地理研究  2016 , 35 (2): 271-284 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201602006



郭灵辉1, 郝成元1, 吴绍洪23, 赵东升23, 高江波23

1. 河南理工大学测绘与国土信息工程学院,焦作 454000
2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101
3. 中国科学院陆地表层格局与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101

Analysis of changes in net primary productivity and its susceptibility to climate change of Inner Mongolian grasslands using the CENTURY model

GUO Linghui1, HAO Chengyuan1, WU Shaohong23, ZHAO Dongsheng23, GAO Jiangbo23

1. School of Surveying and Land Information Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, Henan, China
2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
3. Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, CAS, Beijing 100101, China

通讯作者:  通讯作者:郝成元(1969- ),男,山东曹县人,教授,主要从事矿区生态学与区域环境变迁研究。E-mail: haocy@hpu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2015-07-16

修回日期:  2015-12-8

网络出版日期:  2016-02-20

版权声明:  2016 《地理研究》编辑部 《地理研究》编辑部

基金资助:  国家十二五科技支撑计划(2012BAC19B04,2012BAC19B10)国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2011CB403206)


作者简介:郭灵辉(1983- ),男,河南宜阳人,博士,主要从事气候变化与生态系统风险评估研究。E-mail: guolinghui@hpu.edu.cn



气候变化及其对植被净初级生产力的影响是全球变化研究的核心内容之一。基于空间化的CENTURY生物过程模型,分析1981-2010年内蒙古草地净初级生产力(NPP)的时空演变规律及其对关键气候因子的敏感性特征。结果表明:近30年内蒙古草地大部分区域NPP呈下降态势但趋势并不显著,全区平均降速约为1.17 g C/m2·a;NPP年代际变化时空差异较大,1980s至1990s约69.65%的区域NPP下降,1990s至2000s NPP下降加剧,下降面积较前者扩大了17.50%;NPP对降水与温度的敏感性特征空间异质性较强,但总体上区域降水减少可能是近30年内蒙古草地NPP下降的主要因素,温度升高同样会导致草地NPP下降,但作用程度较小。

关键词: 气候变化 ; 草地 ; 净初级生产力(NPP) ; 敏感性 ; 内蒙古


Climate change significantly influences regional terrestrial carbon balances. The grasslands of Inner Mongolia, located within the mid-Eurasian continental steppe zone, play an important role in the study of global change processes in the context of their particular geographical location, characterized by climatic variability and a complex natural environment. In this study, a CENTURY-based modeling system (converting the CENTURY model from a site-based model to a spatial model) was used to investigate climate change -- driven spatiotemporal variations in the vegetation net primary production (NPP) within Inner Mongolian grasslands from 1981 to 2010. Our simulation indicated that the NPP has decreased over the majority (88.62%) of the Inner Mongolian grasslands since 1981, at an average rate of 1.17 g C/m2·a over the entire area. However, there is significant decadal variability. From the 1980s to 1990s, some 69.65% of the domain experienced a reduction in the decadal average NPP, while the NPP decreased over 81.84% of the total area from the 1990s to 2000s, suggesting the worsening status of vegetation in recent decades. At the regional scale, changes in precipitation and temperature respectively accounted for 78% and 22% of the NPP decrease; however, their relative contributions were not constant across the study area or across different grassland types.

Keywords: climate change ; grasslands ; NPP ; susceptibility ; Inner Mongolia


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郭灵辉, 郝成元, 吴绍洪, 赵东升, 高江波. 内蒙古草地NPP变化特征及其对气候变化敏感性的CENTURY模拟研究[J]. , 2016, 35(2): 271-284 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201602006

GUO Linghui, HAO Chengyuan, WU Shaohong, ZHAO Dongsheng, GAO Jiangbo. Analysis of changes in net primary productivity and its susceptibility to climate change of Inner Mongolian grasslands using the CENTURY model[J]. 地理研究, 2016, 35(2): 271-284 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201602006

1 引言


内蒙古草地约占全区土地面积的3/4,占全国天然草地面积的1/5,在维护区域乃至全国生态环境稳定、畜牧产品供给以及经济建设方面起着重要作用[13-15]。该区地处东亚季风区的北缘,属干湿气候过渡带,气候变率大,近50年该区增温速率约0.4 ℃/10 a[16,17],变化幅度远远超过中国大陆平均增温水平,是中国气候变化敏感的区域之一[18],这使得气候变化对内蒙古草地净初级生产力的影响研究成为学者和决策者共同关注的话题[19-22]



2 研究方法与数据来源

2.1 CENTURY模型及其空间化

CENTURY模型是由美国科罗拉多州立大学开发的,以气候、人类活动、土壤性状、植物生产力以及凋落物和土壤有机质分解等之间的相互关系为基础而建立的草地生态系统生物地球化学循环模型[1,28]。该模型是从草地生态系统发展起来的,已在全球草地生态系统中得到广泛应用,包括中国主要草原区[23,27,29]。CENTURY模型的运行以月为时间步长,主要输入参数包括4类:① 地理位置参数,包括经度、纬度等;② 气候参数,包括月降水量、月平均最高气温和月平均最低气温等;③ 土壤参数,包括土壤层深度、质地、容重、pH值,初始土壤C、N、P、S水平等;④ 植被参数,主要包括植被类型、植物物候、植物生长最适宜温度和最高温度等。

CENTURY 4.5模型是一个基于点尺度的生物地球化学循环模型,每次运行都需要用户手动输入参数并通过DOC命令行进行设置和进程控制,无法满足本文的研究需求。为此,本文通过编译程序实现其空间化。具体过程为:首先,构建空间栅格参数集,将模型所需的气候数据、土壤数据、地点数据以及植被类型参数插值成统一的栅格数据;然后,根据同一草地类型具有较为相似的生物学特征这一原理,选择三大草地类型中面积占优的优势种代表性样点,通过CENTURY模型参数敏感性分析,筛选出样点模拟结果与实测数据线性关系最为一致的优势种参数设置方案,以此构建以草地类型为单元的植被生理参数体系;之后,逐个格点调用CENTURY模型主程序进行模拟,并根据空间模拟效果来检验、反馈空间化过程参数,进而开展空间模拟(图1)。当然,由于草地生态系统植物种类较多,其时空格局变化涉及众多复杂的生物与非生物因素,而在大中尺度的生态模拟中往往不可避免的要对其某些生态过程、参数进行简化,本文受数据可获得性的限制,仅就草甸草原、典型草原以及荒漠草原等主要草地类型设置了相应的植被参数,并没有根据物种特性进行细化。

图1   CENTURY模型空间化过程示意图

Fig. 1   The diagrammatic sketch of complying CENTURY model from a site-based model into spatial model

2.2 数据来源与预处理

草地类型数据来自于中国科学院1:100万植被图集,参照中华人民共和国农业部畜牧兽医司和全国畜牧兽医总站主编的《中国草地资源》进行分类。由于草甸受局部隐域环境影响较大,而荒漠区域植被覆盖较低,波动大,本文主要关注内蒙古自治区草甸草原、典型草原、荒漠草原等主要草原类型,并运用ArcGIS将草地类型数据转化为栅格图,空间分辨率为8 km,同时为了尽量降低混合像元对模拟效果的影响,本文仅考虑草原面积超过50%的栅格(图2)。空间化模拟所需的主要输入参数及数据来源如表1所示。气候数据源于1981-2010年内蒙古自治区境内及内蒙古周边92个气象台站(图2)月数据集(平均温度、最高温度、最低温度以及降水量等),该数据来自于中国气象局中国气象科学数据共享服务网,然后使用澳大利亚ANUSPLIN 4.3插值软件进行空间插值,插值方法选择样条函数法,空间分辨率设为8 km,插值过程中主要考虑经纬度变化的影响,同时在对温度插值过程中也考虑了高程的影响,插值效果较好[30];土壤质地、容重以及pH值等土壤属性数据来自于联合国粮农组织(FAO)和维也纳国际应用系统研究所(IIASA)所构建的土壤数据库(Harmonized World Soil Database,HWSD),并通过重采样得到与草地分布和气候数据空间分辨率一致的土壤要素空间图;大气干湿氮沉降系数和非生物固氮系数等外部养分输入参数主要参照相关文献[25-27];参照CENTURY模型植被参数说明文件,并结合代表性样地参数敏感性调试与验证获得植被参数集;大气CO2浓度数据来自美国夏威夷Mauna Loa的观测资料数据。

表1   CENTURY模型空间模拟所需的主要输入参数及数据来源

Tab. 1   Input parameters of the CENTURY-based spatial model


图2   内蒙古主要草地类型分布及所选气象站点

Fig. 2   The distribution of the major grassland types in Inner Mongolia and the 92 meteorological stations

2.3 情景设置


表2   敏感性实验方案

Tab. 2   Experiment scheme design



3 结果分析

3.1 模型模拟效果评价


图3   内蒙古草地年NPP模拟值与同期NDVI年平均值时间变化特征

Fig. 3   Inter-annual variations of the annual NPP in the Inner Mongolia grasslands and corresponding NDVI

采用与他人研究成果对比的方法进一步探讨模型模拟能力。从空间分布上,本文1981-2010年内蒙古草地NPP模拟结果的均值(图4)与陶波等[36-38]关于内蒙古草地NPP的研究结果在数值与分布上较为一致。1981-2010年内蒙古草地NPP平均值约为161.05 g C/m2·a,略高于李刚等[39]利用光能利用率模型估算的1982-2003年内蒙古草地生长季NPP的结果(132.29 g C/m2·a)、孙睿等[40]利用光能利用率模型模拟的中国草原NPP结果(116 g C/m2·a)与朴世龙等[41]利用CASA模拟的中国温带草原草甸NPP结果154 g C/m2·a,但低于王国成等[42]通过CASA模型估算的内蒙古草地1981-2001生长旺季NPP的结果(192.0 g C/m2·a)。就草地类型而言,模拟的1981-2010年中,典型草原的多年平均值为151.22 g C/m2·a,与陈四清[43]模拟1978-2000年内蒙古大针茅群落的NPP结果159.26 g C/m2·a和羊草群落NPP结果161.85 g C/m2·a较为相近(表3)。这在一定程度上说明空间化的CENTURY模型能够较好地模拟内蒙古草地生态系统NPP动态变化,研究时段、范围以及所用模型结构的差别可能是差异产生的主要原因。

图4   1981-2010年内蒙古草原NPP均值空间分布

Fig. 4   Spatial distribution of the mean annual NPP over the Inner Mongolia grasslands during 1981-2010

表3   年均净初级生产力与其他研究结果比较

Tab. 3   Comparison of CENTURY based modeling and other researchers' results on NPP in grassland


3.2 近30年NPP变化特征


从时间序列上来看,1981-2010年内蒙古各草原NPP变化趋势相似,年际变化较大(图5)。具体而言,1981-2010年内蒙古草甸草原NPP平均值最大,为353.23 g C/m2·a,变化范围在243.90~465.56 g C/m2·a之间;典型草原与荒漠草原NPP较小,多年平均值分别为151.22 g C/m2·a和65.03 g C/m2·a,变化范围分别为124.08~178.03 g C/m2·a和23.73~93.87 g C/m2·a。1981-2010年内蒙古草原NPP均呈显著下降趋势,其中草甸草原NPP在波动中降低速率最大,为2.94 g C/m2·a,荒漠草原最小,仅为0.73 g C/m2·a,草原全区下降趋势约为1.17 g C/m2·a。

图5   1981-2010年内蒙古草原NPP年际变化特征

Fig. 5   Interannual changes of the annual NPP in the Inner Mongolia grasslands from1981 to 2010

