地理研究  2016 , 35 (9): 1659-1671 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201609006



刘斌1, 刘健123, 王志远1

1. 虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室,江苏省地理环境演化国家重点实验室培育建设点,南京师范大学地理科学学院,南京 210023
2. 江苏省大规模复杂系统数值模拟重点实验室,南京师范大学数学科学学院,南京 210023
3. 江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心,南京 210023

Inter-hemispheric comparison of characteristics and causes of climate change during the Medieval Warm Period based on CESM simulation

LIU Bin1, LIU Jian123, WANG Zhiyuan1

1. Key Laboratory for Virtual Geographic Environment, Ministry of Education; State Key Laboratory of Geographical Environment Evolution, Jiangsu Provincial Cultivation Base; School of Geography Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China
2. Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory for Numerical Simulation of Large Scale Complex Systems; School of Mathematical Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China
3. Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing 210023, China

通讯作者:  通讯作者:刘健(1966- ),女,四川合江人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事气候模拟与全球变化研究。E-mail: jliu@njnu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2016-03-7

修回日期:  2016-07-14

网络出版日期:  2016-09-10

版权声明:  2016 《地理研究》编辑部 《地理研究》编辑部

基金资助:  高等学校博士学科点专项基金项目(20133207110015)国家自然科学基金项目(41371209,41420104002)江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目(14KJA170002)江苏高校优势学科建设项目(164320H116)


作者简介:刘斌(1991- ),男,山西寿阳人,博士研究生,主要从事气候模拟与全球变化研究。E-mail: gisliubin@126.com




关键词: 中世纪暖期 ; 气候模拟 ; 北半球 ; 南半球 ; 气候变化


The characteristics and causes of the climate change over Northern Hemisphere (NH) and Southern Hemisphere (SH) during the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) are analyzed in this paper, based on the climatic simulation results over the past 1500 years using the Community Earth System Model (CESM). Moreover, the commonality and difference in the variations of temperature and precipitation between the NH and SH are also investigated. Six experiments are compared in this study, including Control experiment (Ctrl), Total solar irradiation experiment (TSI), Volcanic eruptions experiment (Vol), Greenhouse gases experiment (GHGs), Land use and land cover change experiment (LUCC) and All forcings experiment (All). Based on the comparison of simulated results with observation and proxy records, the CESM’s performance of simulating MWP is verified. The characteristics of the simulated temperature and precipitation by the CESM show similarity to the observation and reconstructions. The results show that the MWP is a global phenomenon. However, the MWP is not a steady and continuous warm period, and there are peak-valley oscillation in it. The global climate is warm and moist as a whole during the MWP. Both the NH temperature variations and the SH temperature variations are generally consistent with those of the whole globe. During the MWP, the NH warming is more obvious than the SH warming and the temperature anomaly amplitude in the NH is significantly larger than the SH counterpart, because the land area of NH is larger than that of SH, and the SH is mainly covered by ocean. The high heat capacity of the ocean leads to the smaller anomaly amplitude of temperature change in the SH compared to its NH counterpart. Besides, during the MWP, the warming in the high latitudes of the NH and SH is stronger than that in the low latitudes. For the precipitation variations, the global mean precipitation anomaly is basically positive. But unlike the temperature, the amplitude of precipitation anomaly in the NH is almost equal to the SH counterpart. The significant precipitation change area is mainly distributed in the tropics. The main cause of the global and hemispheric temperature change is the total solar radiation during the MWP. Moreover, the volcanic eruption is also an important factor leading to the NH temperature change. In addition, the global precipitation change is caused by both the total solar radiation and the volcanic eruption, and the influence of the total solar radiation is more significant. However, for hemispheric precipitation change, the volcanic eruption is the most important factor for NH and SH precipitation change during the MWP.

Keywords: Medieval Warm Period ; climate simulation ; Northern Hemisphere ; Southern Hemisphere ; climate change


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刘斌, 刘健, 王志远. 中世纪暖期南北半球气候变化特征与成因的模拟对比[J]. , 2016, 35(9): 1659-1671 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201609006

LIU Bin, LIU Jian, WANG Zhiyuan. Inter-hemispheric comparison of characteristics and causes of climate change during the Medieval Warm Period based on CESM simulation[J]. 地理研究, 2016, 35(9): 1659-1671 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201609006

1 引言

中世纪暖期(Medieval Warm Period,MWP)是过去1500年间距现代全球变暖最近的历史暖期,研究中世纪暖期的气候变化特征及成因不仅有助于辨识现代气候变化的自然背景,进一步认识现代暖期的历史地位[1,2],而且能为未来气候变化长期趋势的预测提供历史相似型[3],从而提高对未来气候的预估能力,受到国际学术界的广泛关注[4-9]




2 模拟试验设计与验证

模拟采用通用地球系统模式(Community Earth System Model,CESM),它由美国国家大气研究中心(National Center for Atmospheric Research,NCAR)于2010年7月推出。CESM是一个全球大气、海洋、陆面、海冰全耦合的地球系统模式,该模式在通用气候系统模式(Community Climate System Model,CCSM)基础上发展而来,进一步完善了CCSM的物理过程,增加了生物地球化学循环,改进了各种参数化方案[24],该模式在气候模拟研究中已得到较多应用,其气候模拟能力已得到可靠验证[25-28]。由于模拟试验数量较多,积分时间较长,本文进行的气候模拟试验采用CESM低分辨率版本(CESM1.0.3,T31_g37),且未开启陆面模块的碳—氮循环过程。其中,大气模块垂直方向采用混合σ坐标,共分26层;大气模块和陆面模块在全球范围内经向48个格点,纬向96个格点,相当于水平分辨率约3.75°×3.75°;海洋模块在全球范围内经向116个格点,纬向100个格点,垂直方向分为60层。

本文所使用的模拟资料来自CESM的过去1500年连续积分气候模拟试验,包括控制试验(Control Experiment,Ctrl)、太阳辐射敏感性试验(Total Solar Irradiation Experiment,TSI)、火山活动敏感性试验(Volcanic Eruptions Experiment,Vol)、温室气体敏感性试验(Greenhouse Gases Experiment,GHGs)、土地利用/覆盖敏感性试验(Land Use and Land Cover Change Experiment,LUCC)以及全强迫试验(All Forcings Experiment,All)共6组试验(表1)。模拟试验采用的外强迫条件包括过去1500年的太阳辐射[29]、火山活动[30]、温室气体浓度[31]及土地利用/土地覆被[32]。控制试验以1850年的真实情况(太阳总辐射量为1360.9 W/m2,温室气体CO2、CH4和N2O的浓度分别为284.7 ppmv、791.6 ppbv和275.7 ppbv)为固定外强迫条件,以NCAR提供的2010年实际海洋各变量参数为初始条件,连续积分2400年。前400年为模拟启动调整阶段,气候系统能量处于不平衡状态,逐步向稳态逼近;后2000年气候系统已基本处于能量平衡状态,可反映固定外强迫条件下的气候变化,因此将其作为控制试验结果。然后,以控制试验最后一年的结果作为初始场,分别加入太阳辐射、火山活动、温室气体、土地利用/覆盖驱动因子进行单因子敏感性试验(TSI、Vol、GHGs、LUCC)以及同时加入上述4个驱动因子进行全强迫试验(All)。由于火山活动外强迫序列只有过去1500年,因此Vol只积分了1500年(501-2000年),其他试验均积分2000年(1-2000年)。本文将对过去1500年(501-2000年)气候模拟试验结果进行分析。

表1   本文使用的CESM过去1500年气候模拟试验

Tab. 1   Climatic modeling experiments over the past 1500 years using CESM in this study



