directions.

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. Geographical Research, 2012, 31(5): 782-791.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2012050002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Path dependence is an important concept applied in explaining the evolutionary process and dynamics of the social and economic systems,and is also useful for understanding the evolution of economic landscape.Despite this concept has received increasing attention from the fields of economics and management in recent years,we has little knowledge about its implication for economic geography and regional economics.This paper reviews the origin of the path dependence theory and its application in a variety of fields including technological change,institutional evolution and social culture;reviews the literatures of applying the path dependence in explaining some important issues of economic geography;in particular,in understanding the mechanisms of regional economic evolution.This paper argues that there are two mechanisms of path dependence driving the evolution of regional economy: one is that the regional growth is driven by spin-offs and spatial clustering;the other is that over-specialization and the ignoring of external relations together cause regional lock-in.In the final part,the paper points out the short defects of the existing studies of economic geography on path dependence and the future research directions.
[12] 刘志高, 尹贻梅.

演化经济地理学: 当代西方经济地理学发展的新方向

. 国外社会科学, 2006, (1): 34-39.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Liu Zhigao, Yin Yimei.

Evolutionary economic geography: A new direction for economic geography in contemporary western.

Social Sciences Abroad, 2006, (1): 34-39.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[13] 苗长虹, 魏也华, 吕拉昌. 新经济地理学. 北京: 科学出版社, 2011.

[Miao Changhong, Wei Yehua, Lv Lachang. New Economic Geographies.Beijing: Science Press, 2011.]

[14] 刘志高, 尹贻梅, 孙静.


. 地理科学进展, 2011, 30(6): 652-657.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.06.002      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Since the 1980s,industrial cluster as a new regional development model has gained increasing attentions from academic researchers and public policy-makers worldwide.In recent years,the investigation on the dynamics,the evolutionary path of industrial clusters from the evolutionary economic geography perspective has become one of the hot study issues.This paper describes the traditional explanations of industry cluster formation and the theoretical and methodological drawbacks,then reviews the research process of the formation of industrial clusters from the perspective of evolutionary economic geography,and finally points out some worth noting issues when the approach of evolutionary economic geography is applied to Chinas' industrial clusters.

[Liu Zhigao, Yin Yimei, Sun Jing.

A review of the research progress on industrial cluster formation from the perspective of evolutionary economic geography.

Progress in Geography, 2011, 30(6): 652-657.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.06.002      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Since the 1980s,industrial cluster as a new regional development model has gained increasing attentions from academic researchers and public policy-makers worldwide.In recent years,the investigation on the dynamics,the evolutionary path of industrial clusters from the evolutionary economic geography perspective has become one of the hot study issues.This paper describes the traditional explanations of industry cluster formation and the theoretical and methodological drawbacks,then reviews the research process of the formation of industrial clusters from the perspective of evolutionary economic geography,and finally points out some worth noting issues when the approach of evolutionary economic geography is applied to Chinas' industrial clusters.
[15] 王周杨, 胡晓辉, 马木兰.


. 人文地理, 2013, 28(4): 13-19.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In the past decade,an ' evolutionary turn' has been taking place in the field of economic geography.The main aim of evolutionary economic geography is seeking to understand the evolutionary process of economic landscape,such as the geographies of technological progress,dynamic competitive advantage,economic restructuring,and economic growth.The micro-level perspective indicates how the routines of firms and their locational behaviors shape the evolutionary processes and spatial structures of the clusters;The meso-level perspective analyzes the structures and configurations of knowledge networks,the inter-firm knowledge relationships and the evolution of networks;The marco-level perspective investigates the evolutionary trajectories and the systematic dynamics of clusters,emphasizing the interactions between clusters and relevant environments.However,since the theoretical and methodological development of evolutionary economic geography is still in the stage of infancy,the application into cluster research is not unproblematic.In the context of Chinese transitional economy,we argue for the 'evolutionary turn' of cluster research,and propose some new research agendas for advancing the research on Chinese clusters.On the one hand,we need utilize the theories of evolutionary economic geography to explore the development processes and dynamics of different types of clusters in China,in order to examine the applicability of western theories in the context of China;on the other,we claim for the development of Chinese-characterized evolutionary economic geography,and the construction of theoretical framework of cluster evolution in China.