从年代际来看,1980s、1990s和2000s内蒙古全区草原NPP分别为169.64 g C/m2·a、165.95 g C/m2·a、147.57 g C/m2·a,其中1980s NPP变化不大,而近20年明显下降,2000s下降幅度为11.08%。不同草原类型间,NPP年代际变化趋势与全区一致,其中1990s荒漠草原NPP下降幅度最大,为6.57%,而2000s草甸草原NPP降低幅度更为明显,为14.83%(表4)。

表4   1981-2010年内蒙古草原年代际NPP变化特征

Tab. 4   Interdecadal variations of the annual NPP in the Inner Mongolia grasslands from 1981 to 2010

平均值(g C/m2·a)/变化幅度(%)




图6为1981-2010年内蒙古草原NPP变化趋势空间分布特征,从图6可以看出,30年来内蒙古草原NPP变化趋势空间差异较大。NPP增加区域约占总面积的11.38%,仅分布在鄂尔多斯市部分地区、呼伦贝尔市陈巴尔虎旗以及鄂温克族自治旗一带,而在锡林郭勒盟中部、东部、兴安盟以及通辽等地NPP下降趋势明显,速率超过2 g C/m2·,其他地区也均有不同程度的降低,速率在1 g C/m2·a左右。从草原类型角度看,草甸草原NPP下降迅速,64.65%的区域减速在2 g C/m2·a以上,典型草原与荒漠草原也以下降趋势为主,但降速主要波动在0~2 g C/m2·范围内,分别占各自面积的73.06%和96.09%。

图6   1981-2010年内蒙古草原NPP变化趋势空间分布

Fig. 6   Spatial distributions of trends in annual NPP over the Inner Mongolia grasslands from 1981 to 2010


图7   1981-2010年内蒙古草原NPP年代际均值变化幅度空间分布

Fig. 7   Variation of decadal average NPP in the Inner Mongolia grasslands during 1981-2010

表5   1981-2010年内蒙古草原NPP年代际均值变化幅度比例构成

Tab. 5   Amplitude of variation in decadal average NPP over the Inner Mongolia grasslands during 1981-2010



3.3 NPP对气候因子的敏感性


图8为不同模拟方案下1981-2010年内蒙古草原NPP距平年际变化特征。如图8所示,在S3方案下1981-2010年内蒙古草原NPP呈现显著下降趋势,下降速率为1.17 g C/m2·a(P<0.05)。在S1与S2方案下近30年来内蒙古草原NPP均有所下降,其中S1方案下NPP下降速率为0.91 g C/m2·a(P<0.05),大于S2方案下降低速率,并且S1与S3情况下NPP年际变化规律一致,相关系数达0.9以上(P<0.01),这说明从区域整体角度上看,区域降水可能是1981-2010年内蒙古草原NPP变化的主要影响因素,相对作用为78%。从草原类型上分析,降水是内蒙古荒漠草原、典型草原与草甸草原NPP降低的主要驱动因素,作用比值分别为73%、85%和69%,且S1方案下NPP年际变化规律与S3方案下NPP年际变化规律最为一致;温度升高同样会导致不同草原NPP下降,但是其作用程度远低于降水(图8)。

图8   不同模拟方案下1981-2010年内蒙古草原NPP距平年际变化特征

Fig. 8   Spatial distribution of trends in annual NPP derived by different simulation scenarios over the Inner Mongolia grasslands from 1981 to 2010


气候变化下近30年内蒙古草原大部分地区NPP呈下降趋势,主要因降水减少所致(图9)。在S1和S3方案下,锡林郭勒盟中部、东部、兴安盟以及通辽等地NPP减少趋势明显,减少速率在2 g C/m2·a以上,其他地区也均有不同程度的减少,速率在1 g C/m2·a左右,而NPP增加的区域主要分布在鄂尔多斯市部分地区以及呼伦贝尔市陈巴尔虎旗周边一带。在S2方案下,近30年来内蒙古草原西北半部NPP整体下降,而东南半部增加为主,变化速率主要集中在0~1 g C/m2·a之间。本文将导致NPP变化速率最快的因素定义为主要驱动因素(图9d)。由此可见,内蒙古草原区大部分地区NPP的变化主要受制于降水的变化,而呼伦贝尔市陈巴尔虎旗以及鄂温克族自治旗一带NPP增加可能是因为温度升高所致。

图9   不同模拟方案下1981-2010年内蒙古草原NPP变化趋势(a-c)与主要驱动因素空间分布(d)

Fig. 9   Spatial distributions of trends in annual NPP (a-c) and their dominant driving factors (d) of grasslands over Inner Mongolia from 1981 to 2010

4 结论与讨论

模拟结果显示:内蒙古草地NPP空间上总体呈现从东北向西南递减的趋势,大兴安岭西侧草甸草原区NPP最高,一般在200~450 g C/m2·a,鄂尔多斯市、锡林郭勒盟大部以及呼伦贝尔市西北部等典型草原NPP多在100~200 g C/m2·a,巴彦淖尔市、包头市、乌兰察布以及锡林郭勒盟西北等部分地区荒漠草原的NPP较低,多为0~100 g C/m2·a,与已有研究结果比较一致[36,38]。从区域平均角度,本文估算的内蒙古草原1981-2010年NPP平均值与已有研究较为一致[39,41,43]。这在一定程度上说明利用空间化后的CENTURY模型模拟内蒙古草地生态系统NPP动态变化的可行性。



本文结果尚存在一定不确定性:一方面在模拟过程中仅考虑了气候变化和CO2浓度增加的作用,未考虑土地利用/覆被变化、放牧等人为活动对内蒙古草原碳循环的影响。另一方面,内蒙古境内国家基准气象台站较少,境外气象数据无法获取,尽管本文适当选取了其周边其他省份的46气象台站予以补充,但对于面积约120万km2、东西跨度约2400 km的区域来说,这些站点仍显不足。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Abstract The impact of climate change and increasing atmospheric CO 2 was modelled for 31 temperate and tropical grassland sites, using the CENTURY model. Climate change increased net primary production, except in cold desert steppe regions, and CO 2 increased production everywhere. Climate change caused soil carbon to decrease overall, with a loss of 4 Pg from global grasslands after 50 years. Combined climate change and elevated CO 2 increased production and reduced global grassland C losses to 2 Pg, with tropical savannas becoming small sinks for soil C. Detection of statistically significant change in plant production would require a 16% change in measured plant production because of high year to year variability in plant production. Most of the predicted changes in plant production are less than 10%.
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Modeling SOC and NPP responses of meadow steppe to different grazing intensities in Northeast China.

Ecological Modelling, 2008, 217(1-2): 72-78.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2008.05.010      URL      摘要

Grassland ecosystems play an important role in Chinese terrestrial ecosystems. However, great demand and excessive utilization of human beings on grassland resources have made it more susceptible to rapid degeneration in ecosystem properties and soil carbon levels. Among them, grazing is one of the key factors to make grassland ecosystems degraded. Therefore, it is very important to graze sustainably on grassland for preventing the degradation of grasslands. In this paper, as a case study, we simulated the potential changes of soil organic carbon (SOC) and net primary productivity (NPP) of meadow steppe dominated by Leymus chinensis under different grazing intensities based on CENTURY model (V4.0) in order to evaluate the effects of different grazing intensities and to pursue for optimal grazing intensity. The results showed that NPP and SOC of meadow steppe dominated by Leymus chinensis were very sensitive to grazing intensity. The optimal grazing intensity could be expressed by live shoots, and it should be less than 40% of whole live shoots per month, in order to mitigate the degradation of Leymus chinensis grassland and maintain its sustainable development.
[3] O'Mara F P.

The role of grasslands in food security and climate change.

Annals of botany, 2012, 110(6): 1263-1270.

https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcs209      URL      PMID: 23002270      摘要

BACKGROUND: Grasslands are a major part of the global ecosystem, covering 37 % of the earth's terrestrial area. For a variety of reasons, mostly related to overgrazing and the resulting problems of soil erosion and weed encroachment, many of the world's natural grasslands are in poor condition and showing signs of degradation. This review examines their contribution to global food supply and to combating climate change. SCOPE: Grasslands make a significant contribution to food security through providing part of the feed requirements of ruminants used for meat and milk production. Globally, this is more important in food energy terms than pig meat and poultry meat. Grasslands are considered to have the potential to play a key role in greenhouse gas mitigation, particularly in terms of global carbon storage and further carbon sequestration. It is estimated that grazing land management and pasture improvement (e.g. through managing grazing intensity, improved productivity, etc) have a global technical mitigation potential of almost 1 5 Gt CO(2) equivalent in 2030, with additional mitigation possible from restoration of degraded lands. Milk and meat production from grassland systems in temperate regions has similar emissions of carbon dioxide per kilogram of product as mixed farming systems in temperate regions, and, if carbon sinks in grasslands are taken into account, grassland-based production systems can be as efficient as high-input systems from a greenhouse gas perspective. CONCLUSIONS: Grasslands are important for global food supply, contributing to ruminant milk and meat production. Extra food will need to come from the world's existing agricultural land base (including grasslands) as the total area of agricultural land has remained static since 1991. Ruminants are efficient converters of grass into humanly edible energy and protein and grassland-based food production can produce food with a comparable carbon footprint as mixed systems. Grasslands are a very important store of carbon, and they are continuing to sequester carbon with considerable potential to increase this further. Grassland adaptation to climate change will be variable, with possible increases or decreases in productivity and increases or decreases in soil carbon stores.
[4] Hautier Y, Seabloom E W, Borer E T, et al.

Eutrophication weakens stabilizing effects of diversity in natural grasslands

. Nature, 2014, 508(7497): 521-525.

https://doi.org/10.1038/nature13014      URL      PMID: 24531763      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Studies of experimental grassland communities have demonstrated that plant diversity can stabilize productivity through species asynchrony, in which decreases in the biomass of some species are compensated for by increases in others. However, it remains unknown whether these findings are relevant to natural ecosystems, especially those for which species diversity is threatened by anthropogenic global change. Here we analyse diversity-stability relationships from 41 grasslands on five continents and examine how these relationships are affected by chronic fertilization, one of the strongest drivers of species loss globally. Unmanipulated communities with more species had greater species asynchrony, resulting in more stable biomass production, generalizing a result from biodiversity experiments to real-world grasslands. However, fertilization weakened the positive effect of diversity on stability. Contrary to expectations, this was not due to species loss after eutrophication but rather to an increase in the temporal variation of productivity in combination with a decrease in species asynchrony in diverse communities. Our results demonstrate separate and synergistic effects of diversity and eutrophication on stability, emphasizing the need to understand how drivers of global change interactively affect the reliable provisioning of ecosystem services in real-world systems.
[5] De Boeck H J, Lemmens C M H M, Zavalloni C, et al.

Biomass production in experimental grasslands of different species richness during three years of climate warming.

Biogeosciences, 2008, 5(2): 585-594.

https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-5-585-2008      URL      PMID: 720035      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Here we report on the single and combined impacts of climate warming and species richness on the biomass production in experimental grassland communities. Projections of a future warmer climate have stimulated studies on the response of terrestrial ecosystems to this global change. Experiments have likewise addressed the importance of species numbers for ecosystem functioning. There is, however, little knowledge on the interplay between warming and species richness. During three years, we grew experimental plant communities containing one, three or nine grassland species in 12 sunlit, climate-controlled chambers in Wilrijk, Belgium. Half of these chambers were exposed to ambient air temperatures (unheated), while the other half were warmed by 3°C (heated). Equal amounts of water were added to heated and unheated communities, so that warming would imply drier soils if evapotranspiration was higher. Biomass production was decreased due to warming, both aboveground ( 29%) and belowground ( 25%), as negative impacts of increased heat and drought stress in summer prevailed. Increased resource partitioning, likely mostly through spatial complementarity, led to higher shoot and root biomass in multi-species communities, regardless of the induced warming. Surprisingly, warming suppressed productivity the most in 9-species communities, which may be attributed to negative impacts of intense interspecific competition for resources under conditions of high abiotic stress. Our results suggest that warming and the associated soil drying could reduce primary production in many temperate grasslands, and that this will not necessarily be mitigated by efforts to maintain or increase species richness.
[6] 钟华平, 樊江文, 于贵瑞, .