本文利用观测/再分析资料和重建资料来验证模拟结果的正确性和可靠性。选用美国国家环境预报中心—能源部再分析资料NCEP2(NCEP/DOE Reanalysis-2)[34]中的地表气温资料与模式模拟的全球年平均地表气温的气候平均态进行对比,选用第二版全球降水气候项目资料(The Version 2 Global Precipitation Climatology Project,GPCP)[35]作为现代降水资料与模式模拟的全球年平均降水的气候平均态进行对比。选用Mann等[36]重建的501-1995年北半球温度距平序列、Ljungqvist[37]重建的501-1999年北半球温度距平序列和Christiansen等[38]重建的501-1973年北半球温度距平序列与模式模拟的北半球温度距平变化进行对比。


图1   1979-2000年年平均地表气温和年平均降水的空间分布

Fig. 1   Spatial pattern of climatological annual mean surface air temperature and annual mean precipitation from 1979 to 2000 AD

图2a和图2b分别为北半球(Northern Hemisphere,NH)气温再分析资料NCEP2、降水观测资料GPCP和All模拟的1979-2000年气温及降水的年变化。北半球All和NCEP2的全年地表气温最高值均在7月份,最低值均在1月份,且年内气温的变化趋势相同,但是模拟的地表气温比再分析资料偏低,且夏季模拟结果与再分析资料更为接近。北半球All的降水和GPCP同样在8月达到峰值,在3月降到谷值,但模拟的冬季降水比观测资料略微偏高,其他季节降水比观测资料略微偏低。计算表明,北半球All和NCEP2的气温序列的相关系数为0.99(99%置信度),All与GPCP的降水序列的相关系数为0.98(99%置信度)。图2c和图2d分别为南半球(Southern Hemisphere,SH)气温再分析资料NCEP2、降水观测资料GPCP和All模拟的1979-2000年气温及降水的年变化。南半球All和NCEP2的全年地表气温最高值均在1月份,最低值均在8月份,与北半球相同的是,模拟的地表气温同样比再分析资料偏低,且南半球夏季(12月、1月、2月)模拟结果更好。南半球All的降水和GPCP的年内变化趋势基本一致,其中3月和9月模拟最好,但模拟的南半球9月-次年3月降水比观测资料偏低,3-9月降水比观测资料偏高。计算表明,南半球All和NCEP2的气温序列的相关系数为0.99(99%置信度),All和GPCP的降水序列的相关系数为0.93(99%置信度)。可见CESM能够较好地模拟出南、北半球气温和降水的年变化趋势,对半球尺度的气温和降水的模拟是较为合理的。

图2   1979-2000年北半球和南半球气温与降水的年变化

Fig. 2   The annual cycle of temperature and precipitation of NH and SH from 1979 to 2000 AD


图3   过去1500年北半球平均地表气温标准化距平(相对于1851-1950年)时间序列
注:图中黑线为Ljungqvist[37]重建的北半球气温距平,蓝线为Christiansen等[38]重建的北半球气温距平,绿线为Mann 等[36]重建的北半球气温距平,红线为All模拟结果,灰色阴影区为重建序列2倍标准差的不确定性范围。

Fig. 3   Time series of area-weighted annual mean surface air temperature normalized anomaly (relative to 1851-1950 AD) over NH over the past 1500 years

3 中世纪暖期南北半球气候变化特征

3.1 中世纪暖期时段的选取


图4   过去1500年全球及南、北半球年平均地表气温距平 (相对于501-2000年) 时间序列

Fig. 4   Simulated time series of area-weighted annual mean surface air temperature anomaly (relative to 501-2000 AD) over the Globe, NH and SH over the past 1500 years

3.2 中世纪暖期南北半球气温变化特征

从CESM全强迫试验中世纪暖期(801-1250年)全球及南、北半球年平均地表气温距平11年滑动序列(图5)来看,中世纪暖期全球和南、北半球地表气温变化位相基本一致,但北半球距平变幅(0.63 ℃)大于南半球(0.43 ℃),这可能是由于北半球陆地面积广阔,而南半球陆地面积较小,以海洋覆盖为主,由于海洋的热容量远远大于陆地,从而导致南半球的气温变化幅度小于北半球。南、北半球气温变幅对于各个外强迫因子的响应机制还有待进一步研究。此外,中世纪暖期北半球地表气温比过去1500年北半球平均温度高0.18 ℃,南半球地表气温比过去1500年南半球平均温度高0.09 ℃,且在中世纪暖期450年间有358年北半球地表气温距平均高于南半球,可见北半球的中世纪暖期比南半球更为明显。

图5   中世纪暖期全球及南、北半球年平均地表气温距平(相对于501-2000年)时间序列

Fig. 5   Simulated time series of area-weighted annual mean surface air temperature anomaly (relative to 501-2000 AD) over the Globe, NH and SH during MWP

为进一步比较中世纪暖期南、北半球不同纬度带温度变化的特征,图6给出了全强迫试验模拟的纬向平均地表气温距平随时间演变的情况。从图6可以看出,中世纪暖期绝大多数年份全球各纬度地表气温基本均处于一个正距平阶段。无论是北半球还是南半球,高纬地区的增温幅度都大于低纬地区,这可能是由于高纬度冰雪的正反馈作用,导致增温的纬度分布呈现出显著的“极地强化”现象。尤其是北半球高纬地区在中世纪暖期绝大多数年份都呈现出显著增温,增温强度接近1.0 ℃,而南半球出现同等强度增温现象的年份相对较少。此外,在整体增温的背景下,全球及南、北半球在850年、1175年、1225年附近时段南、北半球中高纬小部分地区以及900年、1025年附近时段南、北半球中低纬大部分地区均出现增温减缓甚至气温略低于平均值的现象,与图5中世纪暖期气温时间序列的低谷时段相对应,表明中世纪暖期全球气温仍然存在着微小震荡,表现为幅度较小的峰谷变化,但从整个时段来看,全球及南、北半球总体是变暖的。

图6   All中世纪暖期纬向平均地表气温距平(相对于501-2000年)随时间的演变

Fig. 6   Evolution of simulated annual zonal mean surface air temperature anomaly during MWP (relative to 501-2000 AD)based on the all forcings experiment

3.3 中世纪暖期南北半球降水变化特征

图7为CESM全强迫试验中世纪暖期(801-1250年)全球及南、北半球降水距平11年滑动序列。从图7可以看出,相对于过去1500年,中世纪暖期全球降水距平基本为正,表明这一时期全球整体是一个暖湿的气候环境,且全球降水距平峰谷分界时段和地表气温基本一致。与全球降水不同的是,南、北半球降水距平均在零值上下波动,且变幅较大。1001-1250年比801-1000年南、北半球降水变幅有所增大,计算得出1001-1250年南、北半球同一年降水最大差异为0.08 mm/d,而801-1000年则为0.05 mm/d。与南、北半球气温变幅差异较大不同的是,中世纪暖期北半球降水距平变幅(0.07 mm/d)和南半球降水距平变幅(0.08 mm/d)基本相当,这与况雪源等[23]利用ECHO-G模式模拟结果得到的中世纪暖期北半球降水变化幅度比南半球大的结论不同,这可能与不同模式的初始场和外强迫条件的误差有关,具体原因还需要进一步探究。

图7   中世纪暖期全球及南、北半球年平均降水距平 (相对于501-2000年) 时间序列

Fig. 7   Simulated time series of area-weighted annual mean precipitation anomaly (relative to 501-2000 AD) over the Globe, NH and SH during MWP

图8为全强迫试验模拟的纬向平均降水距平随时间演变的情况,以便进一步比较中世纪暖期南、北半球不同纬度地区降水变化的特征。从图8可以看出,相对于过去1500年,中世纪暖期全球及南、北半球降水整体表现为正距平,且降水变化显著区域主要集中于低纬地区,这主要是由于降水变化具有显著的空间不均匀性,降水大部分集中在中低纬地区。计算表明,中世纪暖期低纬地区(30 °S~30 °N)降水占全球总降水的50.21%,北半球低纬地区(0~30 °N)降水占北半球总降水的52.19%,南半球低纬地区(0~30 °S)降水占南半球总降水的48.27%。北半球低纬地区降水呈现正距平的年份要明显多于南半球,表明中世纪暖期北半球降水的增加要强于南半球降水的增加,其中801-1000年降水距平显著增加区域主要集中于北半球低纬地区,而在1001-1250年降水距平显著增加区域在南、北半球低纬地区交替出现。此外,从图8可以看出,同一年份南、北半球低纬地区降水距平基本都呈现一正一负的分布特征,即北半球低纬降水距平为正时,伴随着南半球低纬降水距平为负,反之亦然。