[Wang Zhouyang, Hu Xiaohui, Ma Mulan.

The theoretical fundamentals of evolutionary economic geography and its application into cluster research.

Human Geography, 2013, 28(4): 13-19.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In the past decade,an ' evolutionary turn' has been taking place in the field of economic geography.The main aim of evolutionary economic geography is seeking to understand the evolutionary process of economic landscape,such as the geographies of technological progress,dynamic competitive advantage,economic restructuring,and economic growth.The micro-level perspective indicates how the routines of firms and their locational behaviors shape the evolutionary processes and spatial structures of the clusters;The meso-level perspective analyzes the structures and configurations of knowledge networks,the inter-firm knowledge relationships and the evolution of networks;The marco-level perspective investigates the evolutionary trajectories and the systematic dynamics of clusters,emphasizing the interactions between clusters and relevant environments.However,since the theoretical and methodological development of evolutionary economic geography is still in the stage of infancy,the application into cluster research is not unproblematic.In the context of Chinese transitional economy,we argue for the 'evolutionary turn' of cluster research,and propose some new research agendas for advancing the research on Chinese clusters.On the one hand,we need utilize the theories of evolutionary economic geography to explore the development processes and dynamics of different types of clusters in China,in order to examine the applicability of western theories in the context of China;on the other,we claim for the development of Chinese-characterized evolutionary economic geography,and the construction of theoretical framework of cluster evolution in China.
[16] 孟召宜, 渠爱雪, 李红瑞.

基于文化经济共同演化视角的区域发展模式比较研究: 以江苏省丰县、昆山为例

. 地理研究, 2011, 30(12): 2186-2198.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Meng Zhaoyi, Qu Aixue, Li Hongrui.

Comparative study of the regional development pattern based on co-evolution of culture and economy: A case study of Fengxian and Kunshan in Jiangsu.

Geographical Research, 2011, 30(12): 2186-2198.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[17] 马海涛, 周春山, 刘逸.

地理、网络与信任: 金融危机背景下的生产网络演化

. 地理研究, 2012, 31(6): 1057-1065.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Ma Haitao, Zhou Chunshan, Liu Yi.

Geography, networks and trust: The evolution of production networks in the context of global financial crisis.

Geographical Research, 2012, 31(6): 1057-1065.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[18] 樊新生, 李小建.

欠发达地区产业集群演化分析: 以河南长垣卫生材料产业集群为例

. 经济地理, 2009, 29(1): 113-118.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Fan Xinsheng, Li Xiaojian.

The evolution of traditional industry cluster in less-developed area: A case study of the sanitary ware cluster in Changyuan county in Henan province.

Economic Geography, 2009, 29(1): 113-118.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[19] 马海涛, 刘志高.

地方生产网络空间结构演化过程与机制研究: 以潮汕纺织服装行业为例

. 地理科学, 2012, 32(3): 308-313.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11783-011-0280-z      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Economic geographers have recently attempted to develop relational and evolutionary economic geographies.Production networks and network evolution are both popular in economic geographies.Local production network is a valuable tool by which we can have a better understanding of the global-local interaction.Now the research on local production networks is moving from relatively static analysis to historical and dynamic process study.But there is little writing about the evolution of local production network in the context of China.This article tries to full this gap and takes textile and apparel industry in Chaoshan Region as a case to explore the processes and dynamics of production networks in the context of China's transition to market-oriented economy.Here social interview is employed as a research method,based on the Ucinet software data.The result indicates that the internal structure of production networks in Chaoshan's textile and apparel industry has changed from the geographical concentration of enterprises to multi-clusters networks and then to cross-clusters production networks.This change can be well explained by the basic concepts of Evolutionary Economic Geography such as selection,retention,variation and path dependence and path creation.Network evolution is in nature relational evolution between enterprises which were influenced by external environments and different development phases.Some mechanisms including geographical proximity of spin-offs,aggregation economy of enterprise in related industries and relational dependence together make the whole local production network be relatively stable structure of the internal network,which can be called"retention".However,market and institutional innovation and path destruction induce structural change,leading to the gradual formation of cross-clusters production networks,which can be called"variation".Finally,this article strongly argues that the evolutionary thinking is helpful in explaining the evolution of local production networks and the evolutionary study of local production networks would offer insightful suggestions for policy-makers.Interaction of cross-border production networks and institutional innovation would be the important research topics of network evolution in the near future.