. 草地学报, 2005, 13(S): 67-73.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1007-0435.2005.z1.015      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

随着全球气候变化和陆地生态系 统碳循环研究的发展,碳循环正成为草地生态系统研究的热点。本文在介绍其研究发展过程、主体内容和方向的同时,对目前的研究动态和研究方法进行系统的概 述,重点分析了目前国内外草地生态系统碳循环过程研究、机制研究、研究方法及模型的发展动态,并对今后草地生态系统碳循环和相关研究提出了建议。

[Zhong Huaping, Fan Jiangwen, Yu Guirui, et al.

Progress of Carbon Cycle Research in Grassland Ecosystem.

Acta Agrestia Sinica, 2005, 13(S): 67-73.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1007-0435.2005.z1.015      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

随着全球气候变化和陆地生态系 统碳循环研究的发展,碳循环正成为草地生态系统研究的热点。本文在介绍其研究发展过程、主体内容和方向的同时,对目前的研究动态和研究方法进行系统的概 述,重点分析了目前国内外草地生态系统碳循环过程研究、机制研究、研究方法及模型的发展动态,并对今后草地生态系统碳循环和相关研究提出了建议。
[7] Ruimy A, Saugier B, Dedieu G.

Methodology for the estimation of terrestrial net primary production from remotely sensed data.

Journal of Geophysical Research, 1994, 99(D3): 5263-5283.

https://doi.org/10.1029/93JD03221      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Kumar and Monteith's [1981] model for the remote sensing of crop growth has been used to estimate continental net primary productivity (NPP) as well as its seasonal and spatial variations. The model assumes a decomposition of NPP into independent parameters such as incident solar radiation (S0), radiation absorption efficiency by canopies (f), and conversion efficiency of absorbed radiation into organic dry matter (e). The precision on some of the input parameters has been improved, compared to previous uses of this model at a global scale: remote sensing data used to derive f have been calibrated, corrected of some atmospheric effects, and filtered; e has been considered as biome-dependent and derived from literature data. The resulting global NPP (approximatively 60 Gtc per year) is within the range of values given in the literature. However, mean NPP estimates per biome do not agree with the literature (in particular, the estimation for tropical rain forests NPP is much lower and for cultivations much higher than field estimates), which results in zonal and seasonal variations of continental NPP giving more weight to the temperate northern hemisphere than to the equatorial zone.
[8] Gang C, Zhou W, Li J, et al.

Assessing the spatiotemporal variation in distribution, extent and NPP of terrestrial ecosystems in response to climate change from 1911 to 2000.

PlOS One, 2013, 8(11): 80394.

https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0080394      URL      PMID: 24282539      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT To assess the variation in distribution, extent, and NPP of global natural vegetation in response to climate change in the period 1911-2000 and to provide a feasible method for climate change research in regions where historical data is difficult to obtain. In this research, variations in spatiotemporal distributions of global potential natural vegetation (PNV) from 1911 to 2000 were analyzed with the comprehensive sequential classification system (CSCS) and net primary production (NPP) of different ecosystems was evaluated with the synthetic model to determine the effect of climate change on the terrestrial ecosystems. The results showed that consistently rising global temperature and altered precipitation patterns had exerted strong influence on spatiotemporal distribution and productivities of terrestrial ecosystems, especially in the mid/high latitudes. Ecosystems in temperate zones expanded and desert area decreased as a consequence of climate variations. The vegetation that decreased the most was cold desert (18.79%), while the maximum increase (10.31%) was recorded in savanna. Additionally, the area of tundra and alpine steppe reduced significantly (5.43%) and were forced northward due to significant ascending temperature in the northern hemisphere. The global terrestrial ecosystems productivities increased by 2.09%, most of which was attributed to savanna (6.04%), tropical forest (0.99%), and temperate forest (5.49%). Most NPP losses were found in cold desert (27.33%). NPP increases displayed a latitudinal distribution. The NPP of tropical zones amounted to more than a half of total NPP, with an estimated increase of 1.32%. The increase in northern temperate zone was the second highest with 3.55%. Global NPP showed a significant positive correlation with mean annual precipitation in comparison with mean annual temperature and biological temperature. In general, effects of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems were deep and profound in 1911-2000, especially in the latter half of the period.
[9] Fang J Y, Piao S L, Field C B, et al.

Increasing net primary production in China from 1982 to 1999.

Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2003, 1(6): 293-297.

https://doi.org/10.2307/3868089      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We used a simple process model and satellite data to explore trends in China's terrestrial net primary production (NPP). We found that the country's terrestrial NPP increased by 18.7% from 1982 to 1999. Evidence for this major increase also came from crop yields and forest inventory surveys, and much of it appeared to be the result of a lengthening of the growing season. Plant growth also increased during the middle of the growing season, but to a lesser extent. Historical NPP trends indicate a great deal of spatial heterogeneity, increasing significantly over an area covering 30.8% of China during the past 18
[10] Li S, S, Zhang Y, et al.

The change of global terrestrial ecosystem net primary productivity (NPP) and its response to climate change in CMIP5.

Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2015, 121(1-2): 319-335.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-014-1242-8      URL      摘要

Using global terrestrial ecosystem observation and proxy data for net primary productivity (NPP), leaf area index (LAI), and climate data, we compared simulated NPP, LAI, and major climatic factors and explored the relationship between their variations in historical scenarios of ten Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) models. The results showed that global spatial patterns of the simulated terrestrial ecosystem and climate are consistent with proxy data, but the values have some differences for each model. Based on statistical analysis, the simulated climatic factors were found to be better than terrestrial ecosystem NPP and LAI, and the multi-model ensemble (MME) results were better than every single model. For the terrestrial ecosystem, air temperature (Ta) was found to be the major affecting factor, followed by precipitation, meaning the terrestrial ecosystem NPP and LAI are more related to Ta than precipitation. Meanwhile, surface downwelling shortwave radiation (Rsds) was found to inhibit the terrestrial ecosystem in almost all regions of the world. Between 1976 and 2005, precipitation had a slight increasing trend, Ta an obvious increasing trend, and Rsds a slight decreasing trend. The changes of precipitation, air temperature, and Rsds were favorable for the terrestrial ecosystem and for plant growth. Therefore, LAI and NPP showed an obvious increasing temporal trend, and the terrestrial ecosystem showed a positive response to climate change. All the model results showed NPP had an increasing temporal trend in the past 150years, which also indicated that the terrestrial ecosystem has shown a positive response to climate change in that time period. In terms of the global average, the simulated NPP varied from 21.5 to 69.3Pg Cyear 611 , and the MME NPP is about 50.6, which was almost consistent with the International Geosphere Biosphere Program (IGBP) NPP result of 55.1 and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) NPP results of 60.5Pg Cyear 611 .611611
[11] Pan S, Tian H, Dangal S R, et al.

Impacts of climate variability and extremes on global net primary production in the first decade of the 21st century.

Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(9): 1027-1044.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11442-015-1217-4      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[12] Michaletz S T, Cheng D, Kerkhoff A J, et al.

Convergence of terrestrial plant production across global climate gradients.

Nature, 2014, 512(7512): 39-43.

https://doi.org/10.1038/nature13470      URL      PMID: 25043056      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Variation in terrestrial net primary production (NPP) with climate is thought to originate from a direct influence of temperature and precipitation on plant metabolism. However, variation in NPP may also result from an indirect influence of climate by means of plant age, stand biomass, growing season length and local adaptation. To identify the relative importance of direct and indirect climate effects, we extend metabolic scaling theory to link hypothesized climate influences with NPP, and assess hypothesized relationships using a global compilation of ecosystem woody plant biomass and production data. Notably, age and biomass explained most of the variation in production whereas temperature and precipitation explained almost none, suggesting that climate indirectly (not directly) influences production. Furthermore, our theory shows that variation in NPP is characterized by a common scaling relationship, suggesting that global change models can incorporate the mechanisms governing this relationship to improve predictions of future ecosystem function.
[13] 孟淑红, 杨生, 天莹.


. 中国草地, 2004, 26(5): 70-75.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1673-5021.2004.05.013      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

通过对内蒙古草地资源、草业发展现状及特点的深入分析,提出了内 蒙古草地资源及草业发展中主要存在的问题,阐明了内蒙古与国外畜牧业发达国家在草地畜牧业中的最大差距不在畜牧养殖上,而在人工草地的发展还十分滞后,生 产者及决策者对草业的认识和重视程度还远远不够;建议根据地区不同的降雨量,采取不同的保护与建设措施.

[Meng Shuhong, Yang Sheng, Tian Ying.

Present situation, problems and countermeasures of Inner Mongol ia grassland resources and practaculture.

Grassland of China, 2004, 26(5): 70-75.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1673-5021.2004.05.013      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

通过对内蒙古草地资源、草业发展现状及特点的深入分析,提出了内 蒙古草地资源及草业发展中主要存在的问题,阐明了内蒙古与国外畜牧业发达国家在草地畜牧业中的最大差距不在畜牧养殖上,而在人工草地的发展还十分滞后,生 产者及决策者对草业的认识和重视程度还远远不够;建议根据地区不同的降雨量,采取不同的保护与建设措施.
[14] Deng X, Huang J, Huang Q, et al.

Do roads lead to grassland degradation or restoration? A case study in Inner Mongolia, China.

Environment and Development Economics, 2011, 16(6): 751-773.

https://doi.org/10.1017/S1355770X11000180      URL      摘要

We use satellite remote sensing data of grassland cover in Inner Mongolia, China to test whether the existence of and the size of roads in 1995 is associated with the nature of the grassland in 2000 and/or if it affects the rate of change of the grassland between 1995 and 2000. The regression results show that the impact of roads on grassland cover depends on the nature of the resource. When the grassland is composed of relatively high quality grassland, roads lead to degradation, whereas when grassland resources are sparse, access to a road results in the restoration of the resource.
[15] Zhang G, Kang Y, Han G, et al.

Effect of climate change over the past half century on the distribution, extent and NPP of ecosystems of Inner Mongolia.

Global Change Biology, 2011, 17(1): 377-389.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02237.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The response of natural vegetation to climate change is of global concern. In this research, changes in the spatial pattern of major terrestrial ecosystems from 1956 to 2006 in Inner Mongolia of China were analyzed with the Holdridge Life Zone (HLZ) model in a GIS environment, and net primary production (NPP) of natural vegetation was evaluated with the Synthetic model, to determine the effect of climate change on the ecosystem. The results showed that climate warming and drying strongly influenced ecosystems. Decreased precipitation and the subsequent increase in temperature and potential evapotranspiration caused a severe deficiency, and hence decreased ecosystem productivity. Climate change also influenced the spatial distribution of HLZs. In particular, new HLZs began to appear, such as Warm temperate desert scrub in 1981 and Warm temperate thorn steppe in 2001. The relative area of desert (Cool temperate desert scrub, Warm temperate thorn steppe, Warm temperate desert scrub, Cool temperate desert and Warm temperate desert) increased by 50.2% over the last half century, whereas the relative area of forest (Boreal moist forest and Cool moist forest) decreased by 36.5%. Furthermore, the area of Cool temperate steppe has continuously decreased at a rate of 5.7% per decade; if the current rate of decrease continues, this HLZ could disappear in 173 years. The HLZs had a large shift range with the mean center of the relative life zones of desert shifting northeast, resulting a decrease in the steppe and forest area and an increase in the desert area. In general, a strong effect of climate change on ecosystems was indicated. Therefore, the important role of climate change must be integrated into rehabilitation strategies of ecosystem of Inner Mongolia.
[16] Hu Q, Pan F, Pan X, et al.

