地理研究  2018 , 37 (6): 1142-1158 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201806007



吕龙1, 黄震方1, 陈晓艳12

1. 南京师范大学地理科学学院,南京 210023
2. 常州工学院经济与管理学院,常州 213032

Type classification, pattern characteristics and influencing factors of rural cultural memory space: A case study of Jinting town in Suzhou

LV Long1, HUANG Zhenfang1, CHEN Xiaoyan12

1. School of Geographical Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China
2. School of Economics and Management, Changzhou Institute of Technology, Changzhou 213032, Jiangsu, China

通讯作者:  通讯作者:黄震方(1963- ),男,江苏扬中人,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事旅游地理与旅游规划研究。E-mail: zhfh@263.net

收稿日期: 2017-12-21

修回日期:  2018-03-12

网络出版日期:  2018-06-10

版权声明:  2018 《地理研究》编辑部 《地理研究》编辑部

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41671137)国家旅游局2015年度“万名旅游英才计划”(WMYC20151051)


作者简介:吕龙(1981- ),男,江苏常熟人,博士研究生,城市规划师,主要从事旅游地理与旅游规划研究。E-mail: lvlong1981@sina.com



乡村文化记忆及其空间载体的研究对于乡村文化的展示、恢复与重构具有重要意义。基于文化记忆理论框架,界定乡村文化记忆及其映射空间的概念和空间类型划分,以苏州市金庭镇(原西山镇)为例,结合地方志文献和GIS空间分析法进行乡村文化记忆空间的时空格局特征以及影响因素研究。结果表明:① 乡村文化记忆空间类型可依据文化记忆的形式和记忆场的构成,划分为生活生产类、功能象征类、社会表征类、精神意识类等类型。② 在时间格局方面,生活生产类空间一直保持相对平稳的增长态势,在明清时期达到高峰,其累计留存程度较好;功能象征类空间和社会表征类空间则呈现“倒U型”的变化趋势;精神仪式类空间基本由始至终融会贯通保持了平稳的发展态势。③ 在空间格局方面,乡村文化记忆空间自明清时期开始呈现聚集分布的特征,主导分布方向呈西南—东北向且由南向北逐步拓展,分布密度呈现由南向北的变化趋势,密度核心区域多以生活生产类空间为主。④ 影响因素研究发现,人地关系的变化是前提条件,民间信仰、民俗文风的兴盛是重要条件,官方支持、氏族及名人名仕的传承是保障条件,这些都影响着乡村文化记忆空间的格局变化。

关键词: 乡村文化记忆 ; 空间类型 ; 时空格局 ; 影响因素 ; 金庭镇


The studies on culture of rural areas have been the focus of tourism geography. Especially, the study of rural cultural memory and its space is the logic origin of rural cultural studies, which is of great significance to the exhibition, recovery and reconstruction of rural culture. Based on cultural memory theory, we define the concepts of rural cultural memory, discuss the spatial type classification and rural cultural memory space. Moreover, we apply the proposed classification system to discuss the rural memory space of Jinting town (the original name: Xishan town) in Suzhou based on the combination of local chorography and GIS spatial analysis method. The results showed that: (1) Based on the cultural memory form and the memory field, the types of cultural memory space are divided into life and production type, functional symbol type, social representation type and spiritual consciousness type. (2) The characteristics of the time pattern are as follows: the space of life and production type has remained relatively stable growth from the beginning, with a peak in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Afterwards, its cumulative level has retained better and developed smoothly. The spaces of functional symbol type and social representation type shows a changing trend of an inverted U-shape pattern, and has been greatly reduced since the Republican Period. The space of spiritual consciousness type has developed smoothly from the beginning to the end. (3) In terms of spatial pattern, the rural cultural memory spaces have presented the characteristics of the aggregation distribution. The dominant distribution showed a southwest-northeast trend, and gradually expanded from south to north. The distribution density demonstrated the cluster distribution characteristics, and presented the change trend from south to north. In particular, the core regions of space density were given priority to the space of life and production type. (4) The key influencing factors included: the change of human-environment interactions is the precondition for the evolution of rural cultural memory; the flourishment of folk belief and folk style is the important condition for the evolution of rural cultural memory; the inheritance of official support, clan and celebrity are the support condition for the evolution of rural cultural memory.

Keywords: rural cultural memory ; space type ; pattern characteristics ; influencing factor ; Jinting town


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吕龙, 黄震方, 陈晓艳. 乡村文化记忆空间的类型、格局及影响因素——以苏州金庭镇为例[J]. , 2018, 37(6): 1142-1158 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201806007

LV Long, HUANG Zhenfang, CHEN Xiaoyan. Type classification, pattern characteristics and influencing factors of rural cultural memory space: A case study of Jinting town in Suzhou[J]. 地理研究, 2018, 37(6): 1142-1158 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201806007

1 引言

记忆是阐释空间和地方性意义的组成部分,并对地方的认同产生重要影响[1]。记忆和乡愁所依附的城乡空间,是其赖以延续和发展的物质载体[2]。在快速城市化的进程中,乡村地区的发展深受周边邻近城市建设的影响,乡村的人地关系随之发生变迁,最终导致乡村文化的日益衰退和乡村记忆的日渐模糊。一个地方如果没有了记忆,也就没有了文化的根源和变迁的脉络。在新型城镇化战略引导下,建设重点从城市转向镇村,不同类型乡村地区的文化保护和利用需要不同的途径。作为一种重要旅游地类型的乡村地区,乡村文化就是旅游业发展的重要根基和特色所在,文化的兴衰、传承及挽救等历史重任已迫在眉睫。因此,基于记忆视角下研究乡村旅游地的文化保护、恢复与重构已成为当下学界及社会各界的关注焦点。回顾有关记忆理论的发展,从莫里斯 哈布瓦赫提出具有社会建构的集体记忆,康纳顿通过体化实践来传递记忆的社会记忆,再到扬 阿斯曼的文化记忆,均以集体记忆为奠基石,从具体的群体层面逐步扩展至文化范畴,使得记忆不会随着参与代际交流群体的消失而消亡。其中,文化记忆作为对集体记忆的不断深化和细化,是从集体记忆的具体事件中进一步凝练而来,通过规范性和秩序性表达了记忆的跨代际延续和共享的可能性,成为一个国家或地方或种族等群体成员需要共同遵循的准则,从而更加体现了记忆的文化属性。不同地方有各自不同的记忆,乡村也不例外,通过乡村文化记忆形成的过程可以更清楚地了解乡村文化的特征与变迁,解读乡村社会的演变,成为新型城镇化语境中研究旅游型乡村文化的重要概念和新视角。