[Ma Haitao, Liu Zhigao.

Spatial structure evolutionary process and mechanisms of local production networks: A case study of Chaoshan region in southeast China.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2012, 32(3): 308-313.]

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11783-011-0280-z      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Economic geographers have recently attempted to develop relational and evolutionary economic geographies.Production networks and network evolution are both popular in economic geographies.Local production network is a valuable tool by which we can have a better understanding of the global-local interaction.Now the research on local production networks is moving from relatively static analysis to historical and dynamic process study.But there is little writing about the evolution of local production network in the context of China.This article tries to full this gap and takes textile and apparel industry in Chaoshan Region as a case to explore the processes and dynamics of production networks in the context of China's transition to market-oriented economy.Here social interview is employed as a research method,based on the Ucinet software data.The result indicates that the internal structure of production networks in Chaoshan's textile and apparel industry has changed from the geographical concentration of enterprises to multi-clusters networks and then to cross-clusters production networks.This change can be well explained by the basic concepts of Evolutionary Economic Geography such as selection,retention,variation and path dependence and path creation.Network evolution is in nature relational evolution between enterprises which were influenced by external environments and different development phases.Some mechanisms including geographical proximity of spin-offs,aggregation economy of enterprise in related industries and relational dependence together make the whole local production network be relatively stable structure of the internal network,which can be called"retention".However,market and institutional innovation and path destruction induce structural change,leading to the gradual formation of cross-clusters production networks,which can be called"variation".Finally,this article strongly argues that the evolutionary thinking is helpful in explaining the evolution of local production networks and the evolutionary study of local production networks would offer insightful suggestions for policy-makers.Interaction of cross-border production networks and institutional innovation would be the important research topics of network evolution in the near future.
[20] 中国电子信息产业发展研究院, 赛迪顾问股份有限公司. 中国物联网产业发展及应用实践. 北京: 电子工业出版社, 2013.

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[China Center for Information Industry Development, CCID Consulting. The Development and Practice of the IoT Industry in China. Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2013.]

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[21] Hoover E M.

The Location of Economic Activity

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[22] Henderson J V, Kuncoro A, Turner M.

Industrial development in cities.

Journal of Political Economy, 1995, 103: 1067-1090.

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[23] Boschma R A, Wenting R.

The spatial evolution of the British automobile industry: Does location matter?.

Industrial and Corporate Change, 2007, 16(2): 213-238.

https://doi.org/10.1093/icc/dtm004      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This article aims to describe and explain the spatial evolution of the automobile sector in Great Britain from an evolutionary perspective. This analysis is bas
[24] 汪明峰.

城市新经济: 中国大城市互联网产业的集群化发展

. 中国城市研究, 2010, (第3辑): 77-92.

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[Wang Mingfeng.

The new economy in the cities: The development of internet industry clusters in the Chinese metropolitans.

China Urban Studies, 2010, (3 series): 77-92.]

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[25] Boschma R, Martin R.The aims and scope of evolutionary economic geography. In: Boschma R, Martin R. The Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2010: 3-39.

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[26] David P A.

Why are institutions the 'carriers of history'? Path dependence and the evolution of conventions, organizations and institutions.

Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 1994, 5(2): 205-220.

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[27] David P A.Path dependence, its critics and the quest for "historical economics". In: Garrouste P, Ioannides S. Evolution and Path Dependence in Economic Ideas. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2001: 15-40.