Spatial analysis of climate change in Inner Mongolia during 1961-2012, China.

Applied Geography, 2015, 60: 254-260.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2014.10.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In summary, Inner Mongolia has become warmer and drier with increasing temperature and decreasing precipitation during the past several decades.
[17] 包云, 李晓兵, 李超, .


. 干旱区资源与环境, 2010, 24(12): 80-84.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

利用1961-2007年长时间序列的气温资料,采用线性倾向估计、EOF(经验正交函数) 分析和功率谱分析逐年、逐季地分析了内蒙古气温47年时空变化特征。结果表明:在全球变暖的大背景下,内蒙古气温也以0.45℃/10a的速度升高。东、 中、西部年均温均一致升高,西部平均温度最高,中部次之,东部最低。东、中、西部四季的气温也呈现明显的增温趋势。年气温与四季气温的空间分布具有典型的 一致性,反映了全区气温状况在大尺度的气候系统支配下,冷、暖趋于一致的空间特征。对内蒙古年、季气温EOF分解得到的时间系数进行功率谱分析,提取各模 态时间变化的潜在周期,分析结果反映了内蒙古气温变化以长周期为主要振荡特征。

[Bao Yun, Li Xiaobing, Li Chao, et al.

Spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of temperature in Inner Mongolia during 1961-2007.

Journal of Arid land Resources and Environment, 2010, 24(12): 80-84.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

利用1961-2007年长时间序列的气温资料,采用线性倾向估计、EOF(经验正交函数) 分析和功率谱分析逐年、逐季地分析了内蒙古气温47年时空变化特征。结果表明:在全球变暖的大背景下,内蒙古气温也以0.45℃/10a的速度升高。东、 中、西部年均温均一致升高,西部平均温度最高,中部次之,东部最低。东、中、西部四季的气温也呈现明显的增温趋势。年气温与四季气温的空间分布具有典型的 一致性,反映了全区气温状况在大尺度的气候系统支配下,冷、暖趋于一致的空间特征。对内蒙古年、季气温EOF分解得到的时间系数进行功率谱分析,提取各模 态时间变化的潜在周期,分析结果反映了内蒙古气温变化以长周期为主要振荡特征。
[18] 任国玉, 郭军, 徐铭志, .


. 气象学报, 2005, 63(6): 942-956.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0577-6619.2005.06.011      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

采用国家基准气候站和基本气象站的地面资料,系统地分析了中国大陆地区1951年以来近地表主要气候要素演化的时间和空间特征。结果表明,中国近50 a来年平均地表气温变暖幅度约为1.1 ℃,增温速率接近0.22 ℃/(10 a),比全球或半球同期平均增温速率明显偏高。地表气温增暖主要发生在最近的20余年,其季节和空间特征与前人分析结论基本一致。降水量变化趋势对所取时间段和区域范围敏感。1951年以来全国平均降水量变化趋势不明显,但1956年以来略有增加。降水变化的空间特征明显而相对稳定,东北北部、包括长江中下游的东南部地区和西部广大地区降水增加,而华北地区以及东北东南部和西北东部地区降水明显减少。分析还发现,近50 a来全国平均的日照时数、平均风速、水面蒸发等气候要素均呈显著下降趋势,但积雪地带的最大积雪深度却有所增加。中国日照时间和水面蒸发量变化的空间特征很相似,减少最明显的地区均发生在华北和华东,新疆次之。影响中国年代以上尺度气候变化的因子错综复杂,人类活动引起的大气中温室气体浓度增高可能在一定程度上影响了中国近50 a来的气候,但考虑到尚存的不确定性,目前仍不能给出明确结论。中国东部大部分地区日照时间和水面蒸发量减少可能均起源于人为排放的气溶胶影响,平均风速减弱也有利于水面蒸发量下降,而在西部地区云量和降水量的变化可能更重要。

[Ren Guoyu, Guo Jun, Xu Mingzhi, et al.

Climate changes of china's mainland over the past half century.

Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 2005, 63(6): 942-956.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0577-6619.2005.06.011      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

采用国家基准气候站和基本气象站的地面资料,系统地分析了中国大陆地区1951年以来近地表主要气候要素演化的时间和空间特征。结果表明,中国近50 a来年平均地表气温变暖幅度约为1.1 ℃,增温速率接近0.22 ℃/(10 a),比全球或半球同期平均增温速率明显偏高。地表气温增暖主要发生在最近的20余年,其季节和空间特征与前人分析结论基本一致。降水量变化趋势对所取时间段和区域范围敏感。1951年以来全国平均降水量变化趋势不明显,但1956年以来略有增加。降水变化的空间特征明显而相对稳定,东北北部、包括长江中下游的东南部地区和西部广大地区降水增加,而华北地区以及东北东南部和西北东部地区降水明显减少。分析还发现,近50 a来全国平均的日照时数、平均风速、水面蒸发等气候要素均呈显著下降趋势,但积雪地带的最大积雪深度却有所增加。中国日照时间和水面蒸发量变化的空间特征很相似,减少最明显的地区均发生在华北和华东,新疆次之。影响中国年代以上尺度气候变化的因子错综复杂,人类活动引起的大气中温室气体浓度增高可能在一定程度上影响了中国近50 a来的气候,但考虑到尚存的不确定性,目前仍不能给出明确结论。中国东部大部分地区日照时间和水面蒸发量减少可能均起源于人为排放的气溶胶影响,平均风速减弱也有利于水面蒸发量下降,而在西部地区云量和降水量的变化可能更重要。
[19] 张新时, 周广胜, 高琼, .


. 地学前缘, 1997, 4(1-2): 145-151.

https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02951625      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

陆地生态样带已成球变化研究的重要方法和手段。国际地圈-生物圈计划(IGBP)的陆地样带 --中国东北森林--草原陆地样带(NECT)的提出为中国全球变化研究奠定了基础。该样带在东经112-130°30北纬43°30设置,长约 1600km,是一条中纬度温带以降水为驱动因素的梯度,具有良好的植被、土壤、土地利用、气候等环境因素的过渡特征。文章介绍了中国东北森林--草原样 带的确定、手表主在数据库建设、植被

[Zhang Xinshi, Zhou Guangsheng, Gao Qiong, et al.

Northeast china transect for global change studies.

Earth Science Frontiers, 1997, 4(1-2): 145-151.]

https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02951625      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

陆地生态样带已成球变化研究的重要方法和手段。国际地圈-生物圈计划(IGBP)的陆地样带 --中国东北森林--草原陆地样带(NECT)的提出为中国全球变化研究奠定了基础。该样带在东经112-130°30北纬43°30设置,长约 1600km,是一条中纬度温带以降水为驱动因素的梯度,具有良好的植被、土壤、土地利用、气候等环境因素的过渡特征。文章介绍了中国东北森林--草原样 带的确定、手表主在数据库建设、植被
[20] 胡中民, 樊江文, 钟华平, .


. 中国科学D辑: 地球科学, 2006, 36(12): 1154-1162.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1006-9267.2006.12.010      URL      摘要

研究生态系统生产力沿空间降水 梯度的时空变异性是认识生态系统对降水变化的响应特征及适应机理的有效途径.利用内蒙古草原自东向西的天然降水梯度,采用样带研究方法,结合多年实测资 料,系统分析了中国温带草地生态系统地上净初级生产力(ANPP)沿降水梯度的时空变异性.结果表明,沿样带自西南向东北,草地生态系统ANPP显著增 加,荒漠草原、典型草原、草甸草原的ANPP分别为60.86,167.14和288.73g·m-2·a-1;随着年均降水量(MAP)的增 加,ANPP呈指数增加趋势(ANPP=24.47e0.005MAP,R2=0.48);温度也对ANPP造成了一定的影响,ANPP随温度的升高而降 低.同时考

[Hu Zhongmin, Fan Jiangwen, Zhong Huaping, et al.

The spatial and temporal variability of ANPP in China's temperate grassland along precipitation gradient.

Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2006, 36(12): 1154-1162.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1006-9267.2006.12.010      URL      摘要

研究生态系统生产力沿空间降水 梯度的时空变异性是认识生态系统对降水变化的响应特征及适应机理的有效途径.利用内蒙古草原自东向西的天然降水梯度,采用样带研究方法,结合多年实测资 料,系统分析了中国温带草地生态系统地上净初级生产力(ANPP)沿降水梯度的时空变异性.结果表明,沿样带自西南向东北,草地生态系统ANPP显著增 加,荒漠草原、典型草原、草甸草原的ANPP分别为60.86,167.14和288.73g·m-2·a-1;随着年均降水量(MAP)的增 加,ANPP呈指数增加趋势(ANPP=24.47e0.005MAP,R2=0.48);温度也对ANPP造成了一定的影响,ANPP随温度的升高而降 低.同时考
[21] Gang C, Zhou W, Wang Z, et al.

Comparative assessment of grassland npp dynamics in response to climate change in China, North America, Europe and Australia from 1981 to 2010.

Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2015, 201(1): 57-68.

https://doi.org/10.1111/jac.12088      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Although climate change has been modifying grassland ecosystems for a long time, few studies on grassland ecosystems have focused on large-scale responses to climate change. Hence, grassland net primary productivity (NPP) from 1981 to 2010, as well as its variations in China, North America, Europe and Australia, was assessed and compared using a synthetic model in this study. Subsequently, the correlations between the NPP of each grassland type and climate factors were evaluated to reveal the responses of grassland eco-systems to climate change. The results showed that North America, which has the largest area of grassland ecosystems, exhibits maximum grassland NPP of 4225.30±215.43 Tg DW year 611 , whereas Europe, which has the least area of grassland ecosystems among the four regions, exhibits minimum grassland NPP of 928.95±24.68 Tg DW year 611 . Grassland NPP presented an increasing trend in China and Australia, but decreasing in Europe and North America from 1981 to 2010. In addition, grassland NPP is positively correlated with mean annual precipitation, but demonstrates notable differences with mean annual temperature. In conclusion, climate change has a significant role in explaining the spatiotemporal patterns of and the variations in grassland NPP in the four regions.
[22] Wang Z, Zhang Q, Xin X, et al.

Response of the annual biomass production of a typical steppe plant community to precipitation fluctuations.

The Rangeland Journal, 2014, 36(6): 527-534.

https://doi.org/10.1071/RJ14065      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The Rangeland Journal publishes papers of scientific merit for a readership of scientists, educators, managers and users. Contributions may be on any aspect of the ecology, use, management or conservation of rangelands, either within Australia or internationally.
[23] Chiti T, Papale D, Smith P, et al.

Predicting changes in soil organic carbon in mediterranean and alpine forests during the Kyoto Protocol commitment periods using the CENTURY model.