图8   All中世纪暖期纬向平均降水距平 (相对于501-2000年) 随时间的演变

Fig. 8   Evolution of simulated annual zonal mean precipitation anomaly during MWP (relative to 501-2000 AD) based on the all forcings experiment

4 中世纪暖期南北半球气候变化成因分析

4.1 中世纪暖期南北半球气温变化成因分析


图9   All和各试验中世纪暖期全球及南、北半球气温距平(相对于501-2000年)时间序列对比

Fig. 9   Comparison of annual mean surface air temperature anomaly (relative to 501-2000 AD) over the Globe, NH and SH during MWP based on the experiments listed in Tab.1

从TSI中世纪暖期纬向平均地表气温距平随时间的演变(图10a)得出,在太阳辐射单因子强迫条件下,中世纪暖期最强的增温出现在801年、860年、925年和1250年前后,北半球中高纬,尤其是高纬地区,增温最为明显,增温强度接近1.0 ℃,且增温幅度明显大于低纬地区,极地强化现象显著,而南半球高纬地区在绝大多数年份并没有显著增温,且有微弱的冷距平出现。此外,中低纬地区也呈现出较为明显的增温现象。对Vol中世纪暖期纬向平均地表气温距平随时间的演变(图10b)分析得出,在火山活动单因子强迫条件下,中世纪暖期增温区域主要集中于北半球高纬地区,尤其在801年、900年、960年、1000年、1050年、1150年、1250年前后增温显著,而南半球高纬地区只在1100年和1225年前后呈现显著增温。此外,中低纬地区呈现并不明显的微弱暖距平。对比图6全强迫试验模拟结果可知,中世纪暖期中低纬地区的增温,主要贡献来自太阳辐射,而北半球高纬地区的增温则是太阳辐射和火山活动共同作用的结果。

图10   TSI和Vol中世纪暖期纬向平均地表气温距平 (相对于501-2000年) 随时间的演变

Fig. 10   Evolution of simulated annual zonal mean surface air temperature anomaly during MWP (relative to 501-2000 AD) based on the total solar irradiation experiment and volcanic eruptions experiment

4.2 中世纪暖期南北半球降水变化成因分析


图11   All和各试验中世纪暖期全球及南、北半球降水距平 (相对于501-2000年) 时间序列对比

Fig. 11   Comparison of annual mean precipitation anomaly (relative to 501-2000 AD) over Globe, NH and SH during MWP based on the experiments listed in Tab.1


图12   TSI和Vol中世纪暖期纬向平均降水距平(相对于501-2000年)随时间的演变

Fig. 12   Evolution of simulated annual zonal mean precipitation anomaly during MWP (relative to 501-2000 AD) based on the total solar irradiation experiment and volcanic eruptions experiment

5 结论






The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] 葛全胜, 华中, 郑景云, .


. 科学通报, 2015, 60(18): 1727-1734.

https://doi.org/10.1360/n972014-01298      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Ge Quansheng, Hua Zhong, Zheng Jingyun, et al.

Forcing and impacts of warm periods in the past 2000 years

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https://doi.org/10.1360/n972014-01298      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

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. 地理研究, 2010, 29(9): 1561-1570.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zheng Jingyun, Shao Xuemei, Hao Zhixin, et al.

An overview of research on climate change in China during the past 2000 years

. Geographical Research, 2010, 29(9): 1561-1570.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[3] 刘建宝, 陈发虎, 陈建徽, .


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https://doi.org/10.1007/s11769-011-0446-4      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Liu Jianbao, Chen Fahu, Chen Jianhui, et al.

Humid Medieval Warm Period recorded by magnetic characteristics of sediments from Gonghai Lake, Shanxi, North China

. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56(31): 2580-2590.]

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11769-011-0446-4      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[4] Mann M E, Zhang Zhihua, Rutherford S, et al.

Global signatures and dynamical origins of the Little Ice Age and Medieval Climate Anomaly

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[5] Jones P D, Mann M E.

Climate over past millennia

. Reviews of Geophysics, 2004, 42(2): 1-42.

[6] McIntyre S, McKitrick R.

Corrections to the Mann et al(1998) proxy data base and northern hemispheric average temperature series

. Energy & Environment, 2003, 14(6):751-771.

[7] Soon W W H, Legates D R, Baliunas S L.

Estimation and representation of long-term (>40 year) trends of Northern-Hemisphere-gridded surface temperature: A note of caution

. Geophysical Research Letters, 2004, 31(3): 1-4.

https://doi.org/10.1029/2003GL019141      URL      摘要

CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: Estimation and representation of long-term (N40 year) trends of NorthernHemisphere-gridded surface temperature: a note of caution
[8] 葛全胜, 王绍武, 方修琦.


. 地理研究, 2010, 29(2): 191-203.

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2010020002      URL      Magsci      摘要


[Ge Quansheng, Wang Shaowu, Fang Xiuqi.

An uncertainty analysis of understanding on climate change

. Geographical Research, 2010, 29(2): 191-203.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2010020002      URL      Magsci      摘要

[9] 葛全胜, 郑景云.


. 地理研究, 2012, 31(4): 769.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Ge Quansheng, Zheng Jingyun.

Progress on the study of the forcing and impacts of the warm periods in China during the past 2000 years

. Geographical Research, 2012, 31(4): 769.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[10] Shi Feng, Yang Bao, Mairesse A, et al.

Northern Hemisphere temperature reconstruction during the last millennium using multiple annual proxies

. Climate Research, 2013, 56(3): 231-244.

https://doi.org/10.3354/cr01156      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Previous studies have either exclusively used annual tree-ring data or have combined tree-ring series with other, lower temporal resolution proxy series. Both approaches can lead to significant uncertainties, as tree-rings may underestimate the amplitude of past temperature variations, and the validity of non-annual records cannot be clearly assessed. In this study, we assembled 45 published Northern Hemisphere (NH) temperature proxy records covering the past millennium, each of which satisfied 3 essential criteria: the series must be of annual resolution, span at least a thousand years, and represent an explicit temperature signal. Suitable climate archives included ice cores, varved lake sediments, tree-rings and speleothems. We reconstructed the average annual land temperature series for the NH over the last millennium by applying 3 different reconstruction techniques: (1) principal components (PC) plus second-order autoregressive model (AR2), (2) composite plus scale (CPS) and (3) regularized errors-in-variables approach (EIV). Our reconstruction is in excellent agreement with 6 climate model simulations (including the first 5 models derived from the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) and an earth system model of intermediate complexity (LOVECLIM), showing similar temperatures at multi-decadal timescales; however, all simulations appear to underestimate the temperature during the Medieval Warm Period (MWP). A comparison with other NH reconstructions shows that our results are consistent with earlier studies. These results indicate that well-validated annual proxy series should be used to minimize proxy-based artifacts, and that these proxy series contain sufficient information to reconstruct the low-frequency climate variability over the past millennium.
[11] Ge Quansheng, Hao Zhixin, Zheng Jingyun, et al.