时至今日,国内外有关记忆、旅游及乡村的研究成果集中在以下几方面:一是围绕集体记忆研究旅游与记忆的关系,表现为旅游是唤醒记忆的主要动机。Maccannell运用记忆符号系统思想,阐释旅游吸引物的标志(符号)、景象(被符号化意义)、游客(解读者)构成,认为旅游过程能唤起往事记忆形成集体回忆[3]。有些学者将集体记忆作为旅游目的地的核心吸引物或旅游动机,认为记忆场所能够在旅游中起到文化认同与重建的目的[4]。Seaton研究了滑铁卢为吸引游客恢复和重构战地景观及集体记忆的途径[5]。Lloyd等关注战争纪念物的游客类型,认为朝圣者是战后记忆载体建设的主要受众[6,7]。Dydia以美国加利福尼亚南部根据著名小说雷蒙娜建设的各类旅游景点为例,研究了虚构的集体记忆[8]。Winter认为旅游参与了第一次世界大战集体记忆的选择、解读和重构,每个游客都可以建构和影响群体关于景观的解读[9]。Sabine研究了迪士尼乐园的游客群体,认为儿时美好的集体记忆是此类旅游的动机,主题乐园有利于唤起游客儿时快乐记忆[10]。此外,基于文化记忆视角下的旅游研究成果较少,部分学者通过对思乡旅游者旅游报告的内容分析,认为旅游可视为记忆过程的延伸[11],同时认为当代旅游媒介在旅游推广中具有身份认同的作用[12]。二是,围绕乡愁(怀旧)旅游的研究成果包括乡愁(怀旧)旅游动机及怀旧倾向测量[13-15]、个人记忆和集体记忆是乡愁旅游现象背后的驱动力[16]等。Sabine Marschall针对旅游与记忆之间关系开展了系统研究[17],认为记忆是选择旅游目的地的一个关键因素,它会影响到目的地的旅游体验,以及旅行后通过叙述、摄影和记忆物品等与他人分享的经验,二者均与身份形成的过程相关联,不仅是回忆与快乐记忆有关的地方,还包括回到个人创伤和痛苦寻求疗愈的地方。三是,国内学者多以集体记忆和社会记忆研究为主,但数量有限。程豪等基于社会记忆理论探讨了旅游和淮南煤炭记忆的关系[18]。李彦辉等以黄埔军校旧址参观为例,研究了游客对地方历史的集体记忆及国家认同[19]。唐弘久等以九寨沟为例,通过构建结构方程模型研究了旅游地居民对“5 12”大地震集体记忆的信息建构可以从社会交流、媒体宣传、生活场景、事件记载等4个维度进行测量[20]。徐克帅基于符号系统和社会记忆建构过程理论,建构了红色旅游目的地记忆符号系统的理论框架,通过基于社会现实的神圣性体验形塑红色记忆,从而构建其社会身份认同[21]。此外,有些学者围绕旅游型乡村的文化与记忆研究聚焦于乡村文化表达[22]、影响[23]与认同[24]。传统村落的集体记忆[25]以及在旅游场域下基于地方节日的文化重构[26]


2 研究方法与数据来源

2.1 案例区概况

苏州金庭镇,古时称为包山、西洞庭、林屋山,是坐落于太湖东南部的一个岛屿。其主峰缥缈峰,海拔336.6 m,为太湖七十二峰之首。距离苏州古城区45 km,镇域陆地总面积82.36 km2,范围内拥有古村、古街、古宅、古桥、古巷、古寺、民俗等历史遗存和文化传统(图1)。1985年4月,金庭镇的旅游业发展正式拉开序幕,从此成为太湖旅游的重要目的地。在旅游引导下部分历史文化资源逐步转变成旅游景区、景点向游人开放,众多的古村落也得到了相应的保护和发展。

图1   研究区的文化区位示意及村落分布

Fig. 1   The cultural location of the study area and the spatial distribution of villages

选取此案例地的理由如下:① 该镇于1983年被批准为国家级太湖风景名胜区之西山景区,1992年又成为太湖国家旅游度假区重要组成部分,兼顾了资源保护与利用的双重作用;② 2001年被公布为江苏省第二批历史文化名镇,明月湾村和东村分别成为第三批、第六批中国历史文化名村,还拥有植里、涵村、堂里、甪里、东西蔡村、后埠等古村落,历史文化遗存数量众多、类型丰富、保存较好,可以充分展示该地乡村文化记忆的印迹。③ 由于独特的地理位置,该地发展中基本保持了地域单元的相对稳定性和完整性,避免了行政区划的变迁产生的影响。在文化上属于江南文化区中太湖水乡文化区之苏南浙北文化亚区,是吴越文化与中原文化交汇之地[28]

2.2 数据来源与处理

研究资料源于对金庭镇历史文献及古地图的解读和梳理。地方志主要包括《中国地方志集成——民国吴县志》(江苏古籍出版社,1991)、《吴县志》(上海古籍出版社,1994)和《西山镇志》(苏州大学出版社,2001);古地图资料主要有“(清)吴县 长洲 元和图”“吴县市 乡图(民国元年)”等方志地图。通过古地图可以发现古时西山的村落、标志性地貌以及主要人类活动等空间有明确的标注,结合对地方志记载的重要历史文化大事件的解读,可以做到这些空间相对位置的精确性。由于金庭镇是典型的内湖岛屿,天然的岛屿界线较为明晰,行政区划调整对研究带来的影响可以忽略不计。因此,乡村文化记忆的挖掘和映射空间的标记,均出自地方志中的记载。由于《西山镇志》的上限不定,大事记延至2001年初,这一时段基本记载了金庭镇历史发展的古往今来,能够反映地方文化记忆的变迁,故历史发掘的时间尺度确定为从古时西山有人类活动至2001年。为了与史料记载时间相互匹配,选取2001年遥感影像和DEM数据作为底图,而行政边界也以同年边界作为依据确定研究的空间范围。

数据处理方面综合运用历史文献分析和GIS空间分析方法。首先,在地理空间数据云(http://www.gscloud.cn/)下载LANDSAT和DEM的相关数据,基于ArcGIS 10.3平台对行政边界的CAD数据进行校正、配准后形成研究底图。其次,在底图上对史料分析中获得的重大历史事件及其对应空间进行标注,主要以点数据类型表示。对于史料中记载但缺乏明确位置的空间点,根据遗迹留存情况、文字表述的大概位置,结合现场调研,最大程度地反映其原始位置信息。空间数据库建立后,构建每个空间点相对应的属性表,包括名称、初建和留存的历史阶段、文化记忆空间类型、空间坐标等信息。最后,根据已建立的GIS数据库,以空间点作为研究对象,探讨其不同阶段金庭乡村文化记忆空间的时空格局变迁特征。