Soil Use and Management, 2010, 26(4): 475-484.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-2743.2010.00300.x      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Abstract Six Italian research sites, representative of Mediterranean and mountain forests and equipped with eddy covariance towers, were used in this study to test the performance of the CENTURY 4.5 model in predicting the dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC) changes during the commitment periods (CP) of the Kyoto Protocol (2008鈥2012; 2013鈥2017). We show that changes in SOC stocks over short periods of time are difficult to detect, and explore the potential for models to be used for reporting SOC changes for forests that will remain forests, under Article 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol. As the eddy covariance flux sites have been active for 10yr on average, being initiated over the period between 1996 and 1998, the model was evaluated by comparing the modelled SOC stocks with those directly measured at each site in different years. Since long term series of observed values for soil carbon were not available, the validation of other model outputs such as net primary production (NPP) and soil nitrogen stocks, gives some confidence in long term simulations. Once the model performance was evaluated, two climate change scenarios, A1F1 (world markets-fossil fuel intensive) and B2 (local sustainability), were considered for prediction of C stock changes during the commitment periods of the Kyoto Protocol. In general, despite the need to consider the uncertainties in the direct measurements, at each site model fit with measured SOC stocks was good, with the simulated values within the standard deviation of the measurements. In this regard, the similarity between the SOC measured in 2008 and that predicted for the two forthcoming commitment periods points out the difficulty of detecting carbon stock changes by direct measurements, given the closeness in time to the present of the commitment periods. In any case, all sites show positive variations that are possibly related to the fertilization effects of increasing CO 2 and to longer growing seasons, since no change in management occurred. Compared with the SOC measured in 2008, at the end of the second commitment period, the modelled SOC variations were smaller than 2% in the Mediterranean forests and comprised between 2% and 7% in the mountain forests. These variations, although small, indicate it might be possible to statistically detect differences after 10yr in mountain forests with a reasonable number of samples. In conclusion, this work shows that since SOC stock changes are minimal within both CP, models can be effective tools for estimating future changes in SOC amounts, as an alternative to, or in support of, direct measurements when a short period of time is considered.
[24] Lugato E, Berti A.

Potential carbon sequestration in a cultivated soil under different climate change scenarios: A modelling approach for evaluating promising management practices in north-east Italy. Agriculture,

Ecosystems & Environment, 2008, 128(1-2): 97-103.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2008.05.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Crop productivity and soil organic carbon (SOC) turnover are strongly influenced by climatic and environmental conditions, so climate change projections are fundamental for a reliable assessment of C stock variations. Article 3.4 of the Kyoto protocol recognized cropland management as a human-induced strategy to sequester CO 2 in agricultural soil, but only an evaluation of interactions with climate change can help in identifying the promising recommended management practices (RMPs) in the first commitment period and in the long term. In a long-term trial began in 1966, previously simulated with Century SOC model, we selected a specific treatment as ‘business as usual scenario’ (BU). We projected the simulations from 2008 to 2080, hypothesizing different reliable SOC sequestration practices to be compared with BU: farm manure application (FM), reduced tillage (RT) and grassland conversion (GR). For this, we used climate data from four global climate models (CMs: Had3, GCM2, CSIRO2, PCM) forced by four IPCC emission scenarios (SRES). The results clearly indicated that RMPs could affect the C balance in agroecosystems more strongly than climate change. Conversion to grassland was the most promising practice for sequestering C, allowing an average accumulation of 245 and 137702g02C02m 612 at the end of the first commitment period and in 2080, respectively. Manure application (at the rate considered) was anyway a potential C sequestration option that was more effective than reduced tillage in the first commitment period, but slightly less efficient at the end of the simulation. BU was a source of C at 2080 only for the pessimistic climate model Had3, as a consequence of increasing temperature and reduced precipitation, with a depletion of 619402g02C02m 612 in 2080. With the other CMs, the BU always resulted in a carbon sink. Despite inherent sources of variability we discussed, simulation results demonstrated that RMPs could contribute towards achieving the Kyoto targets in northern Italy.
[25] 袁飞, 韩兴国, 葛剑平, .


. 应用生态学报, 2008, 19(10): 2168-2176.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

利用CENTURY模型对内蒙古锡林河流域羊草草原在未来气候变化以及大气CO<SUB>2</SUB>浓度增高条件下的年地上净初级生产力(annual aboveground net primary productivity,ANPP)动态进行了模拟研究.结果表明:CENTURY模型可以较好地预测ANPP的变化.进一步的情景模拟发现,虽然全球气候变化所引起的温度和降水改变、以及大气CO<SUB>2</SUB>浓度升高都会影响ANPP,但降水是关键的影响因子.多个全球气候模型(GCM) 预测该地区未来降水量会减少,故可能导致其ANPP降低,但在以下气候变化情景下研究区ANPP可能会升高:1)CO<SUB>2</SUB>浓度倍增,温度升高2 ℃,降水保持不变或增加10%~20%;2)CO<SUB>2</SUB>浓度保持不变,温度升高2 ℃,降水增加20%.气候变化将对内蒙古锡林河流域羊草草原产生显著影响.

[Yuan fei, Han Xingguo, Ge Jianping, et al.

Net primary productivity of Leymus chinensis steppe in Xilin River basin of Inner Mongolia and its responses to global climate change.

Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 2008, 19(10): 2168-2176.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

利用CENTURY模型对内蒙古锡林河流域羊草草原在未来气候变化以及大气CO<SUB>2</SUB>浓度增高条件下的年地上净初级生产力(annual aboveground net primary productivity,ANPP)动态进行了模拟研究.结果表明:CENTURY模型可以较好地预测ANPP的变化.进一步的情景模拟发现,虽然全球气候变化所引起的温度和降水改变、以及大气CO<SUB>2</SUB>浓度升高都会影响ANPP,但降水是关键的影响因子.多个全球气候模型(GCM) 预测该地区未来降水量会减少,故可能导致其ANPP降低,但在以下气候变化情景下研究区ANPP可能会升高:1)CO<SUB>2</SUB>浓度倍增,温度升高2 ℃,降水保持不变或增加10%~20%;2)CO<SUB>2</SUB>浓度保持不变,温度升高2 ℃,降水增加20%.气候变化将对内蒙古锡林河流域羊草草原产生显著影响.
[26] 莫志鸿, 李玉娥, 高清竹.


. 中国农业气象, 2012, 33(4): 545-554.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2012.04.012      URL      Magsci      摘要

利用历史气候数据(1961-2010年)和气候情景数据(1961-2100年)驱动CENTURY模型模拟高寒草甸、温性草甸草原、温性草原和温性荒漠4类主要草原生态系统的地上净初级生产力(ANPP),分析考虑和不考虑大气CO2 浓度增加的直接效益(以下简称“CO2增益”)未来气温和降水量变化对ANPP的影响。结果表明:(1)1961-2010年,高寒草甸的ANPP呈极显著增加趋势(P<0.01),与生长季内最低气温上升密切相关;温性草甸草原、温性草原和温性荒漠的ANPP变化趋势不显著,但年际波动较大,均与同期降水量具有极显著的正相关(P<0.01),而与同期气温的相关性较弱。(2)若不考虑大气CO2增益,在A2和B2情景下2020s(2011-2040年)、2050s(2041-2070年)、2080s(2071-2100年)时段该4类草原生态系统的ANPP相对于基准时段(1961-1990年)的平均增幅分别为4.9%、12.0%、18.6%和3.0%、6.6%、8.9%,其中温性草原的ANPP增幅最大,其次是温性荒漠,而温性草甸草原和高寒草甸的ANPP有增有减,变幅较小。(3)若考虑大气CO2增益,在A2和B2情景下2020s、2050s、2080s时段该4类草原生态系统的ANPP较不考虑大气CO2增益均有显著增加(P<0.05),平均增幅分别为20.0%、31.8%、45.6%和9.0%、13.7%、18.0%,其中温性草原的ANPP增幅最大,其次是高寒草甸和温性荒漠,而温性草甸草原的ANPP增幅稍小。

[Mo Zhihong, Li Yue,Gao Qingzhu.

Simulation on productivity of main grassland ecosystems responding to climate change.

Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology, 2012, 33(4): 545-554.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2012.04.012      URL      Magsci      摘要

利用历史气候数据(1961-2010年)和气候情景数据(1961-2100年)驱动CENTURY模型模拟高寒草甸、温性草甸草原、温性草原和温性荒漠4类主要草原生态系统的地上净初级生产力(ANPP),分析考虑和不考虑大气CO2 浓度增加的直接效益(以下简称“CO2增益”)未来气温和降水量变化对ANPP的影响。结果表明:(1)1961-2010年,高寒草甸的ANPP呈极显著增加趋势(P<0.01),与生长季内最低气温上升密切相关;温性草甸草原、温性草原和温性荒漠的ANPP变化趋势不显著,但年际波动较大,均与同期降水量具有极显著的正相关(P<0.01),而与同期气温的相关性较弱。(2)若不考虑大气CO2增益,在A2和B2情景下2020s(2011-2040年)、2050s(2041-2070年)、2080s(2071-2100年)时段该4类草原生态系统的ANPP相对于基准时段(1961-1990年)的平均增幅分别为4.9%、12.0%、18.6%和3.0%、6.6%、8.9%,其中温性草原的ANPP增幅最大,其次是温性荒漠,而温性草甸草原和高寒草甸的ANPP有增有减,变幅较小。(3)若考虑大气CO2增益,在A2和B2情景下2020s、2050s、2080s时段该4类草原生态系统的ANPP较不考虑大气CO2增益均有显著增加(P<0.05),平均增幅分别为20.0%、31.8%、45.6%和9.0%、13.7%、18.0%,其中温性草原的ANPP增幅最大,其次是高寒草甸和温性荒漠,而温性草甸草原的ANPP增幅稍小。
[27] 王明玖, 张存厚.


. 内蒙古草业, 2013, 25(1): 5-12.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.2095-5952.2013.01.002      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要


[Wang Mingjiu, Zhang Cunhou.

Climate change in Inner Mongolia grassland and the effects on pastural animal husbandry.

Inner Mongolia Prataculture, 2013, 25(1): 5-12.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.2095-5952.2013.01.002      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

[28] Ojima D S, Parton W J, Schimel D S, et al.

Modeling the effects of climatic and CO2 changes on grassland storage of soil C.

Water Air & Soil Pollution, 1993, 70(1): 643-657.

[本文引用: 1]     

[29] Xu W, Chen X, Luo G, et al.

Using the CENTURY model to assess the impact of land reclamation and management practices in oasis agriculture on the dynamics of soil organic carbon in the arid region of North-western China.

Ecological Complexity, 2011, 8(1): 30-37.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecocom.2010.11.003      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="spar0005">Large-scale reclamation of arid land in North-western China over the past 50 years has converted the natural desert landscape into anthropogenic oasis, particularly in the lower part of watersheds. Drastic human activities may have caused the change of soil organic carbon (SOC) in anthropogenic oasis. This study employs the CENTURY model (Version 4.0) to investigate the effects of land reclamation and management practices in oasis agriculture on the dynamic of SOC at the lower part of Sangong river watershed, a typical anthropogenic oasis reclaimed at 50 years ago. Based on field investigation, history of crop rotations, and past farm practices in study area, land management practices were divided into five categories, corresponding five periods, 0&ndash;1958, 1959&ndash;1984, 1985&ndash;1992, 1993&ndash;1998 and 1999&ndash;2008. The model successfully simulated the SOC dynamics of the top layer soil (0&ndash;20&#xA0;cm) in the different periods. The state of equilibrium of total SOC and the active, slow, and passive carbon pools were built by CENTURY model in 0&ndash;1959. Over the 50 years&rsquo; cultivation (1959&ndash;2008), the mean change in total SOC exhibited complex ways. SOC increased rapidly in the first 2 years (1959&ndash;1960) after shrubland reclamation, and declined slowly during the period 1961&ndash;1984 and then decreased rapidly from 1985 to 1992. Between 1993 and 1998, it remained relatively stable, and climbed rapidly again during 1999&ndash;2008. The trend in total SOC showed &ldquo;N&rdquo; shape, i.e., increase, decrease, then increase. Finally, total SOC is greater (8.2%) in 2008 than the original level of SOC under the natural desert shrub. The improvements of land management practices such as ploughing being replaced with no tillage, straw being crushed before returning it to soil, and reasonable application of fertilizers, played a key role in the change in total SOC. Especially, soil carbon sequestration was obviously increased since protective management practices were implemented in 1993, such as no tillage, straw returning to soil, and the balanced fertilization technique. The results were different from the conclusions that loss of soil organic carbon would happen due to reclamation and continuous farming in tropical forests, semiarid grasslands of northern China and Nigerian semiarid Savannah.</p>
[30] Guo L, Wu S, Zhao D, et al.