Temperature changes over the past 2000 yr in China and comparison with the Northern Hemisphere

. Climate of the Past, 2013, 9(3): 1153-1160.

https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-9-1153-2013      URL      Magsci      摘要

We use principal component regression and partial least squares regression to separately reconstruct a composite series of temperature variations in China, and associated uncertainties, at a decadal resolution over the past 2000 yr. The reconstruction is developed using proxy temperature data with relatively high confidence levels from five regions across China, and using a temperature series from observations by the Chinese Meteorological Administration, covering the period from 1871 to 2000. Relative to the 1851-1950 climatology, our two reconstructions show four warm intervals during AD 1 AD 200, AD 551 AD 760, AD 951 AD 1320, and after AD 1921, and four cold intervals during AD 201 AD 350, AD 441 AD 530, AD 781 AD 950, and AD 1321 AD 1920. The temperatures during AD 981 AD 1100 and AD 1201 AD 1270 are comparable to those of the Present Warm Period, but have an uncertainty of +0.28 C to 0.42 C at the 95 % confidence interval. Temperature variations over China are typically in phase with those of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) after 1000, a period which covers the Medieval Climate Anomaly, the Little Ice Age, and the Present Warm Period. In contrast, a warm period in China during AD 541 AD 740 is not obviously seen in the NH.
[12] 葛全胜, 刘健, 方修琦, .


. 地理学报, 2013, 68(5): 579-592.

https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201305001      Magsci      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

根据近年国内外相关研究结果,分析了北半球与中国过去2000 年冷暖变化的阶段性,辨识了百年尺度暖期的起讫年代及其与20 世纪温暖程度的差别。结果表明:(1) 最近新建的多数北半球温度变化序列显示公元1-270 年温暖;271-840 年冷暖相间,但总体偏冷;841-1290年温暖;1291-1910 年寒冷;1911 年以后再次转为温暖;这些冷暖阶段虽分别与Lamb 指出的罗马暖期(约公元前1 世纪-4 世纪中期)、黑暗时代冷期(约4 世纪末-10 世纪前期)、中世纪暖期(约10 世纪中期-13 世纪末)、小冰期(约15-19 世纪) 以及20 世纪增暖大致对应,但各阶段的起讫时间与Lamb确定的时段存在一定差别。(2) 尽管过去2000 年冷暖变化过程及其变幅大小在中国境内各个区域间并不完全一致,但从全国平均看,中国与北半球百年尺度的冷暖波动阶段基本一致,仅起讫年代存在一定差异;其中公元1-200 年、551-760 年、941-1300 年及20世纪气候相对温暖,其他时段则相对寒冷。(3) 多数序列显示中世纪期间北半球的温暖程度至少与20 世纪相当。中国941-1300 年间的最暖百年和最暖30 年(暖峰) 的温度也略高于20 世纪,551-760 年间的最暖百年与20 世纪基本相当,但1-200 年间最暖百年的温暖程度则较20 世纪略低。

[Ge Quansheng, Liu Jian, Fang Xiuqi, et al.

General characteristics of temperature change and centennial warm periods during the past 2000 years

. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2013, 68(5): 579-592.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201305001      Magsci      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

根据近年国内外相关研究结果,分析了北半球与中国过去2000 年冷暖变化的阶段性,辨识了百年尺度暖期的起讫年代及其与20 世纪温暖程度的差别。结果表明:(1) 最近新建的多数北半球温度变化序列显示公元1-270 年温暖;271-840 年冷暖相间,但总体偏冷;841-1290年温暖;1291-1910 年寒冷;1911 年以后再次转为温暖;这些冷暖阶段虽分别与Lamb 指出的罗马暖期(约公元前1 世纪-4 世纪中期)、黑暗时代冷期(约4 世纪末-10 世纪前期)、中世纪暖期(约10 世纪中期-13 世纪末)、小冰期(约15-19 世纪) 以及20 世纪增暖大致对应,但各阶段的起讫时间与Lamb确定的时段存在一定差别。(2) 尽管过去2000 年冷暖变化过程及其变幅大小在中国境内各个区域间并不完全一致,但从全国平均看,中国与北半球百年尺度的冷暖波动阶段基本一致,仅起讫年代存在一定差异;其中公元1-200 年、551-760 年、941-1300 年及20世纪气候相对温暖,其他时段则相对寒冷。(3) 多数序列显示中世纪期间北半球的温暖程度至少与20 世纪相当。中国941-1300 年间的最暖百年和最暖30 年(暖峰) 的温度也略高于20 世纪,551-760 年间的最暖百年与20 世纪基本相当,但1-200 年间最暖百年的温暖程度则较20 世纪略低。
[13] Zhang Yong, Shao Xuemei, Yin Zhiyong, et al.

Millennial minimum temperature variations in the Qilian Mountains, China: Evidence from tree rings

. Climate of the Past, 2014, 10(5): 1763-1778.

[14] Shao Xuemei.

A preliminary reconstruction of temperature in the eastern Qaidam Basin, northeaster Tibetan Plateau, China

. Quaternary International, 2012, 11(279-280): 444.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2012.08.1455      URL      摘要

Not Available
[15] Wang Jianglin, Yang Bao, Qin Chun, et al.

Tree-ring inferred annual mean temperature variations on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau during the last millennium and their relationships with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation

. Climate Dynamics, 2014, 43(3-4): 627-640.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-013-1802-0      Magsci      摘要

We present two tree-ring chronologies for the southeastern Tibetan Plateau (TP), established by applying the signal-free regional curve standardization and standard dendrochronological methodologies to a set of ring-width series of Tibetan juniper. The relationship between tree growth and climate shows that temperature variability in the previous year is the primary factor controlling tree growth at the upper portion of the forest belt. Accordingly, we developed a mean annual temperature reconstruction covering the period A.D. 984-2009 and explaining 50 % of the instrumental variance. The spatial correlation patterns suggest that our temperature reconstruction is a reasonable proxy for temperature change over the TP. At long time scales, the temperature reconstruction shows similar warm-cold patterns to those in temperature records from other regions of the TP, indicating that decadal and multidecadal temperature variations were generally synchronous across the TP during the past millennium. The periods 1140-1350 and 1600-1800 were common warm and cold episodes over the TP, respectively. Comparison of our reconstruction with four Northern Hemisphere (NH) temperature series indicates that temperature changes on the southeastern TP have generally followed the NH temperature patterns during the past millennium. Our results also suggest that temperature variability over the TP is affected by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), with the warm (cool) phases of the AMO associated with above-average (below-average) temperatures over the TP.
[16] 王江林, 杨保.


. 第四纪研究, 2014, 34(6): 1146-1155.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2014.06.03      Magsci      摘要

<p>利用近年来发表的北半球、北半球各大洲及中国近千年温度序列, 分析了年代至百年尺度上北半球和中国温度变化之间的异同性、北半球各大洲百年尺度典型暖期和典型冷期的位相差异, 并比较了中世纪典型暖期与20世纪暖期的温暖程度差异。结果表明:1)在150~200年周期段, 北半球和中国平均温度变化主要受太阳活动的影响, 具有相似的变化特征; 2)在50年和100年的尺度上, 北半球和中国温度的变化速率具有相似性, 近150年来二者都表现出持续的增温趋势; 3)北半球洲际尺度上不存在起止时间相近的百年尺度典型暖期和冷期; 4)北半球、中国及其他大洲最近30年(1971~2000A.D.)的温度较中世纪(800~1250A.D.)任何30年时段都要高, 而最近100年(1901~2000A.D.)的温度只有北极地区显著高于中世纪最暖100年。</p>

[Wang Jianglin, Yang Bao.

General characteristics of temperature changes during the past 1200 years over the north hemisphere, the continents and China

. Quaternary Sciences, 2014, 34(6): 1146-1155.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2014.06.03      Magsci      摘要

<p>利用近年来发表的北半球、北半球各大洲及中国近千年温度序列, 分析了年代至百年尺度上北半球和中国温度变化之间的异同性、北半球各大洲百年尺度典型暖期和典型冷期的位相差异, 并比较了中世纪典型暖期与20世纪暖期的温暖程度差异。结果表明:1)在150~200年周期段, 北半球和中国平均温度变化主要受太阳活动的影响, 具有相似的变化特征; 2)在50年和100年的尺度上, 北半球和中国温度的变化速率具有相似性, 近150年来二者都表现出持续的增温趋势; 3)北半球洲际尺度上不存在起止时间相近的百年尺度典型暖期和冷期; 4)北半球、中国及其他大洲最近30年(1971~2000A.D.)的温度较中世纪(800~1250A.D.)任何30年时段都要高, 而最近100年(1901~2000A.D.)的温度只有北极地区显著高于中世纪最暖100年。</p>
[17] 史锋, 杨保, 赵森, .