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[28] Sydow J, Schreyogg G, Koch J.Organizational paths: Path dependency and beyond. In: Proceedings of 21st EGOS Colloquium, Berlin, Germany, 30 June-2 July, 2005: 1-42.

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[29] Martin R, Sunley P.

Path dependence and regional economic evolution.

Journal of Economic Geography, 2006, 6(4): 395-437.

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[30] Martin R, Sunley P.The place of path dependence in an evolutionary perspective on the economic landscape. In: Boschma R, Martin R. The Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2010: 62-92.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[31] Zook M A.

The Geography of the Internet Industry: Venture Capital, Dot-coms and Local Knowledge

. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 2005.

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[32] Bresnahan T, Gambardella A.Building High-Tech Clusters: Silicon Valley and Beyond. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[33] Lambooy J G, Boschma R A.

Evolutionary economics and regional policy.

Annals of Regional Science, 2001, 35(1): 113-133.

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[34] Brachert M, Cantner U, Graf H, et al.

Which regions benefit from emerging industries?.

European Planning Studies, 2013, 21(11): 1703-1707.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[35] 汪明峰, 毕秀晶.


. 中国城市研究, 2013, (第6辑): 205-218.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In China, many municipal governments have planed and set up many software parks or industrial districts for attracting and supporting the entry and growth of software firms. The planning and construction of these software parks had a significant impact on the development and evolution of the spatial organization of local software industry. Taking Metropolitan Shanghai as a case, this article compares the spatial layout of software parks and the actual distribution of software firms, and discusses the guiding role of the planning of software parks on the spatial distribution of the industry. The paper analyses the location decision-making process of firms in Shanghai Pudong Software Park (SPSP) through questionnaires and interviews. The results show that the government's planning and policy has played a vital role during the formation of the software industry agglomerating districts in Shanghai.

[Wang Mingfeng, Bi Xiujing.

Industrial parks' effects: The role of government in the location choice of software firms in Shanghai.

China Urban Studies, 2013, (6 series): 205-218.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In China, many municipal governments have planed and set up many software parks or industrial districts for attracting and supporting the entry and growth of software firms. The planning and construction of these software parks had a significant impact on the development and evolution of the spatial organization of local software industry. Taking Metropolitan Shanghai as a case, this article compares the spatial layout of software parks and the actual distribution of software firms, and discusses the guiding role of the planning of software parks on the spatial distribution of the industry. The paper analyses the location decision-making process of firms in Shanghai Pudong Software Park (SPSP) through questionnaires and interviews. The results show that the government's planning and policy has played a vital role during the formation of the software industry agglomerating districts in Shanghai.
[36] 车春鹂, 高汝熹. 工业物联网产业发展战略研究. 上海: 上海社会科学院出版社, 2013.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Che Chunli, Gao Ruxi.The Research on the Development Strategy of IoT Industry. Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, 2013.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[37] Yin R K.

Case Study Research: Design and Methods

. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2009.

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[38] Eisenhardt K M.

Building theories from case study research.

The Academy of Management Review, 1989, 14(4): 532-550.

URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[39] 邱成利, 冯杰.


. 中国工业经济, 2000, (7): 51-55.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-480X.2000.07.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Qiu Chengli, Feng Jie.

The development of "Sunan Model" and its path dependency.

China Industrial Economy, 2000, (7): 51-55.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-480X.2000.07.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[40] 吴敬琏, 黄少卿. 无锡经验:中国经济发展转型的个案研究. 上海: 远东出版社, 2010.

URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[Wu Jinglian, Huang Shaoqing.Wuxi Experience: A Case Study on the Transformation of Economic Development in China. Shanghai: Fareast Press, 2010.]

URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[41] 邱积敏.


. 决策, 2010, (6): 20-22.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1005-5940.2010.06.003      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要


[Qiu Jimin.