NDVI-based vegetation change in Inner Mongolia from 1982 to 2006 and its relationship to climate at the biome scale.

Advances in Meteorology, 2014, 66(1): 79-92.

https://doi.org/10.1155/2014/692068      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

中国科学院机构知识库(中国科学院机构知识库网格(CAS IR GRID))以发展机构知识能力和知识管理能力为目标,快速实现对本机构知识资产的收集、长期保存、合理传播利用,积极建设对知识内容进行捕获、转化、传播、利用和审计的能力,逐步建设包括知识内容分析、关系分析和能力审计在内的知识服务能力,开展综合知识管理。
[31] Cramer W, Bondeau A, Woodward F I, et al.

Global response of terrestrial ecosystem structure and function to CO2 and climate change: Results from six dynamic global vegetation models.

Global Change Biology, 2001, 7(4): 357-373.

[本文引用: 1]     

[32] Lucht W, Prentice I C, Myneni R B, et al.

Climatic control of the high-latitude vegetation greening trend and pinatubo effect.

Science, 2002, 296(5573): 1687-1689.

https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1071828      URL      PMID: 12040194      摘要

A biogeochemical model of vegetation using observed climate data predicts the high northern latitude greening trend over the past two decades observed by satellites and a marked setback in this trend after the Mount Pinatubo volcano eruption in 1991. The observed trend toward earlier spring budburst and increased maximum leaf area is produced by the model as a consequence of biogeochemical vegetation responses mainly to changes in temperature. The post-Pinatubo decline in vegetation in 1992-1993 is apparent as the effect of temporary cooling caused by the eruption. High-latitude uptake during these years is predicted as a consequence of the differential response of heterotrophic respiration and net primary production.
[33] Piao S, Tan K, Nan H, et al.

Impacts of climate and CO2 changes on the vegetation growth and carbon balance of Qinghai-Tibetan grasslands over the past five decades

. Global and Planetary Change, 2012, 98-99: 73-80.

[本文引用: 1]     

[34] Piao S, Friedlingstein P, Ciais P, et al.

Changes in climate and land use have a larger direct impact than rising CO2 on global river runoff trends.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2007, 104(39): 15242-15247.

https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0707213104      URL      PMID: 17878298      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The significant worldwide increase in observed river runoff has been tentatively attributed to the stomatal “antitranspirant” response of plants to rising atmospheric CO 2 [Gedney N, Cox PM, Betts RA, Boucher O, Huntingford C, Stott PA (2006) Nature 439: 835–838]. However, CO 2 also is a plant fertilizer. When allowing for the increase in foliage area that results from increasing atmospheric CO 2 levels in a global vegetation model, we find a decrease in global runoff from 1901 to 1999. This finding highlights the importance of vegetation structure feedback on the water balance of the land surface. Therefore, the elevated atmospheric CO 2 concentration does not explain the estimated increase in global runoff over the last century. In contrast, we find that changes in mean climate, as well as its variability, do contribute to the global runoff increase. Using historic land-use data, we show that land-use change plays an additional important role in controlling regional runoff values, particularly in the tropics. Land-use change has been strongest in tropical regions, and its contribution is substantially larger than that of climate change. On average, land-use change has increased global runoff by 0.08 mm/year 2 and accounts for ≈50% of the reconstructed global runoff trend over the last century. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of land-cover change in forecasting future freshwater availability and climate.
[35] 马文红, 方精云, 杨元合, .


. 中国科学 C 辑: 生命科学, 2010, 40(7): 632-641.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11766-010-2366-y      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Ma Wenhong, Fang Jingyun, Yang Yuanhe, et al.

Grassland biomass dynamics and its relationship with climate factors over the North China.

Science in China Series D: Scientia Sinica Vitae, 2010, 40(7): 632-641.]

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11766-010-2366-y      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[36] 陶波, 李克让, 邵雪梅, .


. 地理学报, 2003, 58(3): 372-380.

https://doi.org/10.11821/xb200303006      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

<p>应用生态系统机理性模型估算1981~1998年中国陆地生态系统净初级生产力 (NPP) 的时空变化,并分析了NPP对年际间气候变化的响应。结果表明,中国陆地生态系统1981~1998年NPP总量波动于2.86~3.37 Gt C/yr之间,平均约为3.09 Gt C /yr ,单位NPP平均约为342 g C m<sup>2</sup>/yr。在研究时段内,NPP有缓慢增长趋势,年增长率约为0.32%,NPP总量平均值从 1980年代 (1981~1989年) 的3.03 Gt C/yr上升到1990年代 (1990~1998年) 的3.14 Gt C/yr。在一些厄尔尼诺 (El Nino) 发生年,NPP有明显的下降,但由于地域差异和季风环流的影响,NPP同ENSO的关系还十分复杂。从全国来看,在厄尔尼诺现象发生的1982年、1986年、1991年和1997年,NPP都有一定程度的减少。但在1993年和1994年两个厄尔尼诺发生年,NPP并没有表现为明显的下降趋势,1994年NPP总量甚至比上一年增加了0.12Gt,这主要是由于温度和降水量在不同地区的分布差异以及不同地区对厄尔尼诺现象的响应差异造成的。</p>

[Tao Bo, Li Kerang, Shao Xuemei, et al.

temporal and spatial pattern of net primary production of terrestrial ecosystems in China.

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2003, 58(03): 372-380.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/xb200303006      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

<p>应用生态系统机理性模型估算1981~1998年中国陆地生态系统净初级生产力 (NPP) 的时空变化,并分析了NPP对年际间气候变化的响应。结果表明,中国陆地生态系统1981~1998年NPP总量波动于2.86~3.37 Gt C/yr之间,平均约为3.09 Gt C /yr ,单位NPP平均约为342 g C m<sup>2</sup>/yr。在研究时段内,NPP有缓慢增长趋势,年增长率约为0.32%,NPP总量平均值从 1980年代 (1981~1989年) 的3.03 Gt C/yr上升到1990年代 (1990~1998年) 的3.14 Gt C/yr。在一些厄尔尼诺 (El Nino) 发生年,NPP有明显的下降,但由于地域差异和季风环流的影响,NPP同ENSO的关系还十分复杂。从全国来看,在厄尔尼诺现象发生的1982年、1986年、1991年和1997年,NPP都有一定程度的减少。但在1993年和1994年两个厄尔尼诺发生年,NPP并没有表现为明显的下降趋势,1994年NPP总量甚至比上一年增加了0.12Gt,这主要是由于温度和降水量在不同地区的分布差异以及不同地区对厄尔尼诺现象的响应差异造成的。</p>
[37] 潘耀忠, 史培军, 朱文泉, .


. 中国科学 D辑: 地球科学, 2004, 34(4): 375-384.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1006-9267.2004.04.011      URL      摘要

生态系统的自然价值及其服务功能效益是地球生命支持系统的重要组 成部分,也是社会与环境可持续发展的基本要素.生态资产是生态系统生物资源直接价值及其生态服务功能价值的总和.对生态资产价值进行定量估算不仅可以从经 济学的角度对生态环境进行定量评价,而且能够引起全社会对生态环境建设的高度重视,同时也是最终将其纳入社会与市场经济体系、建立绿色GDP核算体系、制 定生态环境建设补偿政策的必要前提.本文在传统生态学生态资产单位面积价值研究的基础上提出了基于遥感定量测量的生态资产价值评估模型,并利用 NOAA/AVHRR和其他辅助数据对模型所需要的参数,如:陆地生态系统地表覆盖类型、植被覆盖度(f)、植被第一性净生产力(NPP)进行了定量测 量,并参考Costanza等人的经济参数,对中国陆地生态系统生态资产价值进行了全覆盖的定量测量,并据此绘制了中国陆地生态系统生态资产价值空间分布 图.结果表明:中国陆地生态系统每年的生态资产总价值为64441.77亿元人民币;较之传统的生态学静态计算方法,遥感测量克服了以点代面的缺点,测量 结果可以更加客观地反映中国陆地系统生态资产及其空间分布的现实情况,为今后开展相关研究奠定了良好的基础.

[Pan Yaozhong, Shi Peijun, Zhu Wenquan, et al.

Chinese land ecosystem assets' remote sensing quantitative measurement.

Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2004, 34(4): 375-384.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1006-9267.2004.04.011      URL      摘要

生态系统的自然价值及其服务功能效益是地球生命支持系统的重要组 成部分,也是社会与环境可持续发展的基本要素.生态资产是生态系统生物资源直接价值及其生态服务功能价值的总和.对生态资产价值进行定量估算不仅可以从经 济学的角度对生态环境进行定量评价,而且能够引起全社会对生态环境建设的高度重视,同时也是最终将其纳入社会与市场经济体系、建立绿色GDP核算体系、制 定生态环境建设补偿政策的必要前提.本文在传统生态学生态资产单位面积价值研究的基础上提出了基于遥感定量测量的生态资产价值评估模型,并利用 NOAA/AVHRR和其他辅助数据对模型所需要的参数,如:陆地生态系统地表覆盖类型、植被覆盖度(f)、植被第一性净生产力(NPP)进行了定量测 量,并参考Costanza等人的经济参数,对中国陆地生态系统生态资产价值进行了全覆盖的定量测量,并据此绘制了中国陆地生态系统生态资产价值空间分布 图.结果表明:中国陆地生态系统每年的生态资产总价值为64441.77亿元人民币;较之传统的生态学静态计算方法,遥感测量克服了以点代面的缺点,测量 结果可以更加客观地反映中国陆地系统生态资产及其空间分布的现实情况,为今后开展相关研究奠定了良好的基础.
[38] 朱文泉, 潘耀忠, 张锦水.


. 植物生态学报, 2007, 31(3): 413-424.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

该文在综合分析已有光能利用率模型的基础上,构建了一个净初级生产力(<EM>NPP</EM>)遥感估算模型,该模型体现了3方面的特色:1)将植被覆盖分类引入模型,并考虑植被覆盖分类精度对 <EM>NPP</EM> 估算的影响,由它们共同决定不同植被覆盖类型的归一化植被指数(<EM>NDVI</EM>)最大值;2)根据误差最小的原则,利用中国的<EM>NPP</EM>实测数据,模拟出各植被类型的最大光能利用率,使之更符合中国的实际情况;3)根据区域蒸散模型来模拟水分胁迫因子,与土壤水分子模型相比,这在一定程度上对有关参数实行了简化,使其实际的可操作性得到加强。模拟结果表明,1989~1993年中国陆地植被<EM>NPP</EM>平均值为3.12 Pg C (1 Pg=10<SUP>15</SUP> g),<EM>NPP</EM>模拟值与观测值比较接近,690个实测点的平均相对误差为4.5%;进一步与其它模型模拟结果以及前人研究结果的比较表明,该文所构建的<EM>NPP</EM>遥感估算模型具有一定的可靠性,说明在区域及全球尺度上,利用地 理信息系统技术将遥感数据和各种观测数据集成在一起,并对<EM>NPP</EM>模型进行参数校正, 基本上可以实现全球范围不同生态系统<EM>NPP</EM>的动态监测。

[Zhu Wenquan, Pan Yaozhong, Zhang Junshui.