. 第四纪研究, 2014, 34(6): 1125-1135.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2014.06.01      Magsci      摘要

<p>利用过去两千年全球变化研究网络(PAGES 2k network)最新公布的501条代用记录, 重建了全球过去千年全年平均温度空间格局的演化特征, 对比分析了中世纪暖期及其最暖100年与20世纪现代暖期、中世纪暖期和小冰期最暖30年与20世纪最近30年的年平均温度空间模态异同。结果显示, 在世纪尺度上, 现代暖期与历史上中世纪暖期的温度异常空间格局大致相同, 变化幅度也在大部分区域相当, 但从年代际尺度上, 最近30年的升温比过去千年中世纪暖期和小冰期两个典型时期都明显。值得一提的是北大西洋中高纬度海温变化与上述特征并不相同, 在年代际和世纪尺度上小冰期和中世纪暖期海温均高于20世纪。可能原因是大西洋经圈翻转环流在中世纪暖期、 小冰期和20世纪现代暖期等3个特征时段对太阳辐射、火山活动和温室气体等外强迫的响应不同。</p>

[Shi Feng, Yang Bao, Zhao Sen, et al.

Spatial pattern reconstruction of typical centennial warm periods of global temperature over the past millennium

. Quaternary Sciences, 2014, 34(6): 1125-1135.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2014.06.01      Magsci      摘要

<p>利用过去两千年全球变化研究网络(PAGES 2k network)最新公布的501条代用记录, 重建了全球过去千年全年平均温度空间格局的演化特征, 对比分析了中世纪暖期及其最暖100年与20世纪现代暖期、中世纪暖期和小冰期最暖30年与20世纪最近30年的年平均温度空间模态异同。结果显示, 在世纪尺度上, 现代暖期与历史上中世纪暖期的温度异常空间格局大致相同, 变化幅度也在大部分区域相当, 但从年代际尺度上, 最近30年的升温比过去千年中世纪暖期和小冰期两个典型时期都明显。值得一提的是北大西洋中高纬度海温变化与上述特征并不相同, 在年代际和世纪尺度上小冰期和中世纪暖期海温均高于20世纪。可能原因是大西洋经圈翻转环流在中世纪暖期、 小冰期和20世纪现代暖期等3个特征时段对太阳辐射、火山活动和温室气体等外强迫的响应不同。</p>
[18] 刘亚辰, 王焕炯, 戴君虎, .


. 地理研究, 2014, 33(4): 603-613.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201404001      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Liu Yachen, Wang Huanjiong, Dai Junhu, et al.

The application of phenological methods for reconstructing past climate change

. Geographical Research, 2014, 33(4): 603-613.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201404001      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[19] 刘健, 高建慧, 王苏民.


. 湖泊科学, 2006, 18(2): 97-105.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1003-5427.2006.02.001      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Liu Jian, Gao Jianhui, Wang Sumin.

Modeling study on the climate change during the Medieval Warm Period

. Journal of Lake Sciences, 2006, 18(2): 97-105.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1003-5427.2006.02.001      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[20] 周天军, 李博, 满文敏, .


. 科学通报, 2011, 56(25): 2083-2095.

https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-444-53599-3.10005-8      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>利用一个气候系统模式, 对过去千年气候演变的3 个特征期&mdash;&mdash;中世纪暖期、小冰期和20 世纪增暖期, 进行了系列平衡态模拟和瞬变强迫模拟试验, 比较了3 个特征期气候的异同点.结果表明: 中世纪暖期的暖信号在除北太平洋中纬度以外的全球大部分地区普遍存在, 但自然增暖的幅度整体上较20 世纪要弱; 北半球中高纬地区的增温幅度大于南半球. 小冰期变冷近乎是全球性的, 在欧亚大陆及高纬地区尤为显著, 变冷极大值位于北极地区的表层. 中世纪暖期和 20 世纪温度变化的垂直结构表现出类似特征, 最强增温都出现在热带对流层中上层的200~300 hPa. 与暖期不同, 小冰期的变冷主要表现为极地强化. 模拟结果与重建资料的比较表明, 模式对暖期温度变化的模拟能力强于冷期, 对中低纬地区温度变化的模拟能力强于高纬地区. 东亚夏季风的年际变率特征受背景气候态的影响不大, 不同特征期年际变率的降水距平型近乎相同, 但是主导周期变化显著, 东亚夏季风的准两年振荡现象在暖期更容易出现, 在冷期则不明显. 在百年尺度上, 有效太阳辐射外强迫变化驱动的季风变化外部模态由大尺度海陆热力对比的变化决定, 在110&deg;E 以东降水呈现出&ldquo;南北同号&rdquo;的特征, 这与伴随耦合系统内部变率出现的&ldquo;南北反号&rdquo;的降水距平型不同.</p>

[Zhou Tianjun, Li Bo, Man Wenmin, et al.

A comparison of the Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age and 20th Century Warming simulated by the FGOALS Climate System Model

. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56(25): 2083-2095.]

https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-444-53599-3.10005-8      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>利用一个气候系统模式, 对过去千年气候演变的3 个特征期&mdash;&mdash;中世纪暖期、小冰期和20 世纪增暖期, 进行了系列平衡态模拟和瞬变强迫模拟试验, 比较了3 个特征期气候的异同点.结果表明: 中世纪暖期的暖信号在除北太平洋中纬度以外的全球大部分地区普遍存在, 但自然增暖的幅度整体上较20 世纪要弱; 北半球中高纬地区的增温幅度大于南半球. 小冰期变冷近乎是全球性的, 在欧亚大陆及高纬地区尤为显著, 变冷极大值位于北极地区的表层. 中世纪暖期和 20 世纪温度变化的垂直结构表现出类似特征, 最强增温都出现在热带对流层中上层的200~300 hPa. 与暖期不同, 小冰期的变冷主要表现为极地强化. 模拟结果与重建资料的比较表明, 模式对暖期温度变化的模拟能力强于冷期, 对中低纬地区温度变化的模拟能力强于高纬地区. 东亚夏季风的年际变率特征受背景气候态的影响不大, 不同特征期年际变率的降水距平型近乎相同, 但是主导周期变化显著, 东亚夏季风的准两年振荡现象在暖期更容易出现, 在冷期则不明显. 在百年尺度上, 有效太阳辐射外强迫变化驱动的季风变化外部模态由大尺度海陆热力对比的变化决定, 在110&deg;E 以东降水呈现出&ldquo;南北同号&rdquo;的特征, 这与伴随耦合系统内部变率出现的&ldquo;南北反号&rdquo;的降水距平型不同.</p>
[21] 高建慧, 刘健, 王红丽.


. 鲁东大学学报: 自然科学版, 2009, 25(4): 376-380.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-8020.2009.04.023      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Gao Jianhui, Liu Jian, Wang Hongli.

The temperature characteristics of the spatial distribution and temporal evolution in China during the MWP

. Ludong University Journal: Natural Science Edition, 2009, 25(4): 376-380.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-8020.2009.04.023      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[22] 陈秀玲, 刘秀铭, 李志忠, .


. 亚热带资源与环境学报, 2012, 7(1): 21-28.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Chen Xiuling, Liu Xiuming, Li Zhizhong, et al.

Characteristics of climate changes during the Medieval Warm Period in China

. Journal of Subtropical Resources and Environment, 2012, 7(1): 21-28.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[23] 况雪源, 刘健, 王红丽, .