2.3 研究方法








空间格局的判读采用点模式的地理分布格局测算,从点分布形态和聚集程度的动态变化来探讨空间点格局特征。首先,利用ArcGIS 10.3空间统计模块中平均最邻近工具计算最邻近距离统计(NNI)判断点要素的分布格局是集聚还是扩散[30]。当NNI=1时,表示样点格局随机分布;当NNI<1时,表示样点格局聚集分布;当NNI>1时,表示样点格局发散分布,以此探讨空间点模式的聚散特征是否明显。其次,利用标准差椭圆判断点的方向分布及变化特征。最后,利用核密度估计(KDE)判断点对象的整体空间分布特征和规律,测度空间点对象的分布密度,用于识别其分布的聚集区域,其密度值越高,表示点对象的分布密度越大。其公式表达如下[31]



3 乡村文化记忆空间的概念与类型

3.1 概念界定


进一步分析研究旅游型乡村的文化记忆及其映射空间应关注相关的乡村地理环境的“地”、与活动相关的“人”,更应关注二者相互包容和制约的“人地关系”[34]。基于文化记忆理论研究乡村文化记忆及空间的关键在于从时间、空间和社会等维度去理解乡村文化记忆的地方识别、身份认同和文化连续性(图2)。① 记忆的空间维度关注重点在于乡村文化记忆空间的构成要素、格局与过程,即空间载体和空间坐标。承载乡村文化记忆的空间不仅是具有地理意义和文化意义的物质性空间,也是能表达乡村文化完整性和典型性的象征空间,承担了保存地方记忆、乡村身份认同、乡村文化建构和重构的作用。② 记忆的时间维度关注重点是乡村文化记忆空间共时性和历时性的形式变化、特征变化和功能转变的过程,是一个可以理解和传递的记忆空间。这类空间承载的都是对过去的见证和重现,具备了一定的记忆存储功能,都伴随着地理环境的变化而有选择性地被遗忘、被储存、被生产和被重构,这种文化记忆在乡村地域呈现出时间上的记忆“碎片”拼贴并通过其内在规律映射在不同空间中,以此向我们展示独特的乡村记忆。③ 记忆社会维度关注重点在于记忆的文化和情感表达,重点体现了参与乡村发展的居民、企业、政府甚至游客等相关利益主体共同构成的社会框架,彼此之间关系的形成都会影响到乡村文化记忆的初创、发展、成型,以及后续的储存、提取、延续和表达。通过这些空间能够促使后人回忆、感受、理解附着在其间的乡村文化记忆,进而可以让当地生活者、外来旅游者甚至其他参与者意识到自我与地方的关系、认同并完成地方文化及身份的建构。

图2   乡村文化记忆空间内涵的解释框架

Fig. 2   The interpretation framework of the connotation of the rural cultural memory space

3.2 识别原则及过程


乡村文化记忆及空间的识别和提取就是依据文化记忆理论框架辨识乡村文化记忆的形成和特征要素的过程。围绕乡村文化记忆的表征、变迁和建构确定相关原则:① 文化记忆形式的成型性。在乡村文化记忆形成过程中将文化意义以某种相对固定的形式包裹于客观外化物。② 文化记忆传达的稳定性。在其发展演变过程中随着乡村社会发展的变迁,体现了乡村文化记忆及其承载空间的反复使用和促进地方性形象的稳定传播。③ 文化记忆形构的多样性。随着文化记忆媒介的变迁,通过非语言的、语言的、图像的和仪式的等多种形式进行承载和传承。④ 文化记忆空间的多元性。随着时间的推移和空间的变迁,乡村文化记忆对应的地理空间也会呈现出不同的形态特征,即历史空间与现实空间均存在而形态、功能未变,历史空间与现实空间均存在但形态、功能已变,历史空间存在但现实空间仅有遗迹,历史空间不存在但仅有史料记载等。


3.3 类型体系划分


在文化记忆可划分为硬记忆和软记忆的基础上,确定纪念性场地、标志性场地、文化性路径、文学文本、节日仪式、身份符号、历史人物等7类文化记忆场,这些记忆场既相互区别又相互依存,共同构成乡村文化记忆场体系,它们承载着具有象征意义的记忆内容。继而根据空间承载的内容和功能,从物质文化、制度文化和精神文化等层面找寻映射的地理空间,将乡村文化记忆空间划分为生活生产类、功能象征类、社会表征类、精神意识类等4种类型(图3)。从硬记忆(hard memory)角度来看,文化记忆场映射的空间指涉能够体现出具有物质性并可以被人们直接感知体验的乡村整体形态格局和具有代表性的自然、人文景观等空间。这类空间多由人们的经济社会活动、具有典型标志性景观点,甚至是地方精神表达空间等构成,往往是乡村文化记忆中相对固定的要素,并占有一定的实际物质空间。从软记忆(soft memory)角度来看,文化记忆场映射的空间是能够承载并体现出乡村文化氛围、群体意识和地方精神等内容,属于人们经过文化记录、加工,进行文化传承与展示的空间。该类记忆空间根据指向重点的不同,表达需与不同的文化记忆空间类型相关联,以此为软记忆的表达奠定基础并通过直接或间接融入、渗透到地理空间中并赋予该空间相应的文化意义与内涵。在乡村生活、生产过程中形成了类型丰富多样的文化记忆,不同的文化记忆场及其空间存在相互依存、相互交融且彼此印证的局面,由此构成具有复杂性和依赖性的文化记忆空间体系。这些空间不断重新激活记忆,还能使得空间重获活力,成为唤醒记忆的“引爆器”,通过与文化记忆场的互动表达,周而复始地重复出现或重新建构,反映出乡村文化发展的整体形态、获得乡村身份认同和文化连续性的目的。

图3   乡村文化记忆形式、文化记忆场及空间类型

Fig. 3   The classification of the cultural memory space

4 乡村文化记忆空间的时空格局

4.1 文化记忆空间提取


表1   苏州金庭镇的文化记忆一览表

Tab. 1   The cultural memory of Jinting town in Suzhou city

清:慈里人王维德撰成《林屋民风》,民国:李根源撰成《吴郡西山仿古记》等不同朝代形成的文学文本、神话传说、节日仪式等通过文本媒介进行传承HM3/ SM1/ SM2/ SM3MS1/ MS2/ MS3/ MS4
汉:商山四皓隐居西山名人隐居伊始,甪里、东村等村落的发迹史表达与洞庭西山起源和发展密不可分的名人名仕隐居SM4MS1/ MS4
宋:一批贵族及后裔陆续到西山隐居形成八大宗族,李弥大西山林屋洞前隐居,蔡氏迁居西山消夏湾建西蔡、东蔡两村古时西山主要宗族的发迹以及主要村落的陆续建成HM2MS1/ MS3
元:武德将军蒋腾芳归隐西山后埠故里建“乌府”宅第及巷门、双井亭1997年后埠井亭等4处公布为第二批县级文保单位HM2MS1/ MS3
清:植里建永丰桥、筑南北石板路、东村建敬修堂,西蔡建爱日堂,明月湾铺石板棋盘街筑码头,东蔡建春熙堂,后堡窑上重建城隍庙1995年后堡村利用双观音堂改建为古樟园并迎客HM2MS1/ MS3