How does Wuxi transform into 'the Capital of IoT'

. Decision-Making, 2010, (6): 20-22.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1005-5940.2010.06.003      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[42] 吴立群.


. 无锡日报, 2007-01-19.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Wu Liqun.

The 'Sanchuang' supporter as a key strategy in Wuxi

. Wuxi Daily, 2007-01-19.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[43] Jaffe A, Trajtenberg M, Henderson R M.

Geographic localization of knowledge spillovers as evidenced by patent citations.

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1993, 108(3): 577-598.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[44] 汪明峰, 宁越敏.


. 地理学报, 2004, 59(3): 446-454.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2004.03.015      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Advanced information and telecommunication technology has brought human being into a new information age, resulting in the emerging of an informational, global, and networked society. In the 1990s, the rapid growth of the Internet not only had strong impacts on the social and economic fields, but also restructured the organizations of global physical and virtual spaces. In recent years, the scholarly research on Internet has rapidly increased in many fields such as urban geography in the western developed countries. However, little research on the cities of developing countries exists in the Internet studies literature, and almost none addresses the topic of China, despite of their obvious implications for urban development in China. This paper seeks to fill this gap and understand the impact of Internet on the urban system in China. Based on the measurement of Internet backbone networks, it analyses the spatial structure of the Internet city network and ranks these cities in China. Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou and their linkages constitute the core level of long-distance telecommunication network. The investments in infrastructure are rewriting the map of competitive advantage of cities. An urban network of the information network cities is emerging in which the geographical factor plays an important role.

[Wang Mingfeng, Ning Yuemin.

The internet and the rise of information network cities in China.

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2004, 59(3): 446-454.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2004.03.015      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Advanced information and telecommunication technology has brought human being into a new information age, resulting in the emerging of an informational, global, and networked society. In the 1990s, the rapid growth of the Internet not only had strong impacts on the social and economic fields, but also restructured the organizations of global physical and virtual spaces. In recent years, the scholarly research on Internet has rapidly increased in many fields such as urban geography in the western developed countries. However, little research on the cities of developing countries exists in the Internet studies literature, and almost none addresses the topic of China, despite of their obvious implications for urban development in China. This paper seeks to fill this gap and understand the impact of Internet on the urban system in China. Based on the measurement of Internet backbone networks, it analyses the spatial structure of the Internet city network and ranks these cities in China. Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou and their linkages constitute the core level of long-distance telecommunication network. The investments in infrastructure are rewriting the map of competitive advantage of cities. An urban network of the information network cities is emerging in which the geographical factor plays an important role.
[45] 马海涛.

生产网络演化视角下的城市产业升级路径研究: 以汕头市纺织服装行业为例

. 人文地理, 2011, 26(4): 99-102.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Ma Haitao.

Upgrade paths of urban industry from the perspective of evolutionary production networks: A case study of textile and apparel industry in Shantou city.

Human Geography, 2011, 26(4): 99-102.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[46] 苗长虹, 魏也华.

分工深化、知识创造与产业集群成长: 河南鄢陵县花木产业的案例研究

. 地理研究, 2009, 28(4): 853-864.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Miao Changhong, Wei Yehua.

Deepening division of labor, knowledge creation and the growth of industrial clusters: A case study of the flowers and plants industry in Yanling county, Henan province, China.

Geographical Research, 2009, 28(4): 853-864.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[47] 刘云刚, 叶清露.