. 科学通报, 2008, 53(7): 821-828.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

依据全球海气耦合气候模式ECHO-G近千年积分的模拟结果, 对南、北半球气温及降水变化的相似性和差异性进行了分析, 并探讨了造成南、北半球气候变化异同性的可能原因. 结果表明: (1) 南、北半球平均气温在年际、年代际、百年际尺度上变化位相基本一致; 但从气候阶段转变的时间来看, 北半球年平均温度正负距平的转变明显提前于南半球; 从距平的振幅变化来看, 北半球明显大于南半球. (2) 对降水而言, 年代际及百年际尺度上的变化南、北半球基本同相, 而在年际尺度上的变化两者反相, 且年际及年代际的正相关主要体现在中、高纬地区, 年际负相关主要体现在低纬地区. (3) 中世纪暖期南、北半球的增暖幅度相差不大, 而现代暖期北半球的增暖幅度明显大于南半球; 现代暖期北半球高纬地区气温大幅上升, 而南半球高纬地区气温有所下降, 呈现出明显的反相变化特征, 这是中世纪暖期温室气体浓度保持在较低水平时所不具有的一个气候特征. 其机理有待进一步研究.

[Kuang Xueyuan, Liu Jian, Wang Hongli, et al.

Inter-hemispheric comparison of climate change in the last millennium based on the ECHO-G simulation

. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53(7): 821-828.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

依据全球海气耦合气候模式ECHO-G近千年积分的模拟结果, 对南、北半球气温及降水变化的相似性和差异性进行了分析, 并探讨了造成南、北半球气候变化异同性的可能原因. 结果表明: (1) 南、北半球平均气温在年际、年代际、百年际尺度上变化位相基本一致; 但从气候阶段转变的时间来看, 北半球年平均温度正负距平的转变明显提前于南半球; 从距平的振幅变化来看, 北半球明显大于南半球. (2) 对降水而言, 年代际及百年际尺度上的变化南、北半球基本同相, 而在年际尺度上的变化两者反相, 且年际及年代际的正相关主要体现在中、高纬地区, 年际负相关主要体现在低纬地区. (3) 中世纪暖期南、北半球的增暖幅度相差不大, 而现代暖期北半球的增暖幅度明显大于南半球; 现代暖期北半球高纬地区气温大幅上升, 而南半球高纬地区气温有所下降, 呈现出明显的反相变化特征, 这是中世纪暖期温室气体浓度保持在较低水平时所不具有的一个气候特征. 其机理有待进一步研究.
[24] Wang Zhiyuan, Li Yao, Liu Bin, et al.

Global climate internal variability in a 2000-year control simulation with Community Earth System Model (CESM)

. Chinese Geographical Science, 2015, 25(3): 263-273.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11769-015-0754-1      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[25] 严蜜, 王志远, 刘健.


. 第四纪研究, 2014, 34(6): 1166-1175.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2014.06.05      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>利用地球系统模式CESM的过去1500年气候模拟试验结果, 分析了中世纪暖期和现代暖期中国区域温度和降水变化特征的异同, 并对形成原因进行了初步探讨。研究表明: 中国的温度变化在中世纪暖期和现代暖期有着显著的区域差异, 且年代际变化特征亦不尽相同。现代暖期的温度存在一个明显的年代际突变, 这一突变是由温室气体含量的变化引起的, 且现代暖期温度变化的空间格局受人为因子影响较大。中世纪暖期温度变化的空间格局主要受太阳辐射变化的影响, 其次是土地利用/覆盖和火山活动。中国的降水变化在两个增暖期其时空格局较类似, 其主要模态均体现为西部与东部反相, 华南与华北反相。影响降水变化空间格局的因子较复杂, 各外强迫因子的作用互补。</p>

[Yan Mi, Wang Zhiyuan, Liu Jian.

Simulation of the characteristics and mechanisms of chinese typical warm periods over the past 1500 years

. Quaternary Sciences, 2014, 34(6): 1166-1175.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2014.06.05      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>利用地球系统模式CESM的过去1500年气候模拟试验结果, 分析了中世纪暖期和现代暖期中国区域温度和降水变化特征的异同, 并对形成原因进行了初步探讨。研究表明: 中国的温度变化在中世纪暖期和现代暖期有着显著的区域差异, 且年代际变化特征亦不尽相同。现代暖期的温度存在一个明显的年代际突变, 这一突变是由温室气体含量的变化引起的, 且现代暖期温度变化的空间格局受人为因子影响较大。中世纪暖期温度变化的空间格局主要受太阳辐射变化的影响, 其次是土地利用/覆盖和火山活动。中国的降水变化在两个增暖期其时空格局较类似, 其主要模态均体现为西部与东部反相, 华南与华北反相。影响降水变化空间格局的因子较复杂, 各外强迫因子的作用互补。</p>
[26] 王志远, 刘健.


. 第四纪研究, 2014, 34(6): 1136-1145.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2014.06.02      URL      Magsci      摘要

<p>本文利用美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)的通用地球系统模式(Co mmunity Earth System Model, 简称CESM)的低分辨率版本(CESM1.0.3, T31_g37)在国际国内率先进行了多组过去2000年瞬变积分模拟试验, 在与历史重建资料和观测资料进行对比验证的基础上, 对过去2000年中的典型暖期(中世纪暖期与现代暖期)的特征和成因机制进行了初步探讨, 结果表明: 中世纪暖期太阳辐射加强是导致其&quot;暖化&quot;的主要原因之一, 而温室气体浓度的激增是现代全球变暖的最主要原因; 在中世纪暖期, 自然因子(包括太阳辐射和火山活动)对降水量的影响之和比温室气体的影响高一个数量级; 而在现代暖期, 温室气体对降水量的影响比自然因子(包括太阳辐射和火山活动)对降水量的影响之和高一个数量级; 在不同外强迫条件下的海表温度变化在热带太平洋区域截然不同, 即自然因子影响下为类-拉尼娜态, 而温室气体影响下为类-厄尔尼诺态; 无论在中世纪暖期还是现代暖期, 相对于1000~1850年的平均情况, 沃克(Walker)环流均处于增强状态。</p>

[Wang Zhiyuan, Liu Jian.

Modeling study on the characteristics and mechanisms of global typical warm periods over the past 2000 years

. Quaternary Sciences, 2014, 34(6): 1136-1145.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2014.06.02      URL      Magsci      摘要

<p>本文利用美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)的通用地球系统模式(Co mmunity Earth System Model, 简称CESM)的低分辨率版本(CESM1.0.3, T31_g37)在国际国内率先进行了多组过去2000年瞬变积分模拟试验, 在与历史重建资料和观测资料进行对比验证的基础上, 对过去2000年中的典型暖期(中世纪暖期与现代暖期)的特征和成因机制进行了初步探讨, 结果表明: 中世纪暖期太阳辐射加强是导致其&quot;暖化&quot;的主要原因之一, 而温室气体浓度的激增是现代全球变暖的最主要原因; 在中世纪暖期, 自然因子(包括太阳辐射和火山活动)对降水量的影响之和比温室气体的影响高一个数量级; 而在现代暖期, 温室气体对降水量的影响比自然因子(包括太阳辐射和火山活动)对降水量的影响之和高一个数量级; 在不同外强迫条件下的海表温度变化在热带太平洋区域截然不同, 即自然因子影响下为类-拉尼娜态, 而温室气体影响下为类-厄尔尼诺态; 无论在中世纪暖期还是现代暖期, 相对于1000~1850年的平均情况, 沃克(Walker)环流均处于增强状态。</p>
[27] 孙炜毅, 刘健, 王志远.