4.2 时间格局特征

根据不同发展阶段文化记忆空间的数量分析其时间格局特征(图4表2)。结果显示:① 生活生产类空间的发展在达到明清鼎盛后基本保持平稳态势,承载文化的传承和空间的延续性极好,自形成后仅有明清时期的相对变化率R>1,表明此阶段新增速率快于全镇域的平均水平,累积变化率基本保持为0,在明清时期新增多处空间并保留至今,为随后的发展奠定了基础。② 功能象征类空间和社会表征类空间则呈现“倒U型”的变化趋势。其中,前者在鼎盛阶段之后的相对变化率R>1,表明了在明清时期之后的新增速率快于全镇域平均水平,但是相比其他类型,这类空间的累积变化率自明清时期后缩减程度增大,留存的空间大幅度减少;后者仅在重生阶段的相对变化率R>1,明清时期后保留的文化记忆空间呈现大幅度的递增。③ 精神仪式类空间基本由始至终融会贯通保持了平稳的发展态势。这类空间的相对变化率均R<1,表明新增速率均慢于全镇域的平均水平,而空间累积变化率维持在0,也说明了这类空间作为地方的精神象征,它们的延续性较强且变化较少。

图4   不同时期文化记忆空间的数量变化

Fig. 4   The number variation of the cultural memory space in different periods

表2   不同类型文化记忆空间的相对变化率和累积变化率

Tab. 2   The relative change rate & the cumulative rate of different types of the cultural memory space



4.3 空间格局特征


从地貌分布来看,初成阶段、鼎盛阶段、平稳阶段到再生阶段的93处、148处、141处、102处文化记忆空间,仅有代表洞庭西山神话、标志性地点的缥缈峰和包山寺等处于山地外,其余均位于高程50 m以下的环山谷地或临湖地带(图5)。这表明占据绝对优势的生活生产类空间的初建和发展,多分散布局于环山临湖地带,从地形、耕作捕鱼及对外交通等都极大方便了内湖岛屿上人们的生活,特别自明清时期初建或新增的文化记忆空间多围绕已有村落进行拓展。进一步通过核密度估计(KDE)生成不同阶段文化记忆空间的核密度图来分析其空间分布状况(图6),经过多次比对试验后确定1.5 km作为搜索半径反映空间点对象的整体分布特征。初成阶段核密度的最高值为2.62个/km2,鼎盛阶段为3.99个/km2,平稳阶段为3.67个/km2,再生阶段为3.22个/km2,说明了文化记忆空间在不同时期集聚程度显著增加,在明清时达到峰值后随之略减,但核密度较高的集中区域基本保持平稳发展态势,从空间上体现了乡村文化记忆空间的传承性和延续性,能够更好地表达和展示金庭镇的乡村文化记忆。

图5   不同时期文化记忆空间的分布

Fig. 5   The distribution of the cultural memory space in different periods

图6   不同时期文化记忆空间的核密度分布

Fig. 6   The KDE of the cultural memory space in different periods



图7   不同时期文化记忆空间的标准差椭圆

Fig. 7   The standard deviation ellipse of the cultural memory space in different periods

4.4 影响因素分析

人地关系的变化是乡村文化记忆空间变迁的前提条件。① 明清之前人少地多,人地和谐,吴越文化与中原文化在此交融。这一时期西山居民多以渔民、士兵、隐士、僧尼等为主,其人口不多,亦少有规模较大的村庄,从南宋南渡直至明初以原北方名门望族为首的居民急剧增多,出于对生存需要、精神寄托和思乡之情,乡村文化记忆空间由初建于秦汉之前位于岛屿南部的甪里、震建、震星、明月湾等生活生产类空间,六朝时期位于西部的墨佐君坛、水月寺、西湖寺,东部包山寺、毛公坛、报忠寺、文化寺等功能象征类空间,唐宋元时期南部的西蔡、东蔡等和东部的林屋洞等宗教信仰场所的建设成为主导,二者共占该阶段总量的69.9%。② 明清时期人地失和,人口外流内迁导致了多元文化的融汇。从明朝中期至清朝中期,因人多地少加上湖匪战乱等,大批居民外出经商,人口骤减。正是由于经商足迹遍布江浙沪及湖南、湖北,致富后建造了大批规模宏大、装饰精美的宅第,并在清乾隆、嘉庆及道光年间达到顶点,体现在南部东蔡、西蔡、明月湾和北部东村、植里等村落,形成了众多具有典型代表性的生活生产类空间,同时宗教信仰场所的建设也遍布全岛,二者共占当期总量的73.0%。③ 民国时期内忧外患,人口外流,地方文化发展进入停滞。在明清达到了鼎盛之后,由于纷争袭扰不断,大批居民外出,虽然西山的蚕桑、柿漆、采矿(煤)业有较大发展,但因战乱及匪患严重,人口大量外移,直接导致地方经济萧条,文化发展呈现停滞不前的状态,但并未遭受过多的破坏故新增代表地方文化记忆的场所极少,基本以留存点为主,二者比例基本维持在70.0%。1949年以后,人口逐年增加,社会经济百废待兴,文化的传承与保护也得以重视,众多承载不同乡村文化记忆的空间均得以保留和延续。