区域发展中的路径创造和尺度政治: 对广东惠州发展历程的解读

. 地理科学, 2013, 33(9): 1029-1036.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In recent years,more scholars have taken the initiative to review the path dependence from the perspective of institutionalization.Attention has been paid on the possibility of path creation,which is characterized by real-time influence and mindful deviation.However,most of the behavioral researches remain in the level of theoretical discussion and model specification.This article takes Huizhou City,China as an example to empirically analyze the path dependence and path creation in the regional development since the reform and openning-yp which began in 1979.It reveals that there is path creation in Chinese regional development,and politics of scale is an important strategy to realize it.The path creation of Huizhou,which is in the Zhujiang River Delta,is actually a trial of local globalization鈥攖he scalar jumping from locality(rimland of the Zhujiang River Delta) to global(core area of the Zhujiang River Delta).In the process of regional politics of scale,the local government,which positively organizes locality to participate in politics of scale,is the active subject dominating the politics of scale,while the central government is the powerful third party in the politics of scale,holding the absolute controlling power of scalar system.With the construction of regional scalar fix,the core area of the Zhujiang River Delta forms stable regional division of labor system by the structural power of self-reinforcing.As a peripheral locality,Huizhou made use of"big project investment promotion"and "state-owned enterprise reform and investment promotion"for several times to mobilize large multinational enterprises,the news media and other outside groups to establish external alliance,so as to scale up and finally enter the core area.The case analysis of Huizhou in this article explains the dynamic operation system of"path creation",and theorizes the phenomenon of rimland breaking the unbalanced development to the realization of path creation with politics of scale by the locality.At the same time,it provides theoretical reference and advices for the rimland to break the unbalanced development status,indicating that local globalization is the key for the rimland to scale up,and the rimland should position the locality in a global perspective and actively fight for the support from a third party to build the locality-global connection.

[Liu yungang, Ye Qinglu.

Path creation with politics of scale in the regional development: A case study of Huizhou city.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2013, 33(9): 1029-1036.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In recent years,more scholars have taken the initiative to review the path dependence from the perspective of institutionalization.Attention has been paid on the possibility of path creation,which is characterized by real-time influence and mindful deviation.However,most of the behavioral researches remain in the level of theoretical discussion and model specification.This article takes Huizhou City,China as an example to empirically analyze the path dependence and path creation in the regional development since the reform and openning-yp which began in 1979.It reveals that there is path creation in Chinese regional development,and politics of scale is an important strategy to realize it.The path creation of Huizhou,which is in the Zhujiang River Delta,is actually a trial of local globalization鈥攖he scalar jumping from locality(rimland of the Zhujiang River Delta) to global(core area of the Zhujiang River Delta).In the process of regional politics of scale,the local government,which positively organizes locality to participate in politics of scale,is the active subject dominating the politics of scale,while the central government is the powerful third party in the politics of scale,holding the absolute controlling power of scalar system.With the construction of regional scalar fix,the core area of the Zhujiang River Delta forms stable regional division of labor system by the structural power of self-reinforcing.As a peripheral locality,Huizhou made use of"big project investment promotion"and "state-owned enterprise reform and investment promotion"for several times to mobilize large multinational enterprises,the news media and other outside groups to establish external alliance,so as to scale up and finally enter the core area.The case analysis of Huizhou in this article explains the dynamic operation system of"path creation",and theorizes the phenomenon of rimland breaking the unbalanced development to the realization of path creation with politics of scale by the locality.At the same time,it provides theoretical reference and advices for the rimland to break the unbalanced development status,indicating that local globalization is the key for the rimland to scale up,and the rimland should position the locality in a global perspective and actively fight for the support from a third party to build the locality-global connection.
[48] 张永凯, 徐伟.

演化经济地理学视角下的产业空间演化及其影响因素分析: 以中国汽车工业为例

. 世界地理研究, 2014, 23(2): 1-13.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Zhang Yongkai, Xu Wei.

Analysis of the industry spatial evolution mechanism and its determinants from the perspective of evolutionary economic geography.

World Regional Studies, 2014, 23(2): 1-13.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[49] 李二玲, 庞安超, 朱纪广.


. 地理研究, 2012, 31(5): 885-898.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Li Erling,

Pang An'chao, Zhu Jiguang. Analysis of the evolution path and mechanism of China's agricultural agglomeration and geographic pattern.

Geographical Research, 2012, 31(5): 885-898.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[50] 李小建, 葛震远, 乔家君.

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[Li Xiaojian, Ge Zhenyuan, Qiao Jiajun.

The effect of accidental factor on reginal economic development: A case study of Shaogang, Yucheng, Henan.

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