. 地球科学进展, 2015, 30(7): 780-790.

https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2015.07.0780      URL      Magsci      摘要

<p>利用地球系统模式CESM过去2 000年气候模拟试验结果,探讨了在百年尺度上东亚夏季风降水的时空变化特征及其成因,对于认识百年尺度气候变化规律、区分外强迫因子对东亚季风的影响有着重要的科学意义。研究表明:①东亚夏季风降水与温度基本同相变化,降水存在准100年、准150年和准200年周期。②降水标准化EOF第一模态为由北向南 &ldquo;负&mdash;正&mdash;负&mdash;正&rdquo;的条带状空间分布,而EOF第二模态基本为全区一致的分布型态。③东亚夏季风降水准100年周期主要受太阳辐射、火山活动和气候系统内部变率的共同影响;准150年周期主要受太阳辐射的影响;准200年周期主要受太阳辐射和火山活动的影响。东亚夏季风降水在温带地区主要受温室气体和土地利用/覆盖的影响;在副热带地区主要受太阳辐射和火山活动的影响;在热带地区主要受太阳辐射、火山活动和气候系统内部变率的影响。</p>

[Sun Weiyi, Liu Jian, Wang Zhiyuan.

Modeling study on the characteristics and causes of East Asian summer monsoon precipitation on centennial time scale over the past 2000 years

. Advances in Earth Science, 2015, 30(7): 780-790.]

https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2015.07.0780      URL      Magsci      摘要

<p>利用地球系统模式CESM过去2 000年气候模拟试验结果,探讨了在百年尺度上东亚夏季风降水的时空变化特征及其成因,对于认识百年尺度气候变化规律、区分外强迫因子对东亚季风的影响有着重要的科学意义。研究表明:①东亚夏季风降水与温度基本同相变化,降水存在准100年、准150年和准200年周期。②降水标准化EOF第一模态为由北向南 &ldquo;负&mdash;正&mdash;负&mdash;正&rdquo;的条带状空间分布,而EOF第二模态基本为全区一致的分布型态。③东亚夏季风降水准100年周期主要受太阳辐射、火山活动和气候系统内部变率的共同影响;准150年周期主要受太阳辐射的影响;准200年周期主要受太阳辐射和火山活动的影响。东亚夏季风降水在温带地区主要受温室气体和土地利用/覆盖的影响;在副热带地区主要受太阳辐射和火山活动的影响;在热带地区主要受太阳辐射、火山活动和气候系统内部变率的影响。</p>
[28] 郑景云, 吴茂炜, 郝志新, .

中国东部夏季降水的年代际变化格局: 观测与CESM控制试验模拟结果的对比

. 地理研究, 2016, 35(1): 14-24.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Zheng Jingyun, Wu Maowei, Hao Zhixin, et al.

Spatial pattern of decadal variation of summer precipitation in eastern China: Comparison of observation and CESM control simulation

. Geographical Research, 2016, 35(1): 14-24.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[29] Shapiro A I, Schmutz W, Rozanov E, et al.

A new approach to the long-term reconstruction of the solar irradiance leads to large historical solar forcing

. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011, 529(67): 1-8.

https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201016173      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The variable Sun is the most likely candidate for natural forcing of past climate change on time scales of 50 to 1000 years. Evidence for this understanding is that the terrestrial climate correlates positively with solar activity. During the past 10,000 years, the Sun has experienced substantial variations in activity and there have been numerous attempts to reconstruct solar irradiance. While there is general agreement on how solar forcing varied during the last several hundred years --- all reconstructions are proportional to the solar activity --- there is scientific controversy on the magnitude of solar forcing. We present a reconstruction of the Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance covering 130 nm--10 $mu$m from 1610 to the present with annual resolution and for the Holocene with 22-year resolution. We assume that the minimum state of the quiet Sun in time corresponds to the observed quietest area on the present Sun. Then we use available long-term proxies of the solar activity, which are $^{10}$Be isotope concentrations in ice cores and 22-year smoothed neutron monitor data, to interpolate between the present quiet Sun and the minimum state of the quiet Sun. This determines the long-term trend in the solar variability which is then superposed with the 11-year activity cycle calculated from the sunspot number. The time-dependent solar spectral irradiance from about 7000 BC to the present is then derived using a state-of-the-art radiation code. We derive a total and spectral solar irradiance that was substantially lower during the Maunder minimum than observed today. The difference is remarkably larger than other estimations published in the recent literature. The magnitude of the solar UV variability, which indirectly affects climate is also found to exceed previous estimates. We discuss in details the assumptions which leaded us to this conclusion.
[30] Gao Chaochao, Robock A, Ammann C.

Volcanic forcing of climate over the past 1500 years: An improved ice core-based index for climate models

. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2008, 113(23): 1-15.

https://doi.org/10.1029/2008jd010239      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Understanding natural causes of climate change is vital to evaluate the relative impacts of human pollution and land surface modification on climate. We have investigated one of the most important natural causes of climate change, volcanic eruptions, by using 54 ice core records from both the Arctic and Antarctica. Our recently collected suite of ice core data, more than double the number of cores ever used before, reduces errors inherent in reconstructions based on a single or small number of cores, which enables us to obtain much higher accuracy in both detection of events and quantification of the radiative effects. We extracted volcanic deposition signals from each ice core record by applying a high-pass loess filter to the time series and examining peaks that exceed twice the 31-year running median absolute deviation. We then studied the spatial pattern of volcanic sulfate deposition on Greenland and Antarctica and combined this knowledge with a new understanding of stratospheric transport of volcanic aerosols to produce a forcing data set as a function of month, latitude, and altitude for the past 1500 years. We estimated the uncertainties associated with the choice of volcanic signal extraction criteria, ice core sulfate deposition to stratospheric loading calibration factor, and the season for the eruptions without a recorded month. We forced an energy balance climate model with this new volcanic forcing data set, together with solar and anthropogenic forcing, to simulate the large-scale temperature response. The results agree well with instrumental observations for the past 150 years and with proxy records for the entire period. Through better characterization of the natural causes of climate change, this new data set will lead to improved prediction of anthropogenic impacts on climate. The new data set of stratospheric sulfate injections from volcanic eruptions for the past 1500 years, as a function of latitude, altitude, and month, is available for download in a format suitable for forcing general circulation models of the climate system. Understanding natural causes of climate change is vital to evaluate the relative impacts of human pollution and land surface modification on climate. We have investigated one of the most important natural causes of climate change, volcanic eruptions, by using 54 ice core records from both the Arctic and Antarctica. Our recently collected suite of ice core data, more than double the number of cores ever used before, reduces errors inherent in reconstructions based on a single or small number of cores, which enables us to obtain much higher accuracy in both detection of events and quantification of the radiative effects. We extracted volcanic deposition signals from each ice core record by applying a high-pass loess filter to the time series and examining peaks that exceed twice the 31-year running median absolute deviation. We then studied the spatial pattern of volcanic sulfate deposition on Greenland and Antarctica and combined this knowledge with a new understanding of stratospheric transport of volcanic aerosols to produce a forcing data set as a function of month, latitude, and altitude for the past 1500 years. We estimated the uncertainties associated with the choice of volcanic signal extraction criteria, ice core sulfate deposition to stratospheric loading calibration factor, and the season for the eruptions without a recorded month. We forced an energy balance climate model with this new volcanic forcing data set, together with solar and anthropogenic forcing, to simulate the large-scale temperature response. The results agree well with instrumental observations for the past 150 years and with proxy records for the entire period. Through better characterization of the natural causes of climate change, this new data set will lead to improved prediction of anthropogenic impacts on climate. The new data set of stratospheric sulfate injections from volcanic eruptions for the past 1500 years, as a function of latitude, altitude, and month, is available for download in a format suitable for forcing general circulation models of the climate system.
[31] MacFarling M C, Etheridge D, Trudinger C, et al.

Law Dome CO2, CH4 and N2O ice core records extended to 2000 years BP

. Geophysical Research Letters, 2006, 33(14): 1-4.

[本文引用: 2]     

[32] Kaplan J O, Krumhardt K M, Zimmermann N.