Estimation of net primary productivity of Chinese terrestrial vegetation based on remote sensing.

Journal of Plant Ecology, 2007, 31(3): 413-424.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

该文在综合分析已有光能利用率模型的基础上,构建了一个净初级生产力(<EM>NPP</EM>)遥感估算模型,该模型体现了3方面的特色:1)将植被覆盖分类引入模型,并考虑植被覆盖分类精度对 <EM>NPP</EM> 估算的影响,由它们共同决定不同植被覆盖类型的归一化植被指数(<EM>NDVI</EM>)最大值;2)根据误差最小的原则,利用中国的<EM>NPP</EM>实测数据,模拟出各植被类型的最大光能利用率,使之更符合中国的实际情况;3)根据区域蒸散模型来模拟水分胁迫因子,与土壤水分子模型相比,这在一定程度上对有关参数实行了简化,使其实际的可操作性得到加强。模拟结果表明,1989~1993年中国陆地植被<EM>NPP</EM>平均值为3.12 Pg C (1 Pg=10<SUP>15</SUP> g),<EM>NPP</EM>模拟值与观测值比较接近,690个实测点的平均相对误差为4.5%;进一步与其它模型模拟结果以及前人研究结果的比较表明,该文所构建的<EM>NPP</EM>遥感估算模型具有一定的可靠性,说明在区域及全球尺度上,利用地 理信息系统技术将遥感数据和各种观测数据集成在一起,并对<EM>NPP</EM>模型进行参数校正, 基本上可以实现全球范围不同生态系统<EM>NPP</EM>的动态监测。
[39] 李刚, 周磊, 王道龙, .


. 生态环境, 2008, 17(5): 1948-1955.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-5906.2008.05.044      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

植被净初级生产力(Net Primary Productivity,NPP)是衡量植物群落在自然环境条件下生产能力的重要指标,NPP的变化直接反映了生态系统对环境气候条件的响应,因此可以 作为生态系统功能对气候变化响应的研究指标.本文利用卫星遥感资料和地面气象观测资料,利用光能利用率模型估算了内蒙古地区1982-2003年4-10 月草地NPP,并计算了与NPP密切相关的几个气候因子,分析了1982-2003年内蒙古地区草地NPP年际性变化规律、气候因子的年际变化规律,以及 草地NPP对主要气候因子的响应关系.结果表明:1982-2003年内蒙古草地生长季的NPP呈波动中增加趋势,NPP的年平均递增率为C0.0036 g·m-2·Gr-1;草地NPP的空间分布与生物温度(BT)及可能蒸散率(PER)呈显著负相关,与降雨量(RAIN)、湿润度(K)及实际蒸散 (AE)呈极显著正相关.内蒙古地区,草地NPP受降雨量(RAIN)及生物温度(BT)的影响较大.但NPP的变化受RAIN的影响更为明显;内蒙古地 区不同草地类型的NPP变化对气候因子的响应略有不同.

[Li Gang, Zhou Lei, Wang Daolong, et al.

Variation of net primary productivity of grassland and its response to climate in Inner Mongolia.

Ecology and Environment, 2008, 17(5): 1948-1955.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-5906.2008.05.044      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

植被净初级生产力(Net Primary Productivity,NPP)是衡量植物群落在自然环境条件下生产能力的重要指标,NPP的变化直接反映了生态系统对环境气候条件的响应,因此可以 作为生态系统功能对气候变化响应的研究指标.本文利用卫星遥感资料和地面气象观测资料,利用光能利用率模型估算了内蒙古地区1982-2003年4-10 月草地NPP,并计算了与NPP密切相关的几个气候因子,分析了1982-2003年内蒙古地区草地NPP年际性变化规律、气候因子的年际变化规律,以及 草地NPP对主要气候因子的响应关系.结果表明:1982-2003年内蒙古草地生长季的NPP呈波动中增加趋势,NPP的年平均递增率为C0.0036 g·m-2·Gr-1;草地NPP的空间分布与生物温度(BT)及可能蒸散率(PER)呈显著负相关,与降雨量(RAIN)、湿润度(K)及实际蒸散 (AE)呈极显著正相关.内蒙古地区,草地NPP受降雨量(RAIN)及生物温度(BT)的影响较大.但NPP的变化受RAIN的影响更为明显;内蒙古地 区不同草地类型的NPP变化对气候因子的响应略有不同.
[40] 孙睿, 朱启疆.


. 地理学报, 2000, 55(1): 36-45.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2000.01.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

利用植被指数与植被吸收的光合有效辐射比例之间的线性关系,由 1992年4月~1993年3月12 个月的1 km AVHRR NDVI资料及同期地面气象资料确定地表植被吸收的光合有效辐射,然后由光能利用率得到植被净第一性生产力(NPP).为了更准确计算NPP,本文还考虑 了温度及土壤水分条件对光能利用率的影响,最后得到我国陆地植被年NPP分布图,并对中国陆地植被净第一性生产力分布情况的季节变化及不同植被类型的 NPP季节变化进行了初步研究.结果表明,我国NPP的分布主要受水分条件的影响,呈从东南到西北递减的趋势,全国年总净第一性生产力约为 2.645×109tC.

[Sun Rui, Zhu Qijiang.

Distribution and seasonal change of net primary productivity in China from April , 1992 to March, 1993.

Acta Geographica Sinica, 2000, 55(1): 36-45.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2000.01.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

利用植被指数与植被吸收的光合有效辐射比例之间的线性关系,由 1992年4月~1993年3月12 个月的1 km AVHRR NDVI资料及同期地面气象资料确定地表植被吸收的光合有效辐射,然后由光能利用率得到植被净第一性生产力(NPP).为了更准确计算NPP,本文还考虑 了温度及土壤水分条件对光能利用率的影响,最后得到我国陆地植被年NPP分布图,并对中国陆地植被净第一性生产力分布情况的季节变化及不同植被类型的 NPP季节变化进行了初步研究.结果表明,我国NPP的分布主要受水分条件的影响,呈从东南到西北递减的趋势,全国年总净第一性生产力约为 2.645×109tC.
[41] 朴世龙, 方精云, 郭庆华.


. 植物生态学报, 2001, 25(5): 603-608.

https://doi.org/10.1088/0256-307X/18/11/313      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]     

[Piao Shilong, Fang Jingyun, Guo Qinghua.

Application of CASA model to the estimation of Chinese terrestrial net primary productivity.

Journal of Plant Ecology, 2001, 25(5): 603-608.]

https://doi.org/10.1088/0256-307X/18/11/313      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]     

[42] 王国成, 张稳, 黄耀.


. 草业科学, 2011, 28(11): 2016-2025.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

<p>利用遥感和气象数据,采用CASA(CarnegieAmesStanford Approach)模型和统计分析方法,研究了1981-2001年内蒙古自治区草地7-8月植被净初级生产力(net primary productivity, NPP)的时空变化特征,并分析了气候因素和放牧强度对NPP的影响。结果表明,1)1981-2001年,内蒙古草地NPP显著减少、显著增加和变化不明显的面积分别占1%、30%和69%;NPP显著增加的区域位于内蒙古东北、东南和南部,NPP显著减少的区域零星分布于该区中部荒漠草原和典型草原分界处。总体而言,该区NPP增加不甚明显, 21年7-8月草地NPP(均以C变化计)平均值为192.0 g/m2,年际变化范围为150.5~255.5 g/m2。2)7-8月降水是该区NPP年际变化的主要驱动因子,降水量高的年份NPP亦高。NPP与气候因素间的关系表现为NPP随降水增多而升高,随温度升高而下降,辐射对NPP的影响不明显。3)综合考虑气候因素与人类活动对草地NPP的影响发现,21年间,土默特左旗和土默特右旗境内放牧强度增加导致NPP显著下降。</p>

[Wang Guocheng, Zhang Wen, Huang Yao.

Spatial and temporal variation of net primary productivity in Inner Mongolian grassland from 1981 to 2001.

Prataculture Science, 2011, 28(11): 2016-2025.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

<p>利用遥感和气象数据,采用CASA(CarnegieAmesStanford Approach)模型和统计分析方法,研究了1981-2001年内蒙古自治区草地7-8月植被净初级生产力(net primary productivity, NPP)的时空变化特征,并分析了气候因素和放牧强度对NPP的影响。结果表明,1)1981-2001年,内蒙古草地NPP显著减少、显著增加和变化不明显的面积分别占1%、30%和69%;NPP显著增加的区域位于内蒙古东北、东南和南部,NPP显著减少的区域零星分布于该区中部荒漠草原和典型草原分界处。总体而言,该区NPP增加不甚明显, 21年7-8月草地NPP(均以C变化计)平均值为192.0 g/m2,年际变化范围为150.5~255.5 g/m2。2)7-8月降水是该区NPP年际变化的主要驱动因子,降水量高的年份NPP亦高。NPP与气候因素间的关系表现为NPP随降水增多而升高,随温度升高而下降,辐射对NPP的影响不明显。3)综合考虑气候因素与人类活动对草地NPP的影响发现,21年间,土默特左旗和土默特右旗境内放牧强度增加导致NPP显著下降。</p>
[43] 陈四清.


. 北京: 中国科学院研究生院博士学位论文, 2002.

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

该文运用遥感、GIS技术和生态模型方法,以内蒙古锡林河流域草 原生态系统为例,研究中国北方干旱/半干旱草原地区土地利用/土地覆盖变化和碳循环问题.文章首先对内蒙古锡林河流域四个时期的Landsat TM/ETM+影像进行土地利用/土地覆盖分类、成图;通过对比,分析了锡林河流域近20年的来的土地利用/土地覆盖变化;并进一步运用GIS方法研究了 锡林河流域草地退化的演化路径;最后运用CENTURY模型模拟了内蒙古锡林河流域大针茅草原、羊草草原的碳循环过程,绘制了其碳循环模式图;并进一步分 析了锡林河流域典型草原生态系统对大气碳库的源/汇功能.

[Chen Siqing.

Study on land-use/cover change and carbon cycle of Xilin River Basin, Inner Mongolia based on remote sensing and GIS.

Beijing: Doctoral Dissertation of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2002.]

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

该文运用遥感、GIS技术和生态模型方法,以内蒙古锡林河流域草 原生态系统为例,研究中国北方干旱/半干旱草原地区土地利用/土地覆盖变化和碳循环问题.文章首先对内蒙古锡林河流域四个时期的Landsat TM/ETM+影像进行土地利用/土地覆盖分类、成图;通过对比,分析了锡林河流域近20年的来的土地利用/土地覆盖变化;并进一步运用GIS方法研究了 锡林河流域草地退化的演化路径;最后运用CENTURY模型模拟了内蒙古锡林河流域大针茅草原、羊草草原的碳循环过程,绘制了其碳循环模式图;并进一步分 析了锡林河流域典型草原生态系统对大气碳库的源/汇功能.
[44] 李兴华, 刘秀荣, 曹艳芳. 气候变化对内蒙古草地牧草长势影响研究. 见: 南京信息工程大学. 第30届中国气象学会年会论文集. 南京: 南京信息工程大学, 2013.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Li Xinghua, Liu Xiurong, Cao Yanfang.Research in the climatic change influencing pasture growth in Inner Mongolia grassland. In: Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology. The 32th Chinese Meteorological Society. Nanjing: Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 2013.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[45] 郝璐, 吴向东.