5 结论与讨论

5.1 结论





5.2 讨论

基于文化记忆视角,通过乡村文化记忆时空化的研究,不仅代表了时间意识上的发现过去,更是一种空间表达上的记忆追溯和再现,突破交往记忆的时间跨度,将研究视野纳入到历史时间轴上,旨在了解乡村文化记忆形成的来龙去脉,为新时期乡村文化及其记忆的研究提供新思路。今后的研究仍需要探讨以下问题:① 在文化记忆和记忆场等理论的指导下,对乡村文化记忆的分类进行了初步尝试,但在文化记忆的提取方法及指标体系方面有待进一步细化和优化。② 影响乡村文化记忆空间变迁的驱动机制研究方面,除了根据历史发展梳理出宏观层面的部分主导因素外,应进一步从微观层面人的视角入手,分析这些记忆空间在当下环境中的主观感知、认同程度以及在集体记忆中的变迁。③ 对于典型的乡村旅游地,从游客和居民的主客视角入手,对乡村文化记忆空间的感知变迁呈现何种规律?影响因素有哪些?如何经历剧变后依然保持文化记忆及其承载空间的连续性?基于旅游载体的文化重构模式有何区别?[37]这一系列问题的探讨需要尊重乡村地区文化的发展规律,构建具有针对性的分析乡村文化记忆挖掘、保护与利用的研究框架,旨在为乡村文化振兴、文化繁荣和记忆延续提供指导和方向。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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https://doi.org/10.1080/00369220518737219      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Work by historians, geographers and others has examined the role of memory and of commemoration in understanding social meaning and identity. Memory has been shown to be an active constituent of the ways in which meaning is invested in space and place. This paper examines the appeal to memory in Donald MacLeod's Gloomy Memories in the Highlands of Scotland, a text written to understand social and geographical change in the nineteenth‐century Scottish Highlands and, in revised form, to counter the alternative views expressed in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Sunny Memories. In discussing MacLeod's use of memory in Highland history and with reference to examples of memory's use in texts and other representations, the paper contributes to debates on how memory ‘works’ in geography and in history.
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https://doi.org/10.1016/S0160-7383(98)00057-7      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper examines the historical evolution of Waterloo as a tourism mega-attraction. It locates battlefield visits as a form of thanatourism and explores the development of Waterloo through a sight sacralization model. The model proposes that an attractions appeal is achieved through progressive stages of marking which comes to invest it with a quasi-religious mystique, sacralization, as a goal of ritual pilgrimage for tourists. The paper comments on the sequencing of the model in the case of Waterloo and suggests how the social and ideological environments of the potential tourist may affect the potency and stability of the sacralization process over time.Résumé: Guerre et thanatourisme: Waterloo 1815–1914. Cet article examine lévolution historique de Waterloo comme méga-attraction touristique. Il identifie les visites au champ de bataille comme forme de thanatourisme et examine le développement de Waterloo selon un modèle de sacralisation de lieu. Le modèle présente lidée que lattrait dun lieu touristique est réalisé par lintermédiaire des étapes progressifs de marquage, qui linvestissent dune mystique quasi religieuse, une sacralisation, comme objectif de pèlerinage rituel pour les touristes. Larticle commente lencha06nement du modèle pour le cas de Waterloo et suggère comment les environnements social et idéologique du touriste éventuel peuvent, avec le temps, avoir un effet sur la puissance et la stabilité du processus de sacralisation.
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In the aftermath of the Great War, a wave of tourists and pilgrims visited the battlefields, cemeteries and memorials of the war. The cultural history of this 'battlefield tourism' is chronicled in this absorbing and original book, which shows how the phenomenon served to construct memory in Britain, as well as in Australia and Canada. The author demonstrates that high and low culture, tradition and modernism, the sacred and the profane were often inter-related, rather than polar opposites. The various responses to the actual and imagined landscapes of battlefields are discussed, as well as bereavement and how this was shaped by gender, religion and the military experience. Individual memory and experience combined with nationalism and 'imperial' identity as powerful forces informing the pilgrim experience. But this book not only analyzes travel to battlefields, which unsurprisingly paralleled the growth of the modern tourist industry; it also looks closely at the transformation of national war memorials into pilgrimage sites, and shows how responses both to battlefields and memorials, which continue to serve as potent symbols, evolved in the years after the Great War.
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Annals of Tourism Research, 2003, 30(1): 143-159.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0160-7383(02)00028-2      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Pilgrimage, whether traditional and religious or modern and secular, is experiencing a resurgence around the world. Increasing indications suggest that there is contest for access and use of sacred sites. This contest sometimes involves traditional owners who likewise hold these sites sacred, with their managers and commercial operators also drawn into this conflict as the case study on Ulu<span id="mmlsi1" onclick="submitCitation('/science?_ob=MathURL&amp;_method=retrieve&amp;_eid=1-s2.0-S0160738302000282&amp;_mathId=si1.gif&amp;_pii=S0160738302000282&amp;_issn=01607383&amp;_acct=C000228598&amp;_version=1&amp;_userid=10&amp;md5=ea736ac547ce716ed88df357b28e4ef6')" style="cursor:pointer;" alt="Click to view the MathML source" title="Click to view the MathML source"><img height="10" border="0" style="vertical-align:bottom" width="8" alt="View the MathML source" title="View the MathML source" src="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0160738302000282-si1.gif"></span>u (Ayers Rock) illustrates. The comparatively recent &ldquo;no-climbing please&rdquo; campaign, coupled with the fact that some modern secular pilgrims are illegally entering sacred sites, presents many dilemmas for Park managers and the traditional owners, the latter reaping significant financial rewards from the half a million tourists who come to Ulu<span id="mmlsi2" onclick="submitCitation('/science?_ob=MathURL&amp;_method=retrieve&amp;_eid=1-s2.0-S0160738302000282&amp;_mathId=si2.gif&amp;_pii=S0160738302000282&amp;_issn=01607383&amp;_acct=C000228598&amp;_version=1&amp;_userid=10&amp;md5=d42a590e49ab63e1dada6503a18f049e')" style="cursor:pointer;" alt="Click to view the MathML source" title="Click to view the MathML source"><img height="10" border="0" style="vertical-align:bottom" width="8" alt="View the MathML source" title="View the MathML source" src="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0160738302000282-si2.gif"></span>u annually.</p><h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">R&eacute;sum&eacute;</h2><p id="">Les p&egrave;lerinages aux sites contest&eacute;s. Les p&egrave;lerinages, soit traditionnels et religieux, soit profanes et modernes, connaissent un nouvel essor partout dans le monde. Il y a des indications qui sugg&egrave;rent que l&rsquo;acc&egrave;s et l&rsquo;utilisation des sites sacr&eacute;s sont de plus en plus contest&eacute;s. La contestation concerne parfois des propri&eacute;taires traditionnels qui tiennent au caract&egrave;re sacr&eacute; de ces sites, avec l&rsquo;implication des administrateurs et des directeurs commerciaux dans le conflit, comme on voit dans l&rsquo;&eacute;tude de cas sur Ulu<span id="mmlsi3" onclick="submitCitation('/science?_ob=MathURL&amp;_method=retrieve&amp;_eid=1-s2.0-S0160738302000282&amp;_mathId=si3.gif&amp;_pii=S0160738302000282&amp;_issn=01607383&amp;_acct=C000228598&amp;_version=1&amp;_userid=10&amp;md5=e7571787c634785092dd98caeb5562c6')" style="cursor:pointer;" alt="Click to view the MathML source" title="Click to view the MathML source"><img height="10" border="0" style="vertical-align:bottom" width="8" alt="View the MathML source" title="View the MathML source" src="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0160738302000282-si3.gif"></span>u (Ayers Rock). La campagne relativement r&eacute;cente de &ldquo;ne pas gravir s.v.p.&rdquo;, et le fait que quelques p&egrave;lerins profanes modernes entrent ill&eacute;galement dans les sites sacr&eacute;s pr&eacute;sentent bien des dilemmes aux directeurs des parcs et aux propri&eacute;taires traditionnels, dont les derniers tirent des r&eacute;compenses financi&egrave;res significatives du demi-million de touristes qui viennent &agrave; Ulu<span id="mmlsi4" onclick="submitCitation('/science?_ob=MathURL&amp;_method=retrieve&amp;_eid=1-s2.0-S0160738302000282&amp;_mathId=si4.gif&amp;_pii=S0160738302000282&amp;_issn=01607383&amp;_acct=C000228598&amp;_version=1&amp;_userid=10&amp;md5=2674f582657764a261ba329cbbf6c0dc')" style="cursor:pointer;" alt="Click to view the MathML source" title="Click to view the MathML source"><img height="10" border="0" style="vertical-align:bottom" width="8" alt="View the MathML source" title="View the MathML source" src="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0160738302000282-si4.gif"></span>u chaque ann&eacute;e.</p>
[8] Dydia D.