The prehistoric and preindustrial deforestation of Europe

. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2009, 28(27-28): 3016-3034.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.09.028      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Humans have transformed Europe's landscapes since the establishment of the first agricultural societies in the mid-Holocene. The most important anthropogenic alteration of the natural environment was the clearing of forests to establish cropland and pasture, and the exploitation of forests for fuel wood and construction materials. While the archaeological and paleoecological record documents the time history of anthropogenic deforestation at numerous individual sites, to study the effect that prehistoric and preindustrial deforestation had on continental-scale carbon and water cycles we require spatially explicit maps of changing forest cover through time. Previous attempts to map preindustrial anthropogenic land use and land cover change addressed only the recent past, or relied on simplistic extrapolations of present day land use patterns to past conditions. In this study we created a very high resolution, annually resolved time series of anthropogenic deforestation in Europe over the past three millennia by 1) digitizing and synthesizing a database of population history for Europe and surrounding areas, 2)developing a model to simulate anthropogenic deforestation based on population density that handles technological progress, and 3) applying the database and model to a gridded dataset of land suitability for agriculture and pasture to simulate spatial and temporal trends in anthropogenic deforestation. Our model results provide reasonable estimations of deforestation in Europe when compared to historical accounts. We simulate extensive European deforestation at 1000 BC, implying that past attempts to quantify anthropogenic perturbation of the Holocene carbon cycle may have greatly underestimated early human impact on the climate system.
[33] Rosenbloom N A, Otto-Bliesner B L, Brady E C, et al.

Simulating the mid-Pliocene Warm Period with the CCSM4 model

. Geoscientific Model Development, 2013, 6(2): 549-561.

https://doi.org/10.5194/gmdd-5-4269-2012      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper describes the experimental design and model results from a 500 yr fully coupled Community Climate System, version 4, simulation of the midPliocene Warm Period (mPWP) (ca. 3.3-3.0 Ma). We simulate the mPWP using the "alternate" protocol prescribed by the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project (PlioMIP) for the AOGCM simulation (Experiment 2). Results from the CCSM4 mPWP simulation show a 1.9 degrees C increase in global mean annual temperature compared to the 1850 preindustrial control, with a polar amplification of similar to 3 times the global warming. Global precipitation increases slightly by 0.09 mm day(-1) and the monsoon rainfall is enhanced, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere (NH). Areal sea ice extent decreases in both hemispheres but persists through the summers. The model simulates a relaxation of the zonal sea surface temperature (SST) gradient in the tropical Pacific, with the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (Nino3.4) similar to 20% weaker than the preindustrial and exhibiting extended periods of quiescence of up to 150 yr. The maximum Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and northward Atlantic oceanic heat transport are indistinguishable from the control. As compared to PRISM3, CCSM4 overestimates Southern Hemisphere (SH) sea surface temperatures, but underestimates NH warming, particularly in the North Atlantic, suggesting that an increase in northward ocean heat transport would bring CCSM4 SSTs into better alignment with proxy data.
[34] Kanamitsu M, Ebisuzaki W, Woollen J, et al.

NCEP-DOE AMIP-II Reanalysis (R-2)

. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2002, 83(11): 1631-1643.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[35] Adler R F, Huffman G J, Chang A, et al.

The Version-2 Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) Monthly Precipitation Analysis (1979-present)

. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2003, 4(6): 1147-1167.

[本文引用: 1]     

[36] Mann M E, Zhang Zhihua, Hughes M K, et al.

Proxy-based reconstructions of hemispheric and global surface temperature variations over the past two millennia

. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2008, 105(36): 13252-13257.

[本文引用: 4]     

[37] Ljungqvist F C.

A new reconstruction of temperature variability in the extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere during the last two millennia

. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 2010, 92(3): 339-351.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0459.2010.00399.x      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

ABSTRACT. A new temperature reconstruction with decadal resolution, covering the last two millennia, is presented for the extratropical Northern Hemisphere (90–30°N), utilizing many palaeo-temperature proxy records never previously included in any large-scale temperature reconstruction. The amplitude of the reconstructed temperature variability on centennial time-scales exceeds 0.6°C. This reconstruction is the first to show a distinct Roman Warm Period c .ad1–300, reaching up to the 1961–1990 mean temperature level, followed by the Dark Age Cold Period c .ad300–800. The Medieval Warm Period is seen c .ad800–1300 and the Little Ice Age is clearly visible c .ad1300–1900, followed by a rapid temperature increase in the twentieth century. The highest average temperatures in the reconstruction are encountered in the mid to late tenth century and the lowest in the late seventeenth century. Decadal mean temperatures seem to have reached or exceeded the 1961–1990 mean temperature level during substantial parts of the Roman Warm Period and the Medieval Warm Period. The temperature of the last two decades, however, is possibly higher than during any previous time in the past two millennia, although this is only seen in the instrumental temperature data and not in the multi-proxy reconstruction itself. Our temperature reconstruction agrees well with the reconstructions by Moberg et al . (2005) and Mann et al . (2008) with regard to the amplitude of the variability as well as the timing of warm and cold periods, except for the period c .ad300–800, despite significant differences in both data coverage and methodology.
[38] Christiansen B, Ljungqvist F C.

The extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere temperature in the last two millennia: Reconstructions of low-frequency variability

. Climate of the Past, 2012, 8(2): 765-786.

https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-8-765-2012      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

We present two new multi-proxy reconstructions of the extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere (30–90° N) mean temperature: a two-millennia long reconstruction reaching back to 1 AD and a 500-yr long reconstruction reaching back to 1500 AD. The reconstructions are based on compilations of 32 and 91 proxies, respectively, of which only little more than half pass a screening procedure and are included in the actual reconstructions. The proxies are of different types and of different resolutions (annual, annual-to-decadal, and decadal) but all have previously been shown to relate to local or regional temperature. We use a reconstruction method, LOCal (LOC), that recently has been shown to confidently reproduce low-frequency variability. Confidence intervals are obtained by an ensemble pseudo-proxy method that both estimates the variance and the bias of the reconstructions. The two-millennia long reconstruction shows a well defined Medieval Warm Period, with a peak warming ca. 950–1050 AD reaching 0.6 °C relative to the reference period 1880–1960 AD. The 500-yr long reconstruction confirms previous results obtained with the LOC method applied to a smaller proxy compilation; in particular it shows the Little Ice Age cumulating in 1580–1720 AD with a temperature minimum of 1.0 °C below the reference period. The reconstructed local temperatures, the magnitude of which are subject to wide confidence intervals, show a rather geographically homogeneous Little Ice Age, while more geographical inhomogeneities are found for the Medieval Warm Period. Reconstructions based on different subsets of proxies show only small differences, suggesting that LOC reconstructs 50-yr smoothed extra-tropical NH mean temperatures well and that low-frequency noise in the proxies is a relatively small problem.
[39] Broecker W S.

Was the medieval warm period global?

. Science, 2001, 291(5508): 1497-1499.

[40] Hughes M K, Diaz H F.

Was there a 'medieval warm period', and if so, where and when?

. Climatic Change, 1994, 26(2): 109-142.

https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01092410      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

It has frequently been suggested that the period encompassing the ninth to the fourteenth centuries A.D. experienced a climate warmer than that prevailing around the turn of the twentieth century. This epoch has become known as the, since it coincides with the Middle Ages in Europe. In this review a number of lines of evidence are considered, (including climatesensitive tree rings, documentary sources, and montane glaciers) in order to evaluate whether it is reasonable to conclude that climate in medieval times was, indeed, warmer than the climate of more recent times. Our review indicates that for some areas of the globe (for example, Scandinavia, China, the Sierra Nevada in California, the Canadian Rockies and Tasmania), temperatures, particularly in summer, appear to have been higher during some parts of this period than those that were to prevail until the most recent decades of the twentieth century. These warmer regional episodes were not strongly synchronous. Evidence from other regions (for example, the Southeast United States, southern Europe along the Mediterranean, and parts of South America) indicates that the climate during that time was little different to that of later times, or that warming, if it occurred, was recorded at a later time than has been assumed. Taken together, the available evidence does not support aMedieval Warm Period, although more support for such a phenomenon could be drawn from high-elevation records than from low-elevation records.