. 干旱区研究, 2006, 33(4): 577-582.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于草地资源普查资料和GIS 技术,以生物量与可食牧草比例作为影响草地生产力的主要因子,以县域为单位,对内蒙古草地生产力的时空变化特征及其分布的地域差异性进行了分析。结果表 明:2000-2003年与1981-1985年相比,大部分地区生物单产及可食牧草产量均明显减少,可食牧草比例也明显降低;生物单产、可食牧草产量以 及可食牧草比例高值区与次高值区均明显减少;大部分地区草量变化与草质变化具有时空一致性。最后从气候变化、草畜矛盾、现有草原管理制度及建设状况方面, 对内蒙古草地生产力变化成因进行了分析。

[Hao Lu, Wu Xiangdong.

Analysis on the Spatio-temporal change of steppe productivity and its driving factors in Inner Mongolia.

Arid Zone Research, 2006, 33(4): 577-582.]

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基于草地资源普查资料和GIS 技术,以生物量与可食牧草比例作为影响草地生产力的主要因子,以县域为单位,对内蒙古草地生产力的时空变化特征及其分布的地域差异性进行了分析。结果表 明:2000-2003年与1981-1985年相比,大部分地区生物单产及可食牧草产量均明显减少,可食牧草比例也明显降低;生物单产、可食牧草产量以 及可食牧草比例高值区与次高值区均明显减少;大部分地区草量变化与草质变化具有时空一致性。最后从气候变化、草畜矛盾、现有草原管理制度及建设状况方面, 对内蒙古草地生产力变化成因进行了分析。
[46] Wu X, Li P, Jiang C, et al.

Climate changes during the past 31 years and their contribution to the changes in the productivity of rangeland vegetation in the Inner Mongolian typical steppe.

The Rangeland Journal, 2014, 36(6): 519-526.

https://doi.org/10.1071/RJ14054      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The Rangeland Journal publishes papers of scientific merit for a readership of scientists, educators, managers and users. Contributions may be on any aspect of the ecology, use, management or conservation of rangelands, either within Australia or internationally.
[47] 穆少杰, 李建龙, 杨红飞, .


. 草业学报, 2013, 22(3): 6-15.

https://doi.org/10.11686/cyxb20130302      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

<p>植被净初级生产力(netprimaryproductivity,NPP)及其对气候变化的响应研究是全球变化的核心内容之一。通过改进的光能利用率模型(CASA 模型),利用MODISNDVI数据、土地覆盖分类数据、气象数据等,逐像元模拟2001-2010年内蒙古草地生态系统NPP的时空变化,分析其对气候因子变化的响应关系。结果表明,1)2001-2010年内蒙古草地多年平均NPP为281.3gC/(m<sup>2</sup>&middot;a),空间分布呈由西南向东北递增的趋势,草甸草原、典型草原和荒漠草原平均NPP分别为431.8,288.7和123.5gC/(m<sup>2</sup>&middot;a);2)2001-2010年间内蒙古草地NPP 总体上呈上升趋势。NPP上升趋势最明显的草地主要分布在毛乌素沙地、浑善达克沙地、科尔沁沙地、呼伦贝尔盟和大兴安岭南麓地区,而下降趋势最明显的草地主要分布在阴山山脉和锡林郭勒盟中部的典型草原区;3)总体而言,降水量是内蒙古草地净初级生产力的主要影响因素。草甸草原NPP与降水量、温度的关系均很密切,而且与温度的相关性更强;典型草原和荒漠草原NPP则主要受降水量控制,其中荒漠草原NPP与降水量的关系更密切。</p>

[Mu Shaojie, Li Jianlong, Yang Hongfei, et al.

Spatio-temporal variation analysis of grassland net primary productivity and its relationship with climate over the past 10 years in Inner Mongolia.

Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2013, 22(3): 6-15.]

https://doi.org/10.11686/cyxb20130302      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

<p>植被净初级生产力(netprimaryproductivity,NPP)及其对气候变化的响应研究是全球变化的核心内容之一。通过改进的光能利用率模型(CASA 模型),利用MODISNDVI数据、土地覆盖分类数据、气象数据等,逐像元模拟2001-2010年内蒙古草地生态系统NPP的时空变化,分析其对气候因子变化的响应关系。结果表明,1)2001-2010年内蒙古草地多年平均NPP为281.3gC/(m<sup>2</sup>&middot;a),空间分布呈由西南向东北递增的趋势,草甸草原、典型草原和荒漠草原平均NPP分别为431.8,288.7和123.5gC/(m<sup>2</sup>&middot;a);2)2001-2010年间内蒙古草地NPP 总体上呈上升趋势。NPP上升趋势最明显的草地主要分布在毛乌素沙地、浑善达克沙地、科尔沁沙地、呼伦贝尔盟和大兴安岭南麓地区,而下降趋势最明显的草地主要分布在阴山山脉和锡林郭勒盟中部的典型草原区;3)总体而言,降水量是内蒙古草地净初级生产力的主要影响因素。草甸草原NPP与降水量、温度的关系均很密切,而且与温度的相关性更强;典型草原和荒漠草原NPP则主要受降水量控制,其中荒漠草原NPP与降水量的关系更密切。</p>
[48] 龙慧灵, 李晓兵, 王宏, .


. 生态学报, 2010, 30(5): 1367-1378.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

利用NOAA/AVHRR GIMMS NDVI数据、土地覆盖分类数据、气象数据等,基于改进的基于光能利用率的净初级生产力(Net Primary productivity,NPP)遥感估算模型对内蒙古草原区1982-2006年的NPP进行估算,并分别以年、季节和月为时间单位,计算基于像元的NPP与降水、温度之间的相关及偏相关系数,分析不同时间单位及尺度上NPP与气候的关系。结果表明,1982-2006年内蒙古草原区NPP总量呈波动增加的趋势,平均增加值为0.861Mt C/a。以年为时间单位,内蒙古草原区年NPP与降水的关系比较明显。以季节为时间单位,年际春季和夏季NPP与降水的关系比较明显,秋季二者关系相对较弱,春季和秋季NPP与温度的相关系数和偏相关系数空间格局比较一致,且相关性明显高于夏季。以月为时间单位的相关水平明显高于年际水平,多年平均年内月NPP与降水、温度的相关程度明显增强,除去降水的影响,月均温对NPP的影响明显下降,且空间格局也有明显的变化,说明以月为时间单位在年内尺度上降水对植被生长的影响比温度要大。而以4、7、10月份为例,在年际尺度上,虽然各月份NPP均受降水的影响较大,但与降水关系最为密切的是4月份和10月份NPP,与之相比,7月份NPP与温度的关系明显高于其他两月。

[Long Huiling, Li Xiaobing, Wang Hong, et al.

Net primary productivity of grassland ecosystem and its relationship with climate in Inner Mongolia.

Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2010, 30(5): 1367-1378.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

利用NOAA/AVHRR GIMMS NDVI数据、土地覆盖分类数据、气象数据等,基于改进的基于光能利用率的净初级生产力(Net Primary productivity,NPP)遥感估算模型对内蒙古草原区1982-2006年的NPP进行估算,并分别以年、季节和月为时间单位,计算基于像元的NPP与降水、温度之间的相关及偏相关系数,分析不同时间单位及尺度上NPP与气候的关系。结果表明,1982-2006年内蒙古草原区NPP总量呈波动增加的趋势,平均增加值为0.861Mt C/a。以年为时间单位,内蒙古草原区年NPP与降水的关系比较明显。以季节为时间单位,年际春季和夏季NPP与降水的关系比较明显,秋季二者关系相对较弱,春季和秋季NPP与温度的相关系数和偏相关系数空间格局比较一致,且相关性明显高于夏季。以月为时间单位的相关水平明显高于年际水平,多年平均年内月NPP与降水、温度的相关程度明显增强,除去降水的影响,月均温对NPP的影响明显下降,且空间格局也有明显的变化,说明以月为时间单位在年内尺度上降水对植被生长的影响比温度要大。而以4、7、10月份为例,在年际尺度上,虽然各月份NPP均受降水的影响较大,但与降水关系最为密切的是4月份和10月份NPP,与之相比,7月份NPP与温度的关系明显高于其他两月。
[49] Tian H, Cao C, Chen W, et al.

Response of vegetation activity dynamic to climatic change and ecological restoration programs in Inner Mongolia from 2000 to 2012.

Ecological Engineering, 2015, 82: 276-289.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2015.04.098      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

To address devastating land desertification and soil erosion and to improve human well-being, central government in China has implemented a number of ecological restoration programs. It is essential to rigorously monitor the dynamic of vegetation activity and evaluate the effectiveness of these programs, not only to provide scientific support for ecosystem monitoring in arid and semi-arid region, but also to assess the efficiency of ecological restoration policy. Taking Inner Mongolia as study area, we used 13 years (2000-2012) of both climatic data and MODIS NDVI data to (1) assess the spatiotemporal vegetation dynamic and map areas of significant vegetation restoration and degradation, (2) analyze the impacts of climatic changes on vegetation activity and map areas where vegetation activity dynamic was significantly affected by climatic change, (3) map main driving forces of significant vegetation restoration or degradation, (4) validate the zones where vegetation significant restoration were mainly impacted by ecological restoration programs with vegetation fractional cover data in 2000 and 2012. Results showed an overall greening (15.38% significant NDVI increasing) and partial degradation (1.64% significant NDVI decreasing) in Inner Mongolia. It was estimated that annual precipitation most strongly and significantly limited vegetation growth over 45.1% of Inner Mongolia, whereas sunlit hours significantly limited growth over 3.37% and air temperature significantly over 0.73% of Inner Mongolia. Among the 15.38% significant greening region, 5.86% was caused by climatic changes, 5.67% was caused by ecological restoration programs, and the other 3.8% was caused by multi-factors. Among the 1.64% significant degradation region, 0.17% was caused by climatic changes and other 1.47% can be explained by human activities, such as population growth and city expansion.
[50] Bhandari J, Pan X, Bijaya G C D.

Spatial and seasonal variation in rain use efficiency in semiarid grasslands of Inner Mongolia.

Advances in Meteorology, 2015, (2015): 1-7.

https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/917415      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Rain use efficiency (RUE) is an important indicator for identifying the response of plant production to variation in precipitation patterns, especially in semiarid ecosystem grasslands of Inner Mongolia. We have investigated the response and spatial patterns of RUE to precipitation patterns based on five years (2006, 2007, 2008, 2012, and 2013) of records from semiarid ecosystem sites across Inner Mongolia. Our results showed that RUEADM was lowest in the wettest year (2012) and highest in the year following the driest year (2008). There was no significant correlation between RUEADM and RUETDM in typical and desert steppe. RUETDM was strongly correlated with both annual precipitation (AP) and growing season precipitation (GSP) compared to RUEADM. RUEADM, therefore, cannot be used in place of RUETDM. RUEADM increased with species richness. The relationship between RUEADM and species richness was significantly correlated in meadow steppe, typical steppe, and desert steppe. Our findings can shed light on the spatial utilization pattern of seasonal rainfall in semiarid grassland ecosystems.
[51] Piao S L, Mohammat A, Fang J Y, et al.

NDVI-based increase in growth of temperate grasslands and its responses to climate changes in China.

Global Environmental Change, 2006, 16(4): 340-348.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2006.02.002      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This study analyzes the temporal change of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for temperate grasslands in China and its correlation with climatic variables over the period of 1982–1999. Average NDVI of the study area increased at rates of 0.5%02yr 611 for the growing season (April–October), 0.61%02yr 611 for spring (April and May), 0.49%02yr 611 for summer (June–August), and 0.6%02yr 611 for autumn (September and October) over the study period. The humped-shape pattern between coefficient of correlation ( R ) of the growing season NDVI to precipitation and growing season precipitation documents various responses of grassland growth to changing precipitation, while the decreased R values of NDVI to temperature with increase of temperature implies that increased temperature declines sensitivity of plant growth to changing temperature. The results also suggest that the NDVI trends induced by climate changes varied between different vegetation types and seasons.