Ramona memories: Fiction, tourist practices, and placing the past in southern California.

Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2003, 93(4): 886-908.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8306.2003.09304011.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Though today it is mostly forgotten, scholars have long written of the impact of Helen Hunt Jackson's 1884 novel Ramona, about how it saturated southern California's landscape with new, Ramona-related tourist attractions and ultimately inspired a romanticized false past for the region. In this article, I reevaluate the landscape, the novel, and those scholarly interpretations, discovering what I consider, not simply a false past, but rather a new social memory for the region, one that was felt and practiced by the tourists (and locals) who visited the many Ramona-related landmarks. In particular, I explore the creation of two Ramona sites, the “Home of Ramona” and “Ramona's Marriage Place,” and detail how tourism and boosterism here intertwined to create attractions that were both profitable as well as meaningful. Using tiny traces scavenged in archives and private collections—souvenirs, postcards, photographs, and scrapbooks—I demonstrate how fact and fiction blurred to become mutually constitutive as a new, Ramona-inspired social memory became inscribed on the landscape and in tourists' lives.
[9] Winter C.

Tourism, social memory and the great war.

Annals of Tourism Research, 2009, 36(4): 607-626.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2009.05.002      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

After the Great War of 1914–18 social memories were created to assist people to grieve for, honor and remember the dead. Through processes of selection, articulation and rehearsal of information about the war’s events, thousands of memorials were created. Increasing numbers of tourists are showing interest in the Great War but may find difficulty in interpreting the memories articulated through the memorials by a previous generation. To accommodate these needs, new memorials have been built which focus on education and new forms of commemoration. This paper uses social memory theory to describe the processes through which tourism can engage in creating and perpetuating the memory of the Great War, and suggests how research can help to better understand tourists’ experiences.
[10] Sabine M.

Personal memory tourism and a wider exploration of the tourism- memory nexus. Journal of Tourism and

Cultural Change. 2012, 10(4): 321-335.

[本文引用: 1]     

[11] Sabine Marschall.

The role of tourism in the production of cultural memory: The case of 'Homesick Tourism' in Poland.

Memory Studies, 2016, 9(2): 187-202.

https://doi.org/10.1177/1750698015591871      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Individual and collective forms of memory are driving forces behind the phenomenon of ‘homesick tourism’, the journeys undertaken by German expellees and refugees to their former homes in what is now Poland. Based on a content analysis of travel reports written by homesick tourists, this article applies concepts and theoretical approaches in the field of Memory Studies to the field of tourism, arguing that travelling can be considered an extension of the process of remembering. With reference to specific examples, it is illustrated how the encounter of ‘personal memory sites’ impacts autobiographical memory and how the activities of the homesick tourists and the transnational exchange and circulation of memory facilitated through personal contacts contributes to the emergence of new discourses about the past and ultimately the production of cultural memory.
[12] Aleksandra Salamurović.

Communication and cultural memory in contemporary tourism media products: Culture-specific and cross-cultural perspectives.

Kultura, 2015, 5(9): 93-102.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract: Communication practices which are a part of well as from other regions worldwide related especially the contemporary media‐culture are intrinsically tied to to the elements of the cultural memory in order to de‐ the processes of (re)creating collective identities. One of fine culture‐specific and cross‐cultural strategies rele‐ the possible strategies in the frame of the mediated vant to the creation of the collective identity. The analy‐ communication practice is to connect traditional elements sis is based on the Critical Discourse Analysis, respec‐ of cultural memory with new ones, which are declared as tively the analytical framework of the "Grammar of Vis‐ preferable and acceptable. In that way the collective identi‐ ual Design" by Kress/van Leeuwen. ty remains, on the one hand, "homogeneous", offering sta‐ bility to the members of communication community, on the other hand, it is subject to change and dynamics, always "ready" to be reshaped in order to achieve wider ac‐ ceptance. The tourism media products, especially tour‐Keywords: communication, cultural memory in past,present and future, narrative and conceptual structuresof representation, national identity, tourism promotion‐al videos ism promotion videos, are the best examples for this mediated communication practice. The visual images, combined with text messages, i.e. slogans, are not only some of the most important narrative mechanisms in the presentation of certain tourist destination, they are also the key elements of the mediated collective cultural memory and identity of the respective country present‐ ed in the tourism promotion videos. The main goal of this article is to examine the represen‐ tation and composition forms of some of the tourism promotion videos both from the Balkan countries asI. COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL MEMORYThe most prominent scholar on the theoreticalframework of cultural memory, Jan Assmann, definedcultural memory as a "body of reusable texts, images,and rituals specific to each society in each epoch,whose `cultivation' serves to stabilize and convey thatsociety`s self‐image. Upon such collective knowledge,
[13] Phd C W, Phd I S.

Culturing settlement using pre- and post-migration strategies.

Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 2005, 12(4): 423-430.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2850.2005.00853.x      URL      PMID: 16011497      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Appropriate pre- and post-migration strategies could buffer the possible negative impact of migration and assist in settlement. This cross-sectional study used both quantitative and qualitative approaches to establish the impact of migration on women from Britain ( n = 154) now living in Perth, Western Australia; from these participants 40 were selected for in-depth interview. Bowlby's grieving process was used as a theoretical framework to explore grief reactions to leaving the homeland (homesickness) resulting from exposure to a new culture. Crucial to successful settlement was the nature of strategies the women used to negotiate the grieving process. Participants who successfully settled and re-invented themselves engaged in more social, cultural and country activities those participants who were less successful in this endeavour tended toward more solitary strategies. The study has social implications for future migrants to utilize appropriate strategies that could reduce the psychological impact of relocation.
[14] Aliana Man Wai Leong, ShihShuo Yeh, YuChen Hsiao, et al.

Nostalgia as travel motivation and its impact on tourist' loyalty.

Journal of Business Research, 2015, 68(1): 81-86.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2014.05.003      URL      摘要

This study examines associations among push and pull motives for travel in the context of Macau. As a cultural tourism destination, Macau possesses attributes that can meet tourists' need for nostalgia. Individuals high in nostalgia are attracted to Macau's historical and heritage pull attributes. However, in order to create loyalty, these pull attributes must also provide opportunities for family members or friends to bond. The study examines pull motives holistically and individually. The results indicate that while holistic examination of motives better predicts future intentions to visit, individual examination provides details that can help in understanding the interaction among different push and pull motives to visit a destination.
[15] Holak S L, Havlena W J, Matveev A V.

Exploring nostalgia in Russia: Testing the index of nostalgia.

European Advances in Consumer Research, 2006, 7: 195-200.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[16] Sabine Marschall.

'Homesick tourism': Memory, identity and (be)longing.

Current Issues in Tourism, 2015, 18(9): 876-892.

https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2014.920773      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

(2015). ‘Homesick tourism’: memory, identity and (be)longing. Current Issues in Tourism: Vol. 18, No. 9, pp. 876-892. doi: 10.1080/13683500.2014.920773
[17] Sabine Marschall.

'Personal memory tourism' and a wider exploration of the tourism-memory nexus.

Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 2012, 10(4): 321-335.

https://doi.org/10.1080/14766825.2012.742094      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper investigates the varied intersections between tourism and memory. It begins with a brief consideration of the parallel developments between the emergence of the ‘memory boom’ and that of the ‘tourism boom’, as well as the academic fields of memory studies and tourism studies, respectively. Memory is a crucial factor in choosing a destination; it impacts on the tourist experience at the destination and on the sharing of the experience with others after the trip, notably through narration, photography, and memory objects, such as souvenirs. Both memory and tourism rely on media and representation and on audience and consumption; both are allied with processes of identity formation. It is argued that tourism drives the memory boom as much as memory drives tourism. Bartoletti's [(2010). “Memory tourism” and the commodification of Nostalgia. In P. Burns, C. Palmer, & J.-A. Lester (Eds.), Tourism and visual culture (pp. 23–42), Vol. 1. Wallingford: CABI] conceptualization of ‘memory tourism’ as overlapping but distinct from ‘heritage tourism’ and Timothy's [(1997). Tourism and the personal heritage experience. Annals of Tourism Research, 24(3), 751–754] concept of ‘personal heritage tourism’ are discussed as foundations for what is then defined as ‘personal memory tourism’. The latter revolves around travel associated with personal memories – not only the revisiting of places associated with happy memories, but also the return to sites of personal trauma and suffering in a quest for healing.
[18] 程豪, 章锦河.

社会记忆的旅游开发分析: 以淮南煤炭记忆为例

. 云南地理环境研究, 2012, 24(1): 86-91.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Cheng Hao, Zhang Jinhe.

The analysis of tourism development on social memory: A case study of coal memory of Huainan.

Yunnan Geographic Environment Research, 2012, 24(1): 86-91.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[19] 李彦辉, 朱竑.

地方传奇、集体记忆与国家认同: 以黄埔军校旧址及其参观者为中心的研究

. 人文地理, 2013, 28(6): 17-21.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Li Yanhui, Zhu Hong.

Place myth, collective memory and national identity: A case study of Huangpu military academy in Guangzhou.

Human Grography, 2013, 28(6): 17-21.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[20] 唐弘久, 张捷.

旅游地居民对于“5·12”大地震集体记忆的信息建构特征: 以九寨沟旅游地区为例

. 长江流域资源与环境, 2013, 22(5): 669-677.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Tang Hongjiu, Zhang Jie.

Information source and variation characteristics of tourist destination resident's collective memory on "5.12" Great Earthquake: Jiuzhaigou tourism area for example

. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2013, 22(5): 669-677.]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[21] 徐克帅.


. 旅游学刊, 2016, 31(3): 35-42.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2016.03.009      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Xu Keshuai.

Red tourism and social memory.

Tourism Tribune, 2016, 31(3): 35-42.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2016.03.009      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[22] 胡最, 刘沛林, 邓运员, .


. 地理科学, 2015, 35(12): 1518-1524.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2001.02.002      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要


[Hu Zui, Liu Peilin, Deng Yunyuan, et al.

A novel method for identifying and separating landscape genes from traditional settlements.

Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015, 35(12): 1518-1524.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2001.02.002      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[23] Grünewald R.

Tourism and cultural revival.

Annals of Tourism Research, 2002, 29(4): 1004-1021.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0160-7383(02)00005-1      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Cultural change is a recurrent concern in tourism anthropology studies. Host societies frequently remodel their culture following the creation of a tourist resort. But, that does not necessarily imply an acculturating process, since what actually takes place is pragmatic cultural production work in response to the touristic demands that offer consolidated economic alternatives and livelihood. As for the Patax&oacute; Indians of Porto Seguro of Brazil, they have sponsored a &ldquo;cultural revival&rdquo; process. In other words, they have generated the traditions that start being exhibited commercially in arenas where the prospect of emergent ethnic tourism is perceived.</p><h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">R&eacute;sum&eacute;</h2><p id="">Tourisme et revitalisation culturelle. Le changement culturel est une pr&eacute;occupation constante des &eacute;tudes en anthropologie du tourisme. Les soci&eacute;t&eacute;s d&rsquo;accueil remod&egrave;lent fr&eacute;quemment leur culture apr&egrave;s la cr&eacute;ation d&rsquo;un p&ocirc;le touristique. Mais cela ne signifie pas n&eacute;cessairement un mouvement d&rsquo;acculturation; ce qu&rsquo;on observe tr&egrave;s souvent est un travail de production culturelle actionn&eacute; pragmatiquement afin de r&eacute;pondre aux demandes touristiques qui offrent d&rsquo;autres possibilit&eacute;s &eacute;conomiques et des sources de revenu consolid&eacute;es. Dans le cas des indiens Patax&oacute; de Porto Seguro au Br&eacute;sil, ceux-ci d&eacute;veloppent un processus de &ldquo;revitalisation culturelle&rdquo;, c&rsquo;est-&agrave;-dire de production de traditions qu&rsquo;on commence &agrave; exposer commercialement dans des ar&egrave;nes touristiques o&ugrave; on per&ccedil;oit la perspective d&rsquo;un tourisme ethnique naissant.</p>
[24] Vicanne A.

Tourism and Sherpas, Nepal: Reconstruction of reciprocity.

Annals of Tourism Research, 1992, 19(3): 534-554.

https://doi.org/10.1016/0160-7383(92)90135-C      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Le tourisme Sherpa au Népal: la reconstitution de la réciprocité. En dépit de presque quarante ans de participation dans le tourisme et sa demande considérable pour le travail salarié, les Sherpas népalais ont trouvé des fa04ons de reconstituer des relations productives traditionnelles dans leur nouvelle économie. Le présent article aborde le sujet du capitalisme du tourisme d'un point de vue culturel. Le travail réciproque des Sherpas a été reconstitué dans le tourisme de montagne sous forme de relations de parenté ou d'autres sortes d'échanges de travail, en plus des formules bien établies de travail salarié. On suggère que la fa04on de penser des Sherpas, qui influence et détermine leurs initiatives économiques, est une logique culturelle qui dépend des tendances vers l'indépendance et vers l'interdépendance, et que les nouvelles possibilités du tourisme s'intègrent à ces deux tendances.
[25] 唐雪琼, 钱俊希, 陈岚雪.

旅游影响下少数民族节日的文化适应与重构: 基于哈尼族长街宴演变的分析

. 地理研究, 2011, 30(5): 835-844.

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2011050007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In a broad context of the ethnic tourism development, cultures of ethnic festivals are now continuously undergoing conflict and amalgamation between local tradition and modern development in the process of interacting with alien culture. This research focuses on the cultural evolution process of the Long-Street Banquet, an important festival activity of Hani people, in the context of tourism development. Our case studies are conducted in two areas, namely Habo and Luchun. Our empirical findings suggest that due to government-led tourism, the Long-Street Banquet of Hani is performed as a festival tourism product to adapt to the mainstream culture of modern society brought by tourists. By this, the Long-Street Banquet of Hani has gone through a process of local cultural identity, cultural adaption and cultural reconstruction. And it is staging itself from rural to urban area and from local identity to world culture.

[Tang Xueqiong, Qian Junxi, Chen Lanxue.

Cultural adaption and reconstruction of minority festival activities in tourism development: A case study of Hani Long-Street Banquet.

Geographical Research, 2011, 30(5): 835-844.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2011050007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In a broad context of the ethnic tourism development, cultures of ethnic festivals are now continuously undergoing conflict and amalgamation between local tradition and modern development in the process of interacting with alien culture. This research focuses on the cultural evolution process of the Long-Street Banquet, an important festival activity of Hani people, in the context of tourism development. Our case studies are conducted in two areas, namely Habo and Luchun. Our empirical findings suggest that due to government-led tourism, the Long-Street Banquet of Hani is performed as a festival tourism product to adapt to the mainstream culture of modern society brought by tourists. By this, the Long-Street Banquet of Hani has gone through a process of local cultural identity, cultural adaption and cultural reconstruction. And it is staging itself from rural to urban area and from local identity to world culture.
[26] 汪芳, 孙瑞敏.

传统村落的集体记忆研究: 对纪录片《记住乡愁》进行内容分析为例

. 地理研究, 2015, 34(12): 2368-2380.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Wang Fang, Sun Ruimin.

Collective memory of Chinese traditional villages: A case study of content analysis on the Documentary Homesickness in Mind.

Geographical Research, 2015, 34(12): 2368-2380.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[27] 黄震方, 陆林, 苏勤, .

新型城镇化背景下的乡村旅游发展: 理论反思与困境突破

. 地理研究, 2015, 34(8): 1409-1421.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201508001      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要


[Huang Zhenfang, Lu Lin, Su Qin, et al.

Research and development of rural tourism under the background of new urbanization: Theoretical reflection and breakthrough of predicament.

Geographical Research, 2015, 34(8): 1409-1421.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201508001      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[28] 陈修颖. 江南文化空间分异及区域特征. 北京: 中国社会科学出版社, 2014.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Chen Xiuying. The Spatial Differentiation and Regional Characteristics of Jiangnan Cultural Space. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2014.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[29] 张凤荣, 张小京, 周建.


. 资源科学, 2015, 37(4): 637-644.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Using the visual interpretation method,greenhouse land in Shunyi District in Beijing was obtained from SPOT-5 images in 2003 and 2012. Characteristics of greenhouse land changes,transformed direction and in different land use control zones,were analyzed. We found that the net increase of greenhouse land was 354.89hm from 2003 to 2012. Newly-increased greenhouse land mainly came from crop land,and lost greenhouse land was mostly transformed into crop land,construction land and forest. However,44.45% of the total greenhouse land was still located in the Permitted Constructive Expansion Zone and the Conditionally-Permitted Constructive Expansion Zone defined in the General Land Use Planning of Shunyi District for 2006-2020. We found that lost greenhouse land was mainly distributed in the Permitted Constructive Expansion Zone and Conditionally-Permitted Constructive Expansion Zone,and was transferred to construction land. The newly-increased greenhouse land was mainly in the Permitted Constructive Expansion Zone and Conditionally-Permitted Constructive Expansion Zone also. The transformation of greenhouse land into construction land caused the investment waste of greenhouse construction,whether the investment was coming from government or from farmers themselves. Further,expropriating the greenhouse land significantly increased the expropriation cost and the agricultural administrative department should take city planning and land use planning as important references in making greenhouse development plans. On the contrary,city planning and land use planning should make great efforts to protect greenhouse land. This study will provide a policy making reference for government and departments in greenhouse development and land use management,and will be of great significance in prompting the healthy development of greenhouses and the optimal allocation of land resources.

[Zhang Fengrong, Zhang Xiaojing, Zhou Jian.

Spatial changes of greenhouse land and policy enlightenment in metropolitan areas.

Resources Science, 2015, 37(4): 637-644.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Using the visual interpretation method,greenhouse land in Shunyi District in Beijing was obtained from SPOT-5 images in 2003 and 2012. Characteristics of greenhouse land changes,transformed direction and in different land use control zones,were analyzed. We found that the net increase of greenhouse land was 354.89hm from 2003 to 2012. Newly-increased greenhouse land mainly came from crop land,and lost greenhouse land was mostly transformed into crop land,construction land and forest. However,44.45% of the total greenhouse land was still located in the Permitted Constructive Expansion Zone and the Conditionally-Permitted Constructive Expansion Zone defined in the General Land Use Planning of Shunyi District for 2006-2020. We found that lost greenhouse land was mainly distributed in the Permitted Constructive Expansion Zone and Conditionally-Permitted Constructive Expansion Zone,and was transferred to construction land. The newly-increased greenhouse land was mainly in the Permitted Constructive Expansion Zone and Conditionally-Permitted Constructive Expansion Zone also. The transformation of greenhouse land into construction land caused the investment waste of greenhouse construction,whether the investment was coming from government or from farmers themselves. Further,expropriating the greenhouse land significantly increased the expropriation cost and the agricultural administrative department should take city planning and land use planning as important references in making greenhouse development plans. On the contrary,city planning and land use planning should make great efforts to protect greenhouse land. This study will provide a policy making reference for government and departments in greenhouse development and land use management,and will be of great significance in prompting the healthy development of greenhouses and the optimal allocation of land resources.
[30] 王劲峰, 廖一兰, 刘鑫. 空间数据分析教程. 北京: 科学出版社, 2014.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Wang Jinfeng, Liao Yilan, Liu Xin. A Course of Spatial Data Analysis. Beijng: Science Press, 2014.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[31] 王法辉. 基于GIS的数量方法与应用. 北京: 商务印书馆, 2009.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Wang Fahui. Quantitative Methods Applications in GIS. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2009.]

[本文引用: 1]     

